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Опрос по матрице отслеживания мобильности (МТМ): МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЕ ТРУДЯЩИЕСЯ - МИГРАНТЫ В КАЗАХСТАНЕ март-апрель 2023 г.

Матрица отслеживания мобильности (MTM) — это система, основанная на методологии МОМ Глобальной матрице отслеживания перемещений (МОП).


Цей Інформаційний бюлетень містить загальний огляд даних раунду 3 Оцінка умов повернення (CoRA), проведеного в травні–червні 2023 року в 51 громаді 14 областей.


24 лютого 2022 року Російська Федерація (РФ) розпочала повномасштабне вторгнення в Україну, що спричинило безпрецедентну гуманітарну кризу по всій Україні.

Republic of Moldova — Surveys with Foreign Populations in Cahul and Balti Municipalities: Joint MGI-DTM Initiative (06 February - 11 March 2023) - Extended Report

The findings presented in this report draw on a survey of sociodemographic characteristics, mobility, vulnerability, needs, and access to public services among migrant populations namely Ukrainian refugees and Third-Country Nationals within Cahul and Balti municipalities in the Republic of Moldov

Republic of Moldova — Surveys with Foreign Populations in Cahul and Balti Municipalities: Joint MGI-DTM Initiative (Feb-Mar 2023)

Constatările prezentate în acest raport se bazează pe un sondaj privind caracteristicile sociodemografice, mobilitatea, vulnerabilitatea, nevoile și accesul la serviciile publice în rândul populațiilor de migranți, și anume a refugiaților ucraineni și a resortisanților țărilor terțe din municipii

Republic of Moldova — Surveys with Foreign Populations in Cahul and Balti Municipalities: Joint MGI-DTM Initiative (Feb-Mar 2023)

The findings presented in this report draw on a survey of sociodemographic characteristics, mobility, vulnerability, needs, and access to public services among migrant populations namely Ukrainian refugees and Third-Country Nationals within Cahul and Balti municipalities in the Republic of Moldov

Türkiye — Migrant Presence Monitoring — Situation Report (July 2023)

According to the latest available gures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.9 million foreign nationals present in Türkiye, 3.7 million of whom are seeking international protection.

Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Raion level) — Round 26 (July 2023)

The Registered IDP Area Baseline Assessment provides granular data on the number and geographic location of officially registered internally displaced people (IDPs). This report assesses registered IDP presence at the hromada level, also mapping the recorded change since the previous round.

Western Balkans — Mixed Migratory Flows Report (July 2023)

Monthly Overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Migrants presence outside reception facilities Returns and reintegration


Після 24 лютого 2022 року повномасштабне вторгнення Російської Федерації (РФ) в Україну спричинило безпрецедентну гуманітарну кризу по всій країні.

DTM Ukraine — Oblast Profiles — General Population Survey, Round 13 (June 2023)

The Oblast profiles are based on the IOM General Population Survey Round 13 dataset, a highly representative assessment with over 20,000 random respondents interviewed nationwide.

Ukraine — Methodological Note — General Population Survey

Starting on 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation (RF) launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine, triggering an unprecedented humanitarian crisis across Ukraine.

Türkiye — Migrant Presence Monitoring - Quarterly Migrant Presence Monitoring (Apr-Jun 2023)

According to the latest available figures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.9* million foreign nationals present in Turkish territory, 3.7* million of whom are seeking international protection.

Україна - Оцінка базового рівня території (районний рівень) - 25 раунд (червень 2023 року)

Дані, зібрані для раунду 25 базового територіального оцінювання, відображають актуальні цифри місцевого адміністративного реєстру ВПО станом на 30 червня 2023 року, що складає 3 650 338 зареєстрованих ВПО.

Україна - Звіт про ситуацію з внутрішнім переміщенням - Загальне опитування населення Раунд 13 (11 травня - 14 червня 2023 року)

Після 24 лютого 2022 року повномасштабне вторгнення Російської Федерації (РФ) в Україну спричинило безпрецедентну гуманітарну кризу по всій країні.

Ukraine — Conditions of Return Assessment Factsheet — Round 3 (June 2023)

This factsheet provides an overview of data from Round 3 of the Conditions of Return Assessment (CoRA), which was conducted in May and June 2023 in 51 hromadas across 14 oblasts.

Türkiye — Migrant Presence Monitoring — Situation Report (June 2023)

According to the latest available figures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.9 million foreign nationals present in Türkiye, 3.7 million of whom are seeking international protection.

Ukraine — Returns Report — General Population Survey Round 13 (June 2023)

To support partners in providing targeted and evidence-based assistance to the most vulnerable among those who have returned to their areas of habitual residence after a period of forced displacement, the Data and Analytics team of IOM Ukraine is pleased to present the Ukr

Western Balkans — Mixed Migratory Flows Report (June 2023)

Monthly Overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Migrants presence outside reception facilities Returns and reintegration

Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Raion level) — Round 25 (June 2023)

The Registered IDP Area Baseline Assessment provides granular data on the number and geographic location of officially registered internally displaced people (IDPs). This report assesses registered IDP presence at the raion level, also mapping the recorded change since the previous round.

Belarus — Surveys with Migrants: Needs, Intentions & Protection Challenges (Mar-Apr 2023)

This report focuses on migrants in heightened vulnerable situations present on the territory of Belarus,

Belarus — Опросы мигрантов: потребности, намерения и трудности в области защиты (МАРТ-АПРЕЛЬ 2023)

Настоящий отчет посвящен мигрантам, находящимся в уязвимом положении на территории Республики Беларусь, за исключением граждан Украины.

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