After I read my daughter’s phone I felt sick

One in six adolescents has been cyberbullied, a report has found. But, says the parent of one 11-year-old, being frozen out by peers is arguably crueller

19 per cent children in England aged 11, 13, and 15 reported being cyberbullied at least once or twice in the past two months
19 per cent children in England aged 11, 13, and 15 reported being cyberbullied at least once or twice in the past two months
The Times


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Reading the message on my 11-year-old daughter’s phone felt like a sharp jab to the heart. “Piss off [her name]. F*** you. Twat. Don’t f***ing talk to me again, you twat.”

My daughter’s crime? Not sitting with this particular girl on the school bus one morning, opting to sit with another friend. The girl sending these messages was a new friend and had sat at my kitchen table two nights previously and I’d fed her fish pie before dropping her home. Sweet girl, I remember thinking.

This incident happened in my daughter’s first few weeks of secondary school and was a taste of what was to come. I took a photo of the incriminating chat in case I needed it as proof (Snapchat messages disappear