Frequently Asked Questions about the U.S. Yellow Fever Vaccination Center Registry

If you are looking for information about getting a yellow fever vaccine visit CDC’s Yellow Fever Vaccine Page.

On this page:

What is the U.S. Yellow Fever Vaccination Center Registry?
It is a web-based directory of authorized yellow fever vaccination centers in the U.S. that is maintained by CDC and state health departments.

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Why do we need this registry?
According to International Health Regulations, yellow fever vaccine must be administered at certified yellow fever vaccination centers. Health-care providers are authorized to administer the vaccine by state health departments and the states then report certified providers to CDC. The registry serves as a central reporting location that simplifies tracking and improves communication between CDC, health departments, and vaccine providers.

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How is this going to help people who need the vaccine?
Persons who need the vaccine can easily locate a certified center located near them by using the registry’s directory. Also, in case there is a need for CDC to distribute urgent information about yellow fever or the vaccine, CDC could contact centers quickly.

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Who has access to the registry?
The public has access to the directory of vaccination centers. CDC and state health departments have administrative access to a secure site that allows provider and facility information to be added and updated.

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I am a certified provider of yellow fever vaccine, but do not see my facility listed. How can I get my facility included in the registry?
CDC must be notified by your state health department that your facility has been authorized to administer yellow fever vaccine.  Contact your state health department to make sure your facility has been registered with CDC. You can contact CDC at [email protected] to find out who you should speak to at your state health department.

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I am a health-care provider who is not currently certified to give yellow fever vaccine. How do I become certified to administer yellow fever vaccine?
According to the WHO International Health Regulations, you must be certified to administer yellow fever vaccine by your state health department.  CDC does NOT authorize providers. You can contact CDC at [email protected] to find out who you should speak to at your state health department for more information on becoming certified.

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How can I order the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis?
International Certificates of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) are available for purchase in quantity from the Government Printing Office bookstore. Individual copies are not available. To order, please visit U.S. Government Bookstore or call toll-free (866) 512-1800. Packages of 25 are available for $24, and packages of 100 are available for $53.50. Delivery time for orders varies based on shipping options. To have orders shipped via FedEx, please place your order by phone.

The World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, also sells a version of the ICVP. To access the WHO bookstore, please visit Shipping may take a week or more.

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