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Статистика показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 01.12.2012
Записей: 30354
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Выбрана рубрика ГОМЕОПАТИЯ ( АНГЛ. ЯЗ.) .

Другие рубрики в этом дневнике: юбки.(201), ЭНКАУСТИКА (рисование утюгом)(3), ЭКСТРАСЕНСОРИКА(47), ЭКСПЕДИЦИИ(37), ЭКСКУРСИИ(8), Экранизация романа Стивена Кинга(4), ЭЗОТЕРИКА(146), ШЛЯПКИ СВОИМИ РУКАМИ(28), ШИТЬЕ(624), ШЕДЕВРЫ ТВОРЧЕСТВА.(5), ШАЛИ , ВОРОТНИЧКИ,ШАРФЫ, ПЛАТКИ,ПОНЧО, НАКИДКИ(412), ЧУДО ДЕТИ (30), ЧУДЕСА ИЗ СОЛОМКИ.(7), Чудеса из картона.(9), ЧУДЕСА ИЗ КАРТОНА,(9), ЦЫГАНСКИЕ ПЕСНИ (29), фриформ(4), ФОТОГРАФИЯ(319), ФИЛЬМЫ ФАНТАСТИКА(96), ФИЛЬМЫ О ПРИРОДЕ ЖИВОТНЫХ ПТИЦАХ И НАСЕКОМЫХ.(4), ФИЛЬМЫ НОСТАЛЬГИЯ (26), ФИЛЬМ(270), ФИЛОСОФИЯ, ПСИХОЛОГИЯ(6), ФИЛИГРАНЬ Джут(19), ФИЛЕЙНОЕ ВЯЗАНИЕ (146), УРОКИ ИГРЫ НА МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫХ ИНСТРУМЕНТАХ (12), УРОКИ ЖИВОПИСИ(183), УМНЫЕ МЫСЛИ И ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЯ(11), УКРАШЕНИЯ (289), УЗОР КРЮЧКОМ(50), Трафареты ! Шаблоны ! Орнаменты !(38), ТРАВНИК (1222), ТОРТЫ(44), ТИБЕТСКОЕ МОНАСТЫРСКОЕ ОБУЧЕНИЕ (44), ТИБЕТСКИЙ КАЛЕНДАРЬ (19), Тибетский Буддизм Буддизм(506), ТИБЕТСКИЙ БУДДИЗМ ( книги)(96), ТИБЕТСКИЙ , КОРЕЙСКИЙ , САНСКРИТ(38), ТИБЕТСКИЕ МАНТРЫ(39), Тибетская кухня(5), ТИБЕТСКАЯ КИТАЙСКАЯ МЕДИЦИНА РЕЦЕПТЫ(110), Тибет(117), ТЕОСОФИЯ(37), ТВОРИМ С ПЕРЫШКАМИ ...(0), ТАЙЦЗИ ЦИГУН(7), Тайное(329), СЫРОЕДЕНИЕ(12), Съедобные дикоросы.(29), СХЕМЫ ДЛЯ ДНЕВНИКА(4320), СУПЫ(83), СУМКИ(578), СУДЬБЫ НЕОРДИНАРНЫХ ЛЮДЕЙ(112), СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО(169), СТРАННЫЕ НЕОБЫЧНЫЕ ВАРВАРСКИЕ ОБЫЧАИ (16), СТАРЦЫ(3), СТАРОЕ ДОБРОЕ КИНО(11), СТАРИННЫЕ ФОТОГРАФИИ(187), СТАРИННЫЕ ВИНТАЖНЫЕ АБАЖУРЫ,(3), СПЕЦИИ(37), СПЕКТАКЛИ (38), СОУСЫ МАРИНАДЫ СИРОПЫ(97), СОЛОМКА (2), СОВЕТЫ(230), СОВЕТСКИЕ ФИЛЬМЫ .(1), Славянские веды.(1), СКОРАЯ ПОМОЩЬ .(46), САМОРАЗВИТИЕ(472), САЛФЕТКИ,ЗОНТИКИ, СКАТЕРТИ,ЗАНАВЕС , ПОДУШЕЧКИ( кр(452), САЛАТЫ(137), САЙТЫ(146), САДОВЫЙ ДИЗАЙН(518), САДОВОДСТВО(566), РУССКИЕ СКАЗКИ(29), РУМЫНСКОЕ КРУЖЕВО(78), Рукоделие(131), Роспись камня(15), Рисуем акварелью(2), РИСОВАЛКА(11), РЕТРО АНТИКВАРИАТ(55), РЕРИХ(19), РАМКИ КЛИПАТР(13), Радиоэфиры по Теософии и Живой Этике (Агни Йоге)(7), РАДИО(13), Пчеловод(42), ПУТЕШЕСТВИЯ(234), ПТИЦЕФЕРМА - УТКИ Индюки(19), ПСИХОЛОГИЯ(12), Простые деревенские рецепты (7), ПРИРОДА(269), ПРИПРАВЫ.(6), ПРАКТИКА ТЕХНИКА ОБУЧЕНИЕ (242), ПОХОД (6), Поучительная притча(3), ПОМОЩЬ .(6), Полимерная глина . Бисер.Лепка.(22), ПОЛЕЗНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ДЛЯ ФОТОГРАФОВ.(8), ПЛЕДЫ , КОВРИКИ, ПОДУШКИ , ПОКРЫВАЛА(71), Пластилинография(5), ПЕРЫШКИ. РУКОДЕЛИЕ.(5), ПЕРСОНАЛЬНОЕ.(6), ПЕРЕДЕЛКИ (вторая жизнь вещей)(81), ПАСТА (6), ОЧУМЕЛЫЕ РУЧКИ (356), ОТКРЫТКИ(41), ОТДЕЛЬНЫЕ ДЕТАЛИ КРЮЧКОМ(289), Огород(15), ОБУВЬ СВОИМИ РУКАМИ(37), Нумерология , заговоры ,обереги , приметы ,деревен(92), НЛО космос(144), Непознанное(18), Национальные костюмы.(5), НАПИТКИ(149), МУЛЬТИКИ(27), МУЗЫКА - НОСТАЛЬГИЯ (63), МУЗЫКА(235), МУЗЕИ МИРА УСАДЬБЫ ЗАМКИ ХРАМЫ(274), МОЯ УСАДЬБА (2), МОЙ СЫН(7), МОИ СТИХИ(57), МОИ ФОТО И ВИДЕО (220), МОЗАИКА.(34), МОЕ ТВОРЧЕСТВО(30), МИНИВЫШИВКА.(25), методика изготовления из джута(9), МЕН ДОР Шемшук Салль Vlad Freedom АСТРОН(145), МЕДИТАЦИЯ (87), Мебель своими руками.(65), МАТРИЦА ГАРЯЕВА ДЛЯ ЗДОРОВЬЯ,(30), Мастер-классы по кинусайге(8), МАСТЕР КЛАССЫ ( декупаж,роспись,квиллинг)(118), МАНТРЫ Молитва(141), МАЛИНИ (3), МАКРАМЕ (9), Мoзаика(62), ЛЮБИМЫЙ БОХО (39), Любимые фильмы ( старинное время)(462), ЛЕЧЕБНОЕ ГОЛОДАНИЕ(16), ЛЕТНЯЯ СУМКА ИЗ ПАКЕТОВ КРЮЧКОМ(6), КУЛИНАРИЯ(120), КУКЛЫ И ИГРУШКИ СВОИМИ РУКАМИ(110), КОСМОС(54), КОРОВЫ,(3), КОНЦЕРТЫ .(5), КОНТАКТЕРЫ(17), КОМНАТНЫЕ РАСТЕНИЯ(103), КОМБИНИРОВАННОЕ ВЯЗАНИЕ С ТКАНЬЮ(35), Колумбийские сумки - Мочила.(8), КОЗЫ , КУРЯТНИК И КУРЫ , КОРОВНИК И КОРОВЫ (60), КНИГИ(247), квиллинг(3), КАРТЫ ТАРО РУНЫ(18), Картины из сухих цветов.(4), КАЙМА ОБВЯЗКИ ОТДЕЛКА(190), ЙОГА ЦИГУН ПРАНАЯМА (50), ИСТОРИЯ (8), ИСТОРИИ ИЗ ЖИЗНИ .(7), ИРЛАНДСКОЕ КРУЖЕВО(466), ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ДЛЯ РАЗМЫШЛЕНИЙ(596), ИНТЕРЬЕР(594), ИНТЕРЕСНО .(316), Иностранный язык (1), ИНОСТРАННЫЕ СКАЗКИ (2), ИНДИЯ(119), индийское искусство(24), ИНДИЙСКИЕ МУДРЕЦЫ(9), ИНДИЙСКАЯ КОРЕЙСКАЯ КУХНЯ.(63), ИНДИГО(4), ИЗБРАННОЕ (фильмы)(4), Идея для теплицы (2), Игра . Танцуют все .(19), ЗОЛОТЫЕ СЕРДЦА .(1), Зентангл. Графика.(1), ЗДОРОВЬЕ (582), ЗАКУСКИ(755), ЖИЛЕТКИ БЕЗРУКАВКИ Топы СХЕМЫ(305), ЖИВОПИСЬ(1155), ЕЛОЧНЫЕ ИГРУШКИ(26), ДОМАШНИЙ СЫР ТВОРОГ СМЕТАНА(58), Документальные фильмы (177), ДОК.ФИЛЬМЫ И ИНФОРМАЦИЯ НА АНГИЙСКОМ И ИСПАНСКОМ Я(23), ДЛЯ ЖЕНЩИН -БОХО, ЭТНО, ХИППИ,ФОЛК,РЕТРО(1077), ДЕСЕРТЫ(603), ДЕЛАЕМ духи И МЫЛО САМИ НАТУРАЛЬНАЯ КОСМЕТИКА (85), ДАЛАЙ ЛАМА УЧЕНИЯ ПО ТИБЕТСКОМУ БУДДИЗМУ(22), ГОМЕОПАТИЯ. (8), ВЯЗАННОЕ МУЖЧИНАМ(25), Вязание-крючок-ТОПЫ(32), ВЯЗАНИЕ СПИЦАМИ И КРЮЧКОМ ( МИССОНИ)(27), ВЯЗАНИЕ СПИЦАМИ(615), ВЯЗАНИЕ НА ВИЛКЕ(10), ВЯЗАНИЕ КРЮЧКОМ(1522), ВЯЗАНИЕ ДЕТЯМ (75), ВЫШИВКА РОКОКО.(1), ВЫШИВКА ПО БЕЛИ, (2), ВЫШИВКА ЛЕНТАМИ(479), ВЫШИВКА КРЕСТИКОМ(115), ВЫШИВКА БРАЗИЛЬСКАЯ .(11), ВЫШИВКА БИСКОРНЮ.(4), ВЫШИВКА БИСЕРОМ(157), ВЫШИВКА(667), ВЫПЕЧКА(325), ВТОРЫЕ БЛЮДА(284), ВсеяСветная Грамота(8), ВОРОТНИКИ КРЮЧКОМ, СХЕМЫ,(36), Водоемы в саду .(4), Виталий Сундаков.(7), Веды(24), ВЕДИЧЕСКАЯ КУЛИНАРИЯ(81), ВЕГЕТАРИАНСТВО, СЫРОЕДЕНИЕ.(124), Ватные игрушки .Папье маше.(40), ВАРЕНИКИ ПЕЛЬМЕНИ МАНТЫ (184), ВАРЕЖКИ , МИТЕНКИ ,ВОРОТНИКИ НОСКИ МАНЖЕТЫ (236), ВАЛЯНИЕ(29), БУДДИЗМ ДАО ШАМАНИЗМ ЯЗЫЧЕСТВО Суфизм КОНФУЦИАНСТВ(77), БРЮГГСКОЕ КРУЖЕВО (элементы, платья,жилетки, кофт(79), БОЛОТОВ.(8), БЛАВАТСКАЯ(23), БИСЕРОПЛЕТЕНИЕ(23), Биорезонансная терапия(11), БАРДОВСКИЕ ПЕСНИ(9), БАНЯ (22), БАБУШКИНЫ КВАДРАТЫ (416), АЮРВЕДА (16), Аудио Книги(127), АСТРОЛОГИЯ НУМЕРОЛ фэншуй (87), АСТРАЛЬНЫЕ ПУТЕШЕСТВИЯ, ТОНКИЕ ПЛАНЫ(108), АРХИТЕКТУРА(74), АПЛИКАЦИЯ. 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Вторник, 03 Января 2023 г. 03:41 + в цитатник
10-Herbs-for-Colon-Cleanse-cover (600x275, 31Kb)
ased on what you eat, toxins can build up in the body over time. These toxins can reduce your immune system and impact your energy. It may feel like you are stuck in a cycle you can’t get out of.

