Age 7-11 Teaching Resources - Online Relationships

Below (in red) you will find links to Own It content - near the top of each of these pages you will find a link to a downloadable teacher resource document with lesson ideas, discussion points and potential homework activities.

Each has been mapped to particular age 7-11 learning outcome statements from the Education for a Connected World framework set out by the UK Council for Internet Safety.

This is a cross-curricular framework, designed to be particularly useful for PSHE, RSHE and Computing. It highlights what a child should know at each educational stage in terms of current online technology, its influence on behaviour and development, and what skills they need to be able to navigate it.

How to make the internet a better place for all of us

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can explain the importance of giving and gaining permission before sharing things online; how the principles of sharing online is the same as sharing offline e.g. sharing images and videos
  • I can give examples of how to be respectful to others online and describe how to recognise healthy and unhealthy online behaviours
  • I can demonstrate how to support others (including those who are having difficulties) online

I'm a MEME!

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can explain the importance of giving and gaining permission before sharing things online; how
    principles of sharing online is the same as offline
  • I can explain how content shared online may feel unimportant to one person but may be important to
    other people’s thoughts feelings and beliefs
  • I can explain that taking or sharing inappropriate images of someone (e.g. embarrassing images), even if they say it is okay, may have an impact for the sharer and others; and who can help if someone is worried about this

Tips for staying connected

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can describe ways people who have similar likes and interests can get together online
  • I can describe strategies for safe and fun experiences in a range of online social environments (e.g. livestreaming, gaming platforms)
  • I can describe some of the ways people may be involved in online communities and describe how they might collaborate constructively with others and make positive contributions (e.g. gaming communities or social media groups)

Supporting your friends online

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can demonstrate how to support others (including those who are having difficulties) online
  • I can give examples of how to be respectful to others online and describe how to recognise healthy
    and unhealthy online behaviours
  • I can describe how to be kind and show respect for others online including the importance of respecting boundaries regarding what is shared about them online and how to support them if others do not

What is it like to be a girl gamer?

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can describe ways people who have similar likes and interests can get together online
  • I can explain what it means to 'know someone' online and why this might be different from knowing someone offline

AJ Pritchard - check your selfie! Do you know where your pics might end up?

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can explain how sharing something online may have an impact either positively or negatively
  • I can describe how to be kind and show respect for others online including the importance of respecting boundaries regarding what is shared about them online and how to support them if others do not
  • I can describe how things shared privately online can have unintended consequences for others e.g. screen-grabs
  • I can explain that taking or sharing inappropriate images of someone (e.g. embarrassing images), even if they say it is okay, may have an impact for the sharer and others; and who can help if someone is worried about this
  • I can explain what it means to 'know someone' online and why this might be different from knowing someone offline