Take a digital walk

Whether you enjoy being outside or not, try taking a ‘digital stroll’. Next time you are out and about challenge yourself to see how many many items you can find that match the colours of the rainbow.

See how many colours you can spot whilst going to and from school, when you visit a park, the school playground - and if you're really struggling to get out, you could even do it from your window!

When you find something which matches a colour in the rainbow, take a picture, write it down, or bring it back home with you to record what you have found.

For a real challenge try to look for colours in unusual places, if it is safe to do so, of course.

You might think it is hard to find some of them, but the colours of the rainbow are everywhere around us, sometimes you just have to look for them.

This is something you can do with your friends, on your own or with your family. It's a great way to distract yourself from the stresses that might be happening in your world.

Just get out there and enjoy your local area, you never know you might see the world from a different point of view and feel inspired.

Did you know that your mental health and nature have a lot in common? You can nurture your mind with nature and plant a seed to take care of your wellebing! 

If you've spent a lot of time on your device you might want to consider doing a digital detox, maybe get out of the house, do some yoga or try Mr. Motivator's tutorials. 

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