You are too tired to take care of yourself properly, and are constantly sick, meaning you can’t take the time to eat as healthy and fresh as you might like. As much as we try, it is hard to eat perfectly all of the time, and sometimes we need a little help.

That’s where colon cleansers come in.

What Is A Colon Cleanse?
A colon cleanse is an easy and beneficial way to eliminate toxins from your body. It helps to detoxify your colon and gut, allowing good gut bacteria to come back in. Plus, many herbs for colon cleanses provide additional benefits, such as weight loss, reducing inflammation, and acting as immune boosters.

10 Of The Best Herbs For A Colon Cleanse
1. Licorice
10 Herbs for Colon Cleanse- Licorice
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) has many health benefits. Licorice root, specifically, works well for cleaning the blood and intestines. While Glycyrrhiza glabra is found in Eurasia mostly, there is also wild licorice (Glycyrrhiza lepidota). This is found throughout North America, from central Canada down to Mexico.

Both of these licorice types are beneficial for colon cleansing. The roots can be used in teas, tinctures, powders, and supplements. Furthermore, all parts of licorice can be used, with the leaves being used to make poultices to help soothe the skin.

Since you primarily need the roots, you will have to pull up the whole plant, working gently to make sure you get all of the roots. Anything that looks damaged can be removed from the plant. Then you can start to separate the parts of the plant into their prospective uses.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera (A. vera, africana, arborescens, barbadensis) is a succulent that can be found in hot and dry climates. The juice and gel have many benefits for the body. It can also be used to soothe the skin after a sunburn, or as part of a routine to remove acne or psoriasis. Diluting the juice with water can help provide a beneficial colon cleanse.

Aloe Vera helps the colon in a few ways. It can help balance the bacteria in your gut and is a natural laxative to help remove anything unwanted from the body. Plus, it is packed full of nutrients to help you feel better.

While you can buy Aloe juice from the store, it is easy enough to make it yourself. You just have to make sure you remove all of the aloe latex from the plant first.

You will likely only need one large leaf at a time unless you are planning to make a big batch. To start, cut off the bottom of the leaf and place it on a container so it’s standing upright. You want to let it sit for at least an hour. This will help to drain any of the latex, which will be yellow.

When that is done, skin the aloe on the top and bottom and cut off the thorns. Scrape out all of the clear gel from the leaf.

Then mix the aloe with a solution made up of one tablespoon of vinegar and one cup of water. You will rinse off whatever remaining yellow latex. We suggest using gloves as aloe latex can be a skin irritant.

Once that is done, you can blend the gel with two cups of water. If you want some chew, you can leave some whole pieces of clear gel and dice it up. Additionally, for a better flavor, you can mix in lemon juice and honey to taste.

3. Fennel
10 Herbs for Colon Cleanse- Fennel
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a superherb that aids digestion and cleans the colon. Fennel oil, extracted from the seed, is the most common ingredient used in colon cleansing supplements, but the whole plant itself is packed full of fiber and nutrients to further benefit the colon.

Fennel can be found in stores, or grown in a garden. The bulb usually sits about two to three inches underground and you can simply cut that out of the ground or pull it out.

If you harvest the seeds out of the plant, you can use them for seasoning your food or to make tea, which is an excellent way to detox your colon.

4. Dandelion
10 Herbs for Colon Cleanse- Dandelion
Often considered weeds, dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) has many health benefits, plus beautiful-looking flowers. Dandelion has many benefits for the gut and intestines, and it may also help you get rid of extra weight caused by water retention.

However, it is the colon cleansing benefit we are looking for today. Making tea from dandelion roots soothes any digestive ailments you might be facing.

5. Malabar Tamarind
10 Herbs for Colon Cleanse- Tamarind
Malabar Tamarind (Garcinia gummi-gutta) is not a plant you will be able to find in the wild easily. It is generally found in India, Southeast Asia, and Africa. However, you can grow this plant indoors or outside so that you can use it to your benefit. Malabar tamarind is also known as kudampuli, gambooge, or fish tamarind. Despite its name, it isn’t considered a tamarind plant.

There are a few different varieties of Malabar tamarind. The fruits are large, generally somewhere between the size of an orange and a grapefruit and they can be yellow, green, or red.

It is a popular fruit for weight loss, as it is full of nutrients. It also has something called HCA in it which is used to prohibit enzymes from storing fat. It also can reduce the stomach acids in your body that cause stomach ulcers, and assists digestion.

6. Lemongrass

Everyone knows the benefits of lemons, but did you know that the herb lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) can also be beneficial? Drunk as tea, lemongrass can help to stimulate digestion, and is an antioxidant, and diuretic.

Not only does lemongrass eliminate toxins in the colon, but blood toxins as well. It is an easy herb to grow, and it doubles as a seasoning for your food or a delicious, healthy tea.

Related: Cleanse Your Bowels with These 2 Ingredients (Video)

7. Ginger

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is another popular superfood. When made into tea, it can help with digestion, relieves nausea, and has anti-inflammatory properties. If you want to help with a colon cleanse, you can put some lemon into your tea as well.

If you have a sore throat or feel like you may be getting a cold, you can even mix it with some cayenne pepper and honey to improve your immunity and soothe the throat.

8. Mint

Mint (Mentha) gives a great boost to the colon. It can reduce inflammation and help your stomach be less distressed. A warm cup of mint tea before bed is a great way to help you soothe your stomach before you sleep.

If you want to go for a full cleanse, a lemon, ginger, and mint detox drink is the way to go. All you need is water, ginger, lemon, and mint and you will have a delicious and refreshing drink that will make your stomach better in no time.

9. Rhubarb

Want a delicious dessert that can also be turned into a colon cleanse? Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) is the option for you. While technically, it is the rhubarb stems that you use for desserts and the roots are what you use for colon cleansing, it is still the same plant.

