How to tell if your friend needs help

There is no shame in feeling a little low every now and then - everybody goes through it. So, if you notice that one of your friends or classmates is possibly having a difficult time, don’t stay silent, because you have the power to make the difference.

Signs your friend is going through a difficult time

Changes in behaviour could be anything - it could be online or in person, but these are some things to look out for:

  • Do their texts or messages seem a little bit shorter? Or is their tone different to normal?
  • Do their posts seem a little sad?
  • Do they look like they've been in some distress?

There are many factors that could affect a young person’s mental health, from school, to family, to their activities online. So, if you see a change in behaviour in your friend, the best thing to do is to talk to them. Let them know you’re there and make them feel heard and seen – this can really make a huge difference in somebody’s life.