Jeremy Corbyn’s online army: the Facebook groups peddling hate

<strong>The Facebook group Supporting Jeremy Corbyn &amp; John McDonnell has around 28,000 members</strong>
<strong>The Facebook group Supporting Jeremy Corbyn &amp; John McDonnell has around 28,000 members</strong>

We Support Jeremy Corbyn
The biggest Facebook group with about 68,000 members. Open group. Two members of Corbyn’s private office are members. A letter posted on the group last week suggested protests against anti-semitism in the Labour Party were the work of a “very powerful special interest group”.

The Labour Party Forum
About 40,000 members. Closed group. Violent, abusive and anti-semitic postings were found on the site, but they were not as prolific as on some others.

Supporting Jeremy Corbyn & John McDonnell
About 28,000 members. Open group. Four Corbyn aides are members. One user said: “Adolph, you should have finished the job.” This comment, posted last year, has still not been removed by the group’s administrators or Facebook.

We trust and support Jeremy Corbyn’s