Rhubarb roots can be used to help create regular contractions in the colon, helping to regulate and keep the bowels clean. It also has Emodin, which can help to balance out the intestine’s gut bacteria.

10. Senna

Senna (Alexandrian senna) may not be a flower you know much about. It is a legume that is native to eastern North America, so if you live in the area, you can find this plant anywhere.

With senna, you don’t want to use it every day, like you can with most of the others. That is because it is very effective at cleaning the colon, and using it daily can harm you more than help. If you are going to use it, don’t do it for more than two weeks at a time or complications may occur.

With senna, you just have to brew it into tea. Senna tea can help improve bowel movements and detox your gut. It is so effective that it’s often used to prepare the body for colonoscopies.

Colon cleaning, if done right, is a beneficial process. It is used to clean out your system and remove toxins that may be trapped there. By removing the toxins, you also allow good gut bacteria to come back in. There are plenty of supplements and medications you can take to cleanse your colon. These ten natural herbs that we listed are some of the best out there to naturally and safely clean out your bowels. Some of them are hard to find, but there are plenty you can grow or even find in your backyard!

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Среда, 30 Ноября 2022 г. 08:32 + в цитатник

The Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day Суперфрукты, которые нужно есть каждый день


Вторник, 08 Февраля 2022 г. 14:08 + в цитатник
The Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day

Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) is a delicious and nutritious fruit that has been eaten in New Zealand for centuries. And now, this superfruit is making its way into the mainstream market. This little green furry fruit is making some waves in the superfruit stakes! When researching for this article, it is abundantly clear why!

  • Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamins C and E and potassium.
  • Kiwis are also a great source of natural dietary fiber and a natural digestive aid, thanks to the abundance of the enzyme actinidain found within them.
  • Kiwi can help balance your pH levels by keeping your stomach alkaline, balance blood sugar levels by slowing down the release of insulin production from the pancreas, and may provide relief from digestive tract ulcers.
  • Kiwis are also an excellent source of vitamin K, which is an essential vitamin required for great bone health.
  • Kiwis are also a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin, important for eye health.
  • This high fiber and low-calorie combination prevalent in kiwi is ideal for weight management. A medium-sized kiwi contains around 50 calories and the fiber content creates a sense of fullness in the stomach.
  • Kiwi is also a natural beauty food that can improve hair and skin conditions or even slow aging!

Here are some great culinary tips on how you can eat kiwi for optimal health benefits.

How Can I Incorporate Kiwi?

Kiwi is a low-calorie and high-nutrient fruit that is packed with antioxidants.

To get the most out of this superfruit, here are some tips on how to eat kiwi:

1) Enjoy kiwi as a snackThe Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - Kiwi Snack/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Kiwis are perfect for snacking any time of the day.

Slice up a fresh one with some almond butter, peanut butter, or hummus for an afternoon snack, or enjoy it as a refreshing treat after dinner.

2) Eat kiwi as part of breakfastThe Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - Kiwi Breakfast/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Start your morning off healthily with a bowl of oatmeal mixed with sliced bananas and diced kiwis, or very simply on a morning breakfast platter.

3) Cut up kiwis to make a salad more appetizing

The Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - Kiwi/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Add some chopped fresh kiwis to salads or pasta dishes to give them a sweet yet tangy flavor.

Kiwi pairs well with tomato and olives for such a multidimensional taste.

Kiwis can also make a delicious and tangy dressing for salads when added with olive oil, salt and pepper, honey, and a touch of apple cider vinegar.

The Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

4) Use peeled kiwis in your next baking recipe

The citrusy flavor from the peel makes any dish more refreshing!

When slightly dried, you can add kiwi rind as an addition or substitute for lemon or lime peel on top of oatmeal breakfast muffins, or make a quick hot syrup and pour over the muffins.

5) Turn freshly cut kiwis into a refreshing drink

The Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - Kiwi Drink/" target="_blank"> 300w, 150w" width="350" />Slice up fresh kiwis into cubes, freeze them overnight, then blend them into a drink in the morning!

This delicious drink will have you feeling refreshed instantly, and it can be really accepting of other fruits, such as strawberries and raspberries.

6) Freeze when peeled and cut up

The best way to preserve kiwis is in the freezer, as they have high water content and freeze very well!

Frozen kiwis can be grated from frozen, making them really great for shaving over summer salads or quickly adding to smoothies.

How To Make The Most Of Your Kiwi

Kiwis are an excellent source of many nutrients, including vitamin C.

Vitamin C is critical to the immune system and can help stave off colds or other illnesses.

Kiwis are also a natural beauty food that can improve hair and skin conditions or even slow aging!

Below are some super tips on how to maximize your kiwi intake.

Eat Them Whole

The Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - Whole Kiwi/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Suppose you eat your kiwi peeled and whole.

In that case, you will gain the most benefit from them, but avoid peeling ahead of time as the enzymes in kiwi will react with the air when they’re exposed before digestion, and this will make the fruit more attractive to pests like insects.

Add Them To Smoothies.

The Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - Whole Kiwis/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

You can blend your kiwi with other fruits like strawberries or bananas for a sweet treat that packs in nutrients.

You can also add green juices or make a fruit salad with other healthy foods like berries and apple slices.

Kiwis are easy ways to get more vitamins into your diet without having to change anything else about what you’re eating!

Kiwi And Banana SmoothieThe Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - Kiwi Smoothie/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • 1 cup sweetened Greek Yogurt
  • 2 whole Kiwis – peeled and roughly chopped
  • 1 whole Banana – peeled and sliced
  • ½ cup of Almond Milk or Cashew Milk
  • ½ a lime juiced
  • 1 cup of ice shards
  • chia seeds (optional)

Add Them To Homemade Dressings

Kiwis are soft when they are ripe, so they can easily be incorporated into dressings for salads and work well with other salad dressing ingredients such as:The Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - Dressing/" target="_blank"> 241w" width="350" />

  • Mustard
  • Olive Oil
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Seasoning
  • Lemon Juice
  • Honey
Kiwi Burst Dressing

Ingredients:The Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - Kiwi Dressing/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • 4 Kiwis- Mashed
  • 1/4 cup of fresh Orange juice
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 2 pinches of red chili flakes
  • 1 clove of garlic, grated
  • 1/2 tsp Cracked black pepper
  • Pink salt to taste

Add Them Into Salads

Kiwi can be the best star ingredient in summer salads!

This is such a different take on the traditional salad but is refreshing, delicious, and nutritious!

Kiwi And Strawberry Spinach Bowl

Ingredients:The Superfruit You Should Eat Every Day - Kiwi Salad/" target="_blank"> 200w" width="350" />

  • 6 cups of baby spinach
  • 2 whole kiwi, peeled and sliced
  • 2 cups of sliced strawberries
  • ½ cup f walnuts
  • ¼ red onion, thinly sliced


  • ⅓ cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of cracked black pepper
  • ⅓ olive oil

Kiwi is such a delicious and nutritious fruit that can be eaten on its own or combined with other foods.

For example, you can enjoy a kiwi with your breakfast cereal, sprinkle it over your salad for some extra flavor and nutrients, or eat it as a snack along with some yogurt.


Kiwis are a great addition to your diet.

Using kiwi can be really fun and a simple way to add the superfruit into your day, and they taste great on top of a bowl of cereal or on the side of your yogurt!

If you are allergic to kiwi, and some people are, you can substitute the kiwi for guava, papaya, or dragonfruit!

