Lucy Frazer: ‘Culture wars are standing up for what you believe’

The culture secretary talks about soft skills, hard truths and how drama lessons helped on the big stage
Lucy Frazer is not a fan of the so-called culture wars and says that neither history, nor the works of authors such as Agatha Christie, should be rewritten
Lucy Frazer is not a fan of the so-called culture wars and says that neither history, nor the works of authors such as Agatha Christie, should be rewritten

There have been seven jobs given by four prime ministers in the culture secretary’s six years in government. Dizzying numbers for a ministry that is supposed to be the fun one. ­Dizzying times for the rest of us.

So before the whirling stops; who is Lucy Frazer, the 12th incumbent of ­culture’s cabinet post in 14 years of ­Conservative government, and what has she done with her 14 months in charge of all that is a bit fun in our lives?

What is her thinking about the brief encompassing Britain’s sport, history, media and arts with its collective £120 billion economic clout? And what does she think about wokeness?

Frazer favours darts over opera, a Lloyd Webber musical over a Shakespeare play, and refuses to