Киви (Actinidia deliciosa) — вкусный и питательный фрукт, который веками употребляли в пищу в Новой Зеландии. И теперь этот суперфрукт выходит на массовый рынок. Этот маленький зеленый пушистый фрукт произвел фурор на рынке суперфруктов! При поиске для этой статьи становится совершенно ясно, почему!
Киви богат витаминами С и Е и калием.
Киви также являются отличным источником натуральных пищевых волокон и естественным средством для пищеварения благодаря обилию содержащегося в них фермента актинидина.
Киви может помочь сбалансировать уровень pH, поддерживая щелочную среду в желудке, сбалансировать уровень сахара в крови, замедляя выработку инсулина поджелудочной железой, и может помочь при язвах желудочно-кишечного тракта.
Киви также являются отличным источником витамина К, необходимого для хорошего здоровья костей.
Киви также являются отличным источником лютеина и зеаксантина, важных для здоровья глаз.
Эта комбинация с высоким содержанием клетчатки и низкой калорийностью, преобладающая в киви, идеально подходит для контроля веса. Киви среднего размера содержит около 50 калорий, а содержание клетчатки создает ощущение сытости в желудке.
Киви также является естественным продуктом красоты, который может улучшить состояние волос и кожи или даже замедлить старение!
Вот несколько отличных кулинарных советов о том, как можно есть киви для оптимальной пользы для здоровья.
Как я могу зарегистрировать Киви?
Киви — это низкокалорийный и богатый питательными веществами фрукт, в котором много антиоксидантов.
Чтобы получить максимальную отдачу от этого суперфрукта, вот несколько советов о том, как есть киви:
1) Наслаждайтесь киви в качестве закускиСуперфрукт, который вы должны есть каждый день - Kiwi Snack
Киви идеально подходят для перекуса в любое время дня.
Нарежьте свежий с небольшим количеством миндального масла, арахисового масла или хумуса на полдник или наслаждайтесь им в качестве освежающего лакомства после ужина.
2) Ешьте киви как часть завтракаСуперфрукт, который вы должны есть каждый день - Kiwi Breakfast
Начните свое утро с тарелки овсянки, смешанной с нарезанными бананами и нарезанными кубиками киви, или просто с тарелки для утреннего завтрака.
3) Нарежьте киви, чтобы сделать салат более аппетитным
Киви Суперфрукт, который нужно есть каждый день Добавляйте нарезанные свежие киви в салаты или блюда из пасты, чтобы придать им сладкий, но острый вкус.
Киви хорошо сочетается с помидорами и оливками для такого многогранного вкуса.
Киви также может стать вкусной и острой заправкой для салатов, если добавить оливковое масло, соль и перец, мед и немного яблочного уксуса.
Суперфрукты, которые нужно есть каждый день — 3
4) Используйте очищенные киви в своем следующем рецепте выпечки.
Цитрусовый аромат кожуры делает любое блюдо более освежающим!
Когда он слегка подсохнет, вы можете добавить цедру киви в качестве добавки или вместо цедры лимона или лайма поверх кексов с овсянкой для завтрака или быстро приготовить горячий сироп и полить кексы.
5) Превратите свеженарезанные киви в освежающий напиток.
Суперфрукты, которые нужно есть каждый день - напиток из кивиНарежьте свежие киви кубиками, заморозьте их на ночь, а утром смешайте с напитком!
Этот восхитительный напиток мгновенно заставит вас почувствовать себя освеженным, и он действительно может сочетаться с другими фруктами, такими как клубника и малина.
6) Замораживание при очистке и разрезании
Лучше всего хранить киви в морозильной камере, так как они имеют высокое содержание воды и очень хорошо замерзают!
Замороженные киви можно натереть на терке, что делает их отличными добавками к летним салатам или быстрого добавления в коктейли.
Как максимально использовать свой киви
Киви являются отличным источником многих питательных веществ, в том числе витамина С.
Витамин С имеет решающее значение для иммунной системы и может помочь предотвратить простуду или другие заболевания.
Киви также является естественным продуктом красоты, который может улучшить состояние волос и кожи или даже замедлить старение!
Ниже приведены несколько супер-советов о том, как максимизировать потребление киви.
Съешь их целиком
Суперфрукты, которые нужно есть каждый день - целый киви
Предположим, вы едите киви очищенными и целыми.
В этом случае вы получите от них наибольшую пользу, но не очищайте их заранее, так как ферменты в киви будут реагировать с воздухом, когда они подвергаются воздействию до переваривания, и это сделает фрукт более привлекательным для вредителей, таких как насекомые.
Добавьте их в смузи.
Суперфрукты, которые нужно есть каждый день — целые киви
Вы можете смешать киви с другими фруктами, такими как клубника или бананы, и получить сладкое лакомство, богатое питательными веществами.
Вы также можете добавить зеленые соки или сделать фруктовый салат с другими полезными продуктами, такими как ягоды и кусочки яблока.
Киви — это простой способ получить больше витаминов в своем рационе без необходимости что-либо менять в том, что вы едите!
Смузи с киви и бананомСуперфрукт, который нужно есть каждый день - Смузи с киви
1 чашка подслащенного греческого йогурта
2 целых киви – очистить и крупно нарезать
1 целый банан – очищенный и нарезанный ломтиками
½ стакана миндального молока или молока кешью
½ сок лайма
1 чашка ледяных осколков
семена чиа (по желанию)
Добавляйте их в домашние заправки
Зрелые киви мягкие, поэтому их легко добавлять в заправки для салатов и хорошо сочетать с другими салатами.

Rosemary And Sage Sore Throat Spra Спрей от боли в горле с розмарином и шалфеем


Суббота, 05 Февраля 2022 г. 03:16 + в цитатник
Rosemary And Sage Sore Throat Spray

A sore throat is a symptom of many viral infections such as the common cold and flu, but in some rare cases, it may be caused by bacteria such as streptococcus. Of course, the average sufferer may not know exactly what the cause of their sore throat is, since even the common cold can be caused by several viruses or bacteria, so the remedy below tries to cover a broad range of anti-bacterial and anti-viral compounds that are found in just three common (and hardy!) garden herbs.


One of my favorite herbs that grow wild around our place, the compounds cineole, camphor, and alpha-pinene in rosemary essential oil are proven pain relievers. Rosemary also can increase blood circulation and decrease inflammation and it can increase the potency of over-the-counter antibiotics when used in combination. There are numerous compounds in rosemary which help to battle a sore throat associated with a cold or flu. This includes the anti-influenza rosmarinic acidoleanolic acid, and eucalyptol, as well as the anti-bacterial caffeic acid, camphor, and alpha-pinene. It can also break down the biofilm surrounding viruses and bacteria.Rosemary and Sage Sore Throat Spray - 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

In general, plants high in triterpenoids like rosemary tend to have good anti-viral properties.


Another hardy herb to grow, oregano has numerous medicinal properties perfect for treating a sore throat, particularly strep throat. In lab tests, oregano essential oil started destroying streptococcus bacteria biofilm within 5 minutes.

Oregano essential oil is approximately 91% carvacrol. This produces a warming, tingling sensation which can be irritating at first if your throat already feels hot and inflamed.


Sage essential oil is another herb for fighting strep throat. It can break down the biofilm of strep bacteria (although it took up to 4 hours in lab tests to achieve this) and it is a strong generalized anti-bacterial agents. It is thought that the active compounds to fight strep throat in sage essential oil is alpha-thujone (28.5%) and camphor (16.6%).

At least three flavonoids have been identified in sage that inhibits the influenza virus, and in addition to this, sage also reduces the body’s sensitivity to pain and reduces inflammation.

Sore Throat Spray

While many of the beneficial compounds mentioned above are found in essential oil, some of them are more soluble in alcohol (or water), especially warm alcohol. For this reason, the remedy below uses both plant material (either fresh or dried) and essential oil.

Rosemary and Sage Sore Throat Spray - 2/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />
  • 1.5 cups of alcohol (at least 40% or 80 proof)
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped sage
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped oregano
  • 10 drops of sage essential oil
  • 10 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops of oregano essential oil

Warm the alcohol to between 120 – 140 °F (50 – 60 °C) in a jar sitting in a pot of warm water (or sit the jar on the woodstove in winter as I did below) then add the 3 herbs, stir and put the lid on.Rosemary and Sage Sore Throat Spray - 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Maintain the heat for 2 hours and stir occasionally.Rosemary and Sage Sore Throat Spray - 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Allow to cool and then strain.

Add the essential oil, pour into a small spray bottle and it’s ready to use.

Application And Shelf-Life

Be sure to shake before use.Rosemary and Sage Sore Throat Spray - 5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Give your mouth and throat a spray every 3 hours.

Store in a dark, cool location for up to 1 year.

Something to always bear in mind is that the medicinal effects seen in some medical tests and research are sometimes using chloroform extracts that are more potent compared to your average DIY remedy, especially with respect to anti-inflammatories. For this reason, I have tried to reference research articles that utilize essential oils where possible.

With the cold and influenza season in full swing, we need all the help we can get to keep our immune systems healthy and strong. Here are a few of Nicole’s top picks that are found in the Essential Winter Defense Bundle. Whether maintaining lung health, boosting immunity, or reducing fevers, each herb supports overall well-being this winter and beyond.


Спрей от боли в горле с розмарином и шалфеем


Боль в горле является симптомом многих вирусных инфекций, таких как простуда и грипп, но в некоторых редких случаях она может быть вызвана такими бактериями, как стрептококк. Конечно, среднестатистический больной может не знать точно, в чем причина его боли в горле, поскольку даже обычная простуда может быть вызвана несколькими вирусами или бактериями, поэтому приведенное ниже средство пытается охватить широкий спектр антибактериальных и противовирусных средств. вирусные соединения, которые содержатся всего в трех распространенных (и выносливых!) садовых травах.
Одна из моих любимых трав, которые растут в диком виде вокруг нас, соединения цинеола, камфоры и альфа-пинена в эфирном масле розмарина являются проверенными болеутоляющими средствами. Розмарин также может усиливать кровообращение и уменьшать воспаление, а при комбинированном использовании может повышать эффективность безрецептурных антибиотиков. В розмарине содержится множество соединений, которые помогают бороться с болью в горле, связанной с простудой или гриппом. Сюда входят противогриппозные розмариновая кислота, олеаноловая кислота и эвкалиптол, а также антибактериальная кофейная кислота, камфора и альфа-пинен. Он также может разрушить биопленку, окружающую вирусы и бактерии. Спрей от боли в горле с розмарином и шалфеем — 1
В целом, растения с высоким содержанием тритерпеноидов, такие как розмарин, обладают хорошими противовирусными свойствами.
Еще одна выносливая трава, орегано обладает многочисленными лечебными свойствами, идеально подходящими для лечения ангины, особенно острого горла. В лабораторных тестах эфирное масло орегано начало разрушать биопленку стрептококковых бактерий в течение 5 минут.
Эфирное масло орегано примерно на 91% состоит из карвакрола. Это вызывает ощущение тепла и покалывания, которое поначалу может вызывать раздражение, если ваше горло уже чувствует себя горячим и воспаленным.
Эфирное масло шалфея — еще одно средство от ангины. Он может разрушить биопленку стрептококковых бактерий (хотя в лабораторных тестах для этого потребовалось до 4 часов), и это сильный универсальный антибактериальный агент. Считается, что активными соединениями для борьбы со стрептококком в эфирном масле шалфея являются альфа-туйон (28,5%) и камфора (16,6%).
В шалфее идентифицировано по крайней мере три флавоноида, которые ингибируют вирус гриппа, кроме того, шалфей также снижает чувствительность организма к боли и уменьшает воспаление.
Спрей от боли в горле
Хотя многие из упомянутых выше полезных соединений содержатся в эфирном масле, некоторые из них более растворимы в спирте (или воде), особенно в теплом спирте. По этой причине в приведенном ниже средстве используются как растительные материалы (свежие или сушеные), так и эфирные масла.
Спрей от боли в горле с розмарином и шалфеем - 2
1,5 стакана алкоголя (не менее 40% или 80 пробы)
1 столовая ложка нарезанного шалфея
1 столовая ложка нарезанного розмарина
1 столовая ложка нарезанного орегано
10 капель эфирного масла шалфея
10 капель эфирного масла розмарина
5 капель эфирного масла орегано
Нагрейте спирт до температуры 120–140 °F (50–60 °C) в банке, поставьте ее в кастрюлю с теплой водой (или поставьте банку на дровяную печь зимой, как я сделал ниже), затем добавьте 3 травы, перемешайте и наденьте крышку.Спрей от боли в горле с розмарином и шалфеем - 3
Поддерживайте огонь в течение 2 часов и периодически помешивайте. Спрей от боли в горле с розмарином и шалфеем — 4
Дайте остыть, а затем процедите.
Добавьте эфирное масло, перелейте в маленькую бутылку с распылителем, и оно готово к использованию.
Применение и срок годности
Обязательно встряхните перед использованием.Спрей от боли в горле с розмарином и шалфеем - 5
Опрыскивайте рот и горло каждые 3 часа.
Хранить в темном, прохладном месте до 1 года.
Всегда следует помнить, что лечебные эффекты, наблюдаемые в некоторых медицинских тестах и ​​исследованиях, иногда связаны с использованием экстрактов хлороформа, которые более эффективны по сравнению с вашим обычным средством, сделанным своими руками, особенно в отношении противовоспалительных средств. По этой причине я пытался ссылаться на исследовательские статьи, в которых по возможности использовались эфирные масла.
В разгар сезона простуды и гриппа нам нужна любая помощь, которую мы можем получить, чтобы сохранить нашу иммунную систему здоровой и сильной. Вот несколько лучших выборов Николь, которые можно найти в Essential Winter Defense Bundle. Будь то поддержание здоровья легких, повышение иммунитета или снижение температуры, каждая трава поддерживает общее самочувствие этой зимой и в последующий период.





Вторник, 01 Февраля 2022 г. 20:23 + в цитатник

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), or fever grass, is an aromatic and tropical island plant of the Poaceae family. It is also alternatively known as Malabar grass, Cochin grass, or barbed-wire grass. It is hard not to miss the citrusy and lemony tang of lemongrass in Asian cuisines like in soups and stews. The absence of this plant devalues the food as it loses its distinct flavor and body. Lemongrass is popularly presented as a knot or bundle, but may also be available in chopped form. In some unique and custom weddings, the thin-bladed lemongrass leaf is added to bouquets to make it more visually attractive.


Although lemongrass is abundant in the tropical regions of Asia, its history is traced back to the USA and Egypt. They are often used in the performance of religious rites or used as perfume and spice. In Asia, lemongrass was already popular among the locals especially in Java and the Philippines even before European colonialism. It is called tanglat or tanglad in Filipino and Visayan dialect, a name it is known in the country until now. Lemongrass was cultivated as an aromatic ingredient to food and was also distilled as perfume. The Chinese use the plant to treat fever, hence the name fever grass.

Where The Plant Is Found

Lemongrass is abundant in tropical countries like India, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, China, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Some species are also found in the subtropical regions of Australia and Africa. Among these countries, India ranks as the highest producer of lemongrass, where it is cultivated in the Western Ghats and Himalayan mountains.

The plant prefers warm and humid conditions and the benefit of the full sun to thrive. But they may also grow in cooler climates when planted after the last frost. North America has few species of lemongrass available, but citronella grass is most common.

How To Identify Lemongrass

Although they are used interchangeably, the lemongrass and citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) are different plants. They are cousins that belong in the same genus, thus, they are often mistaken as the same. Citronella is cultivated for its oil and used as an ingredient in mosquito repellent and soaps. Lemongrass, on the other hand, is consumed as an herbal tea or also extracted for its oil and used as an edible food ingredient.Lemongrass 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Leaf. Lemongrass leaves have a grayish to yellow-greenish hue growing directly from their stalk. It is long, narrow, coarse, and strap-like with finely serrated edges that are rough enough to cut into the skin. Lemongrass leaves appear in a compound of three or more leaflets in a stalk that droops toward the ground.

Lemongrass Identification/" target="_blank"> 200w" width="350" />

Flower. In northern latitudes, lemongrass species do not arrive at a point of bearing flowers as it becomes dormant in cold seasons. But in the tropics, the plant grows a cluster of small and dense yellow or white creamy flowers. These flowers are packed densely into a terminal spike.

Roots. The lemongrass has a densely tufted fibrous root system that grows at least an inch on the ground. It is rhizomatous with a bulbous shoot base where the plants grow in clumps.

Seeds. Mature lemongrass will produce brown and husky elongated seeds that resemble tiny and sparse wheat.

Stems. Lemongrass stalks are woody with a bulbous white to light-green base that grows about 4 to 6 inches long. The fibrous stem is wrapped with a tough outer layer of leaves. The inner and softer portion of the stem is the aromatic part used for cooking.

Related: Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

Lemongrass has about 55 species, but only two of them are the most popular. The East Indian lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) or Malabar grass is native to Cambodia, India, Thailand, and other Eastern Asia countries. Cymbopogon citratus, or West Indian lemongrass, is found in maritime Southeast Asia and is the lemongrass variety widely used for cooking.

How To Grow Lemongrass

Growing Lemongrass/" target="_blank"> 226w" width="350" />Lemongrass is generally propagated through stem cuttings or root division. Some seed supply stores may also sell seeds that are ideal for growing lemongrass in large plantations. But if you have an existing plant, the easiest way is to regrow it through its roots or bulbs.

The plant will flourish well in warm, sunny, and humid conditions. They also prefer a well-draining, rich loam soil with a pH level between 5.0 to 8.4. Frequent watering is necessary to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged.

If you live in Zone 10 and above, you can grow it outside your garden the whole year-round. However, if you live in cooler regions, it is ideal to plant lemongrass in pots and put it indoors. They are not resilient to frost and cannot survive the frigid temperature.

Related: 10 Plants That You Should Never Plant Together (Video)

Growing Lemongrass From Seeds

When growing lemongrass from seeds, prepare a sterile potting mix and moisten the surface. Sprinkle the seeds into the soil and cover it lightly with soil just enough for them to get some sunlight. Keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate at about two to three weeks. Transplant the seedlings once it has grown into a few inches tall.

Lemongrass grows and spreads through their underground rhizomes. So, transplant them in a pot about one foot wide and one foot deep to accommodate its growth.

Related: I Stopped Spending Money At The Pharmacy By Growing These 10 Plants (Video)

Growing Lemongrass From Cuttings

To propagate your lemongrass, choose a mature plant to get your cutting. Using a knife, cut the stalk cleanly about an inch above the ground. The stalk that you leave will still regrow a new stem. Meanwhile, cut off the upper portion of the stalk, leaving the bottom at least three to four inches.

Place the cutting in a glass of water, submerging the bottom portion of the stem. Change the water daily until the roots begin to emerge. After two to three weeks, you can transfer the plant to a well-aerated and nutrient-dense pot.

Growing Lemongrass From Division

Lemongrass is a clumping plant that develops multiple stalks on its base allowing the plant to flourish. Dividing the rhizome will enable you to grow a new and healthy plant aside from the existing patch. To do this, simply pull out a few stalks off the ground keeping the root intact.

You may also dig up the whole plant and divide the stalk, with each stalk having its roots on it.

Growing Lemongrass 2/" target="_blank"> 243w" width="350" />Plant the division in a pot or at least 1 to 2 feet apart in the open field. If growing it in a pot, put it in a warm area where it can soak up some sun. Once established, the plants hardly require maintenance and will flourish on their own.

When growing lemongrass from any method, remember this list of plant care and maintenance as lemongrass grow:

  • Keep the soil moist and water it to an inch when the plant is dry.
  • Give lemongrass plenty of room to spread.
  • Fertilize with nitrogen during the growing season.
  • Keep the soil aerated by pulling out weeds and cultivating the soil around the plant.

How To Harvest Lemongrass

Harvest Lemongrass/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Lemongrass can be harvested anytime when you need it as soon as the clump already has many leaves. This will usually take about three months after planting. Cut the stalk at ground level using a sharp knife, scissors, or twisting it with your bare hand. Frequent trimming of the plant is necessary to encourage more growth.

And because the lemongrass plant cannot survive the frost, you may want to preserve its leaves for a year-round supply. You can store fresh lemongrass by chopping its stalk and putting it in an airtight container into the freezer. Frozen lemongrass stalk will retain its potency for up to a year.

What Lemongrass Is Good For And Natural Remedies Made From It

Lemongrass is not only a staple plant in the kitchen. It is also an effective cure. Therefore, it is used as a home remedy. Its antiseptic property makes it a potent wound wash for combating skin infections. It is also a natural insect repellent like its cousin Citronella, which can help ward off insect-borne diseases and cure insect stings or bites.

Related: Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard (Video)

Lemongrass is also antibacterial and antimicrobial. Aside from wound wash, it is also used in treating body odor that one can contract through excessive sweating.

Among its many medicinal uses, lemongrass is most effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. It can improve digestion and stimulate bowel movement while destroying the bad bacteria and microorganisms in the gut including E. coli.

The antihyperlipidemic and anticholesterolemic properties of the plant are useful in the management of cholesterol. It can reduce LDL and keep the body’s cholesterol level under control while maintaining proper blood flow. It may even get rid of unwanted fat for the cure and management of obesity.

Lemongrass is also a diuretic that helps reduce uric acid and helps against water retention. In the form of essential oil, it is applied topically or used as aromatherapy for treating migraine and other body pains. Inhaling the vapor either of its oil or fresh leaves promotes healing from fever and common colds.

Among other diseases, lemongrass is used for the treatment of the following:Lemongrass BenefitsLemongrass Benefits/" target="_blank"> 203w" width="350" />

  • High cholesterol
  • Digestive disorders (flatulence, indigestion, stomachache, IBS)
  • High blood pressure
  • Convulsions
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Rheumatism
  • Edema
  • Fever, common cold, and headache
  • Stress and insomnia
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Yeast infection or oral thrush
  • Hair fall
  • Athlete’s foot, ringworm, eczema
  • Acne and other skin problems
  • Urinary tract infection

What Parts Of The Lemongrass Is Used For Remedies?

The stalk and the leaves of the lemongrass are mostly used as home remedies for treating ailments. It is crushed or boiled and taken as a tea or used as a wound wash. The oil extract of lemongrass is applied directly to the affected body parts that need healing. Essential lemongrass oil is inhaled or used as aromatherapy for treating pain and stress.

Aside from herbal teas, lemongrass can be consumed in the form of cocktails and refreshing beverages. The fresh stalk and buds contain nutrients like potassium and alkaloids that help in the stimulation of body metabolism.

Refreshing Simple Lemongrass Tea

IngredientsLemongrass - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1-2 teaspoon fresh or dried lemongrass stalk and leaves
  • Honey, to taste
  • Lemon, for garnish (optional)
  1. Bring 1 cup of water to a boil.Lemongrass - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Put the lemongrass leaves (amount depends on how strong you want the tea to be) in a tea strainer or empty teabag and put it in a cup.Lemongrass - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  3. Pour the boiling water over the teacup and allow it to steep for about 8 minutes.Lemongrass - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  4. Remove the lemongrass, sweeten and garnish as desired.Lemongrass - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

How To Use As Remedy

You can drink the tea while it is warm. But you may also allow the tea to cool and put it in the fridge for a refreshing lemongrass drink. The tea is safe when consumed in a small amount and only for a short period.

Related: 1 Cup Before Bed Shrinks Belly Fat All Night (Video)

What Plants Resemble Lemongrass

Feature Lemongrass
(Cymbopogon citratus)
(Cymbopogon nardus)
Cogon Grass
(Imperata cylindrica)

20 Benefits And Uses Of Pine Pollen


Вторник, 25 Января 2022 г. 04:45 + в цитатник
20 Benefits and Uses of Pine Pollen

20 Benefits And Uses Of Pine Pine pollen is one of those under-appreciated substances that rarely get the recognition it deserves in the holistic space.


While we know that pine pollen has been used by our herbalist ancestors for over 2000 years, we have seen its popularity return as people take more and more mindful care of their health, away from pharmaceutical options.

So What Exactly Is Pine Pollen?

Pollen itself can be derived from many trees, flowering plants, and numerous grasses, which can be used in many ways to assist in some medical ailments and complaints.

Pollen comes from the male fertilizing elements of those trees, flowers, and grasses and has a powdery and grainy texture (if you were to nip it between your fingertips, it would leave a slight stain and feel a bit like coarse baby powder!).

Pine pollen is slightly different from pollen itself and can be derived from these actual pine sources, including:

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - What is Pine Pollen/" target="_blank"> 255w" width="350" />

  • Masson’s pine (Pinus massoniana) can be found in eastern Asia to central and southeastern China.
  • Chinese red pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) The most common pine in china
  • Scots pine/Scotch Pine/Baltic Pine (Pinus sylvestris), which is the most widespread European pine

Pine pollen is commonly found in herbal supplements.

It can be added to food to alleviate (some proven, and some by testimony!) many ailments and health irritations one may have, which we will look into next!

What Are The Best 10 Uses For Pine Pollen?

Here, we will look into the primary uses of pine pollen in everyday life and how it can help some aspects of health.

Of course, some of the uses might be so old in their formation that it becomes a health ritualization that has been passed down through generations as truth, but as research and science have developed over time.

We start to understand the actual health benefits that have been proven (or disproven, in some cases!), and we can begin to build an excellent portfolio for pine pollen as an addition to health.

So let’s have a look at its 10 potential health benefits for everyday health and wellness!

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Benefits/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />1. Improving Levels Of Testosterone

Believe it or not, there is a high level of testosterone (a predominantly male hormone found in plants and humans) found in pine pollen.

However, this is yet to be proven or disproven in science.

2. Assist In Stress Recovery

Pine pollen is rich in phenylalanine which is linked to the production of dopamine in the brain, which we have a lot of when we feel happy.

When we have been stressed, it is essential to regulate our fine-tuned hormones back to their optimum levels, as pine pollen can assist in this happy place search.

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Benefits 2/" target="_blank"> 217w" width="350" />
3. Immune System Support

Pine pollen has many assets that can assist in improving the functions of the human immune system, which can be handy if you find you are suffering from many colds and viruses, primarily intestinal and digestive issues.

4. Natural Antiviral Addition

Pine pollen has a substance called Arabinogalactan, which can be found in roots and leaves, which is present in the human diet anyway.

Still, they are abundant in pine pollen, making it a perfect addition to providing antiviral assistance against things such as the common cold.

5. Hormone Production

Pine pollen has DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), which may help in the production of hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, supporting the adrenal gland along a bit.

You may have low DHEA if you have a stressed lifestyle and the adrenal glands produce cortisol instead, so pine pollen has the potential to assist in a hormone rebalance.

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Benefits 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />6. Healthy Libido Support

While most still find a low libido as a source of embarrassment, but it needn’t be. Pine pollen has DHEA, which is a natural balancer of the hormones estrogen and testosterone.

While pine pollen is reported to have a high testosterone level within its compounds, this may be a key in raising an otherwise low libido.

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Benefits 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />7. Inflammatory Assistance

Pine pollen has a high proportion of antioxidant compounds, which may assist in the reduction of inflammation and lower the prevalence of inflammatory responses in the body, such as joint pain, digestive complaints, and acne in the skin.

8. Antioxidant Support

The antioxidant support that taking pine pollen can give can also be helpful against the fight of free radical damage in the organs of the body, promoting healthy organ functions and repairing any previous free-radical damage.

9. Anti-Aging Properties
20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Benefits 5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

There are only so many times that healthy cells can reproduce, and this is the cause of many skin aging markers such as wrinkles, fine lines, and uneven skin tone. In this particular study, it was noted that pine pollen can slow down the rate and which skin cell regeneration can deplete and may slow and reduce the signs of aging in the skin.

10. May Reduce The Symptoms Of Arthritis

Many people worldwide suffer from the pain and discomfort of arthritis on a daily basis, which is caused by the degeneration of the bony joints, often associated with getting older, or through certain kinds of medications and treatments.

Top 10 Ways To Take Pine Pollen

Now we have looked into some of the incredible things that taking pine pollen can help your everyday health and wellness, we need to now look at how we can incorporate pine pollen into our daily routines.

It is important to note that pine pollen cannot be consumed straight from the tree!

Pine pollen cannot be digested by the human body raw. It must be prepared for consumption before any attempt is made to introduce it into a diet.

1. Pre-Made Supplements

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Supplements/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Pine pollen can be found in many supplements that are already made for us. These supplements can be found in any reputable health store or online.

Still, caution should be applied to the supplements claims and other ingredients before consumption.

2. Added To Baking

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Baking/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Pine pollen can be turned into a powdered format and added to flours and dry ingredients for baking.

Caution should be applied with how much you put in your foodstuffs versus how much volume of the final product you have.

It is also something that needs mentioning if anyone else is going to eat the pine pollen products in case of allergies.

3. Pine Pollen Tincture

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Tincture/" target="_blank"> 259w" width="350" />Tinctures are a superb way to get the correct elements of pine pollen in the right places when needed.

To prepare a tincture, Make a 1:6 strength solution by soaking one part of pine pollen into 6 parts solution, then evaporate four parts of the overall solution to get the 1:2 tincture.

4. Dehydrated Pine Pollen

You can use a dehydrated version of pine pollen in almost any dish.

Still, caution should be applied to ensure the pine pollen has been heated and mixed thoroughly to ensure it is safe to consume and the goodness is easily digested.

/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
5. Pine Pollen Tea

Pine pollen is something that benefits from being heated to release all of the goodness within the pollen so it can be easily absorbed by the gut.

Allowing pine pollen powder to steep in hot water can be really good for you when drunk as tea.

6. In Savoury Dishes

Pine pollen powder can be sprinkled in almost any savory dish, including soups, stews, and sauces.

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Snacks/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Be sure to use only the right amount for a correct dosage (see the bottom of the article for those!) to pop in your food.

7. In Sweet Dishes

Of course, a small amount of pine pollen powder in sweet dishes can also be done.

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Salve/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

This can make sweet dishes that use almost any ingredients to create a nutrition profile that is more on the superfood side.

8. Topical Treatments

Pine pollen can be added to a topical ointment to improve healing and skin conditions such as acne and eczema. It is full of amino acids, which may benefit and improve some skin conditions.

9. Added To Juices And Smoothies

20 Uses and Benefits of Pine Pollen - Smoothies/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Adding pine pollen to a superfood juice or smoothie can increase the uptake of the pine pollen goodness, along with many other natural health benefits the other ingredients can give you.

It is best to use pine pollen powder for this as it can be quickly mixed with the existing liquids.

10. Added To Your Morning Coffee

Pine pollen can amp up the status of your morning coffee by placing a teaspoon of pine pollen powder in your cup, adding the correct amount of coffee, and adding your hot (but not boiling) water. Allow to steep for 2 minutes, stir and consume.

Related: Add This “Unusual Nutrient” to Coffee or Tea, to Effortlessly and Fully Empty Your Bowels Every Single Morning (Learn More)

Recommended Pine Pollen Dosages:

Willow. Ива.


Вторник, 25 Января 2022 г. 04:38 + в цитатник

Willow (Salix), also known as osiers, is a large genus of plants that holds about 400 species of deciduous trees and shrubs. The name Salix may have early Celtic origins meaning “near water”. This notoriously thirsty genus of plants boasts not only giant trees that are 90 feet tall and wide but also low-growing dwarf alpine species of heights that reach only 2 ½ inches and every size of tree and shrub in between.


Most interestingly, willow bark contains a miraculous combination of salicin, polyphenols, and flavonoids. Because of this, willow bark has been used as a pain reliever for over 3500 years. In studying and isolating salicin from willow bark, scientists created synthesized analgesic compounds known as salicylic acid, the main ingredient in aspirin.

Luckily, it appears all species of willow contain pain-relieving compounds including salicin. The White Willow is often exulted as the willow species most noted for the presence of salicin in its bark, as is Purple Osier Willow. As these are both native to Europe where early salicin extraction was practiced, this makes sense. In fact, many peoples indigenous to North America used willow bark in pain-relieving medicines for time immemorial.

Willow Identification/" target="_blank"> 170w" width="350" />

Extremely useful, the long flexible branches of many willow species are used in weaving and basketry. Amazing for plant breeders, willows also contain a plant hormone known as indole butyric acid which stimulates root growth. Willow branches can be crushed and soaked overnight in clean water to make ‘willow water’. This ‘willow water’ is a homemade rooting hormone helpful in successful plant propagation.

How To Identify Willow

  • Shape: Deciduous trees and shrubs.
  • Leaves: Willow leaves are often elongated and narrow with serrated edges. The leaves of some species are round or oval.
  • Flower: Most willow species produce catkins in early spring, usually before the leaves emerge.
  • Stem: Willow branches are often colorful, fast-growing, and flexible.

Related: Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

How To Grow Willows

How to Grow Willow/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Willows prefer deep, moist, rich soils that are well-draining. Most willows prefer full sun. They are very fast-growing plants with strong root systems which provide excellent erosion control. In the landscape, it is sensible to avoid growing willows near houses, foundations, septic fields, water, and sewer lines as the aggressive, water-seeking roots can cause unwanted damage.

One of the easiest woody plants to propagate, willows contain their rooting hormone. Plants can be started by taking cuttings of live willow branches and pushing them into moist soil. Keep them well watered and new shoots and roots will emerge in a few weeks.

As mentioned, willows are great for erosion control, and they make fast-growing hedges, naturalized areas, and are useful in creating living fences.

Related: 10 Plants That You Should Never Plant Together (Video)

How To Harvest Willow Bark

Harvest Willow/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />The best time to harvest willow bark is in the spring or the fall. Find 1- to 2-year-old willow branches that are less than ½ an inch in diameter. Using shears, pruners, or scissors, trim several feet of branches to harvest the bark from. There is no need to harvest willow bark from mature tree trunks. Not only can this scar the tree, but this bark is also often very hard and thick with deep fissures. The bark from mature tree trunks is thought to be of little medicinal value anyway.

The most inner layer of bark is known as the cambium layer. The cambium layer of young branches is considered the best place to obtain the medicinal compounds found in willows.

Using a sharp tool, knife, or vegetable peeler, scrape or peel the outer layers of bark off the small branches. This bark can be used immediately or stored for later use.

Related: American Beech Nuts – A Staple At The Grocery Store 100 Years Ago (Video)

What Willow Is Good For And The Natural Remedies Made From It

Willow Extract/" target="_blank"> 200w" width="350" />Willow bark’s main use is for pain relief. People make tea from the bark for its anti-inflammatory and painkilling action. Some people prefer to chew on unprocessed willow bark to naturally extract the salicin and other pain-relieving plant particles to help aid fever, headaches, and arthritis pain. Interestingly, many health food stores and drugstores carry willow bark in powdered or encapsulated form. Similarly, willow bark extracts, liquids, and tinctures are available as a substitute for aspirin.

Willow bark may have an extraordinary benefit for topical use as a gentle skin cleanser, moisturizer, and acne prevention. There is a long list of high-end and natural skincare products available that list willow bark and its extracts as ingredients.

What Parts Of Willows Are Used In Remedies?

Willow bark’s active ingredient is salicin. This is complemented by willow bark’s accompanying flavonoids and polyphenols which may be responsible for making willow bark exceptionally effective.

Willow Bark/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />From as far back as the earliest human civilizations 5500 years ago, the leaves and bark of willows have been used to treat aches and fever. Over the last couple of centuries, the salicin of willows has been isolated and studied. This has brought about the production of fever-reducing and pain-relieving medicines. Notably aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).

Willow Recipe – Dried Willow Bark Ready For Tea, Tincture, Infusion, Salve

This recipe has been a journey following the path of identifying the many species of willow growing wild along a nearby river, obtaining the branches, processing the bark, and preserving it for future use.

In the recipe below, I used natural hybrid of Salix lutea, yellow willow. I have made pain-relieving topical oils and salves with this willow plant in the past with effective relief from painful muscles and joints.

STEP 1: Identify willow plants growing in your area. Carefully select from an abundant place as to not take important habitat or food from wildlife.

STEP 2: In fall or spring before leaves emerge, trim young branches.Willow Recipe - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

STEP 3: Cut the branches into manageable sizes and begin removing the bark with a sharp knife or vegetable peeler.Willow Recipe - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

STEP 4: For drying bark, I believe a slow, natural process is best. I use these perforated sheets reclaimed from some old shelving. The bark is spread out to dry. The perforated sheet is placed between two pieces of cardboard and protected from light and heat during the drying process. Place the sheets holding the willow bark in a well-ventilated, dark area for 3 to 6 weeks to fully dry.Willow Recipe - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

STEP 5: Once the willow bark is completely dried, it is more brittle and harder.Willow Recipe - Step 5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

STEP 6: Surprisingly durable, plan to spend some time chopping up the bark pieces. This is less messy when the bark is dry, but the bark is firmer, so it requires some extra muscle power. It could be chopped before the drying stage, but the sap would get on the tools rather than in the potential willow bark products.Willow Recipe - Step 6/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

STEP 7: Once the willow bark is chopped to your preferred size, place it in an airtight container such as a glass canning jar. I keep mine in a cupboard at room temperature where it will last up to 18 months.Willow Recipe - Step 7/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Related: Add This Plant to Your Coffee to Reduce Pain and Inflammation (Learn More)

Potential Uses

Willow Tea/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Tea: This dried willow bark is ready to make a hot cup of pain-relieving tea. Use 1 teaspoon bark to 1 cup of boiled water. Steep for 10 minutes and strain. Take up to 3 times daily.

Tincture: For an alcohol-based tincture, soak dried willow bark in your tincture alcohol of choice for up to 6 months.

Oil Infusion and Salve: Make an oil infusion for topical use to soothe aching muscles, sore joints, and arthritis pain. Put 1 tablespoon of dried willow bark in 2 ounces of carrier oil. Allow infusing for 2 to 4 months, stirring or shaking on a regular, near-daily basis. Strain out the plant material and use it to massage affected areas. This willow bark-infused oil is also ready to melt with a thickening agent such as beeswax to make a soothing salve.


From Healthline, the recommended dose for taking willow bark products for pain is 240 mg a day in powdered, encapsulated form. For taking liquid or tincture drops, the amount of 2 mL in liquid form is recommended for pain relief. In the case of tea or using the unprocessed bark, it is difficult to determine the amount of salicin available or absorbed.

How To Preserve Willow Bark

Collected willow branches can be kept in a cool dry place until ready for use. Alternatively, the bark can be peeled off the stems and dried for future use. Fresh or dried bark can be made into an extract or tea. Dried bark can be powdered and put into capsules. The bark can also be preserved by making a tincture or an oil infusion.

Common Varieties Of Willows

Below are 5 common willow varieties that host beneficial compounds. Luckily, it appears all species of willow contain pain-relieving compounds including salicin. The White Willow is often exulted as the willow species responsible for the presence of salicin in its bark, as is Purple Osier Willow. As these are both native to Europe where early salicin extraction was practiced, this makes sense. Many peoples indigenous to North America have used many willow species as pain-relieving medicines.

Importantly, keeping track of willow species in this large and diverse genus is complicated. This is because the species readily hybridize with each other, and each species grows with vast variability.

/" target="_blank"> 300w, 768w" width="1000" />

Salix Species Salix alba, White Willow Salix lutea,

Yellow Willow

Salix scouleriana, Scouler Willow Salix purpurea, Purple Osier Willow Salix exigua, Narrowleaf Willow
Size 50 to 100 feet 20+ feet 20 to 50 Feet 8 to 15 feet 6 to 15 feet
Native Area Western and central Asia Western and central North America Western North America, Alaska to Northern US Western Asia, North Africa, and Europe All of North America
Growing Zone 4 to 9 2 to 9 3 to 9 4 to 9 2 to 9
Sun Exposure Full sun to part shade Full sun Full sun to part shade Full sun Full sun to part shade

Warnings And Cautions

From the United States Pharmacopeia Safety Review of Willow Bark, products containing willow bark should include cautionary labeling which state that it is not for use in children, women who are pregnant or nursing, or by persons with known sensitivity to aspirin.

From their review of adults taking willow bark extracts delivering 120 to 240 mg of salicin daily for 8 weeks, no serious adverse effects were reported. There were a few allergic reactions as well as adverse gastrointestinal effects noted.

Plant is considered safe for topical use. Of course, with any new ingredient do a small skin test by placing a small amount of the oil or resin on the skin and wait 24 hours. Any reaction such as discomfort, itchiness, or hives may be an indication of a sensitivity. It only makes sense to practice some caution with topical use for people who suffer from allergies or sensitivity to products containing salicylic acid.

There may be contraindications with certain medications. Always check with your healthcare provider before starting new herbal remedies


Soothing Elixir For Cold And Flu Season Успокаивающий эликсир в сезон простуды и гриппа


Воскресенье, 16 Января 2022 г. 19:11 + в цитатник
Soothing Elixir For Cold and Flu Season

You only have to search for “influenza herbs” in any respectable science journal to find a plethora of research on which herbs are effective against the flu. Some are only laboratory studies while others include human trials.


Research shows that the active compounds that work specifically against flu viruses are flavonoids (especially aurones), tannins, alkamides, phenols (usually in the form of glycosides), and even some essential oils.

Since this remedy is an elixir, I am using glycerin to sweeten it. Glycerin extracts tannins, acids, essential oils, alkamides, and some glycosides quite effectively, but it only marginally extracts mucilage.

Herbs To Prevent Or Treat Flu

Below is a sample of plants that have been proven to help treat and prevent the flu.

  • Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) flowers and leaves have alkamides and other compounds that can destroy virus membranes.
  • Rockrose (Cistus incanus). Lab studies showed the flu virus didn’t form a resistance to rockrose extracts.
  • Bloody Crane’s bill (Geranium sanguineum L.) significantly inhibited the flu virus and also made a good pre-treatment.
  • Mysore Thorn (Caesalpinia decapetala) leaves and flowers significantly reduce flu virus replication.
  • Licorice (Glycyrrhiza spp.) root regulates the immune response and is a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-viral due to the triterpenoid saponins and
  • Joint Fir (Ephedra spp.) contains small amounts of ephedrine, with the Asian species typically containing a higher concentration of up to 2%.
  • Agrimony (Agrimonia pilosa) was able to effectively inhibit H1N1 and H3N2 influenza subtypes A and B viruses in the lab.
  • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a strong anti-spasmodic, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory.
  • Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) decreases fever by promoting sweating and is anti-spasmodic. It contains a small amount of salicylic acid and a wide variety of anti-inflammatory compounds including flavonoids. COOL BUT ALSO WARM?
  • Variegated Croton (Codiaeum variegatum), a lab study showed a sustained anti-flu activity.
  • Yellow snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) flowers are one of the best sources of flavonoid aurone.
  • Yellow Cosmos (Cosmos spp.) flowers are also high in aurones, but only the yellow varieties.
  • Plantain or ribwort (Plantago lanceolata) leaves are astringent and anti-inflammatory due to a high variety of tannins and acids.
  • White willow (Salix alba) bark is an astringent so can help to dry up a runny nose. It contains similar amounts of salicin (a.k.a aspirin) and tannins, which inhibit the influenza A virus. COLD
  • Elder (Sambucus nigra) flowers and berries have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties by decreasing the replication of influenza strains. They are high in vitamin C, some of which are extracted into the water and glycerin as long as freshly picked berries and flowers are used and kept chilled. The leaves are TOXIC. COOL (BARK WARM)
  • Linden or Lime Flower (Tilia spp.) leaves are a relaxant as well as anti-spasmodic. The medicinal compounds include phenolic acids and glycosides such as quercitrin and rutin. It can encourage sweating. WARM

And the list goes on…

But which ones should you use? I would recommend finding out which plants grow well in your area and planting yourself a little “influenza garden” to have on hand over the winter.

My Soothing Elixir For Cold And Flu Season

Soothing Elixir for Cold and Flu Season - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped thyme
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped licorice root
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped echinacea flowers and leaves
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped yarrow leaves
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped white willow bark
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped joint fir leaves
  • 1 cup of water
  • 3 cups of glycerin

For this remedy, I have tried a new method of extraction. First, put all of the herbs into a large jar or jug and pour a cup of boiling water over them. Cover and allow it to brew for 1 hour.Soothing Elixir for Cold and Flu Season - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Next, add 3 cups of glycerin to the jar and stir.Soothing Elixir for Cold and Flu Season - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Now you have to give it enough time for the extraction. Heating the elixir to no more than 180 °F (82 °C) will speed up the process to around 24 hours, and thanks to the glycerin, fewer terpenoids, and essential oils will start to evaporate at this temperature. However, the most effective way is the slowest method. Allowing the extraction to take place in a sealed jar at room temperature will maintain the concentration of terpenoids and essential oils, but it will take at least 4 weeks to finish the process (or up to 6 weeks if you are using any heavier plant matter such as roots or nuts).Soothing Elixir for Cold and Flu Season - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Whichever method you opt for, once it has finished, strain the extraction, label, and store either in the fridge or in a dark, cool location.

Dosage And Cautions:

As a preventative, take 1 teaspoon every two weeks during winter.

As a treatment for flu, take 1 teaspoon per day. Do not take for longer than 2 weeks due to the risk of liver damage by the high tannin content.Soothing Elixir for Cold and Flu Season - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Do not use in combination with anti-coagulants or if you are allergic to aspirin.


A pure glycerin extract can be stored for up to 2 years, but this elixir needs water (or even vinegar) to make it easier to swallow, which means the shelf-life is reduced to


50 Uses For Ginger 50 применений имбиря


Воскресенье, 16 Января 2022 г. 19:06 + в цитатник
50 Uses for Ginger

I do not know about you but I love the taste of candied ginger with a nice cup of tea and homemade gingerbread cookies in the winter. I also love ginger for its numerous health benefits. So join me with a cup of ginger tea and let’s talk about the many uses ginger can bring into your life.

1. Ginger Contains Gingerol

The ingredient that provides all the goodness in ginger is called gingerol. This substance is both an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant.

2. Aids In Oral Health

Consuming ginger can reduce oral bacteria that is linked to gingivitis and periodontitis. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory since both of these can cause the gums to become inflamed.

50 Uses for Ginger - Respiratory Issues/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />3. Helps With Respiratory Infections

If you find yourself suffering from a respiratory infection especially Respiratory Syncytial Virus then you may want to eat some fresh ginger root. While other disorders used any type of ginger, treatment for this virus is only effective with fresh ginger.

4. Reduces Brain Inflammation

Due to the anti-inflammatory nature of ginger, it is believed to reduce age-related decline in the brain, which includes oxidative stress and inflammation. Beyond being able to think better, consuming ginger could be a way of protecting the brain from Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Preventative Measure For Colorectal Cancer

One of the many benefits of ginger is the fact that it can act as an anticancer treatment for some cancers, such as colorectal. The key to this approach though is you need to have an average chance of developing this type of cancer. Those with a high chance did not have the same results.

6. Potentially Lowers Cholesterol

Studies continue but currently, results show that consuming ginger has the potential to drastically lower LDL or bad cholesterol, total cholesterol, and blood triglycerides.

50 Uses for Ginger - Menstrual Pain/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />7. Can Reduce Menstrual Pain

If you suffer from menstrual pain then you need to consider taking ginger before the start of your cycle. Believe it or not, this humble spice has been proven to be as effective as any over-the-counter treatment.

8. Preventative Approach To Breast Cancer

If you have a family history of breast cancer, you may want to consider consuming some ginger. Large amounts are required but research is showing that ginger can act as an anticancer type of treatment that prevents the formation of cancer cells.

9. Helps With Chronic Digestion

First, what is chronic digestion? This is a type of digestion that is felt in the upper part of the stomach. It is characterized by pain and discomfort. It is believed that this is caused when the stomach does not completely empty. To help this process along, it has been found that consuming ginger speeds up this process and in turn reduces the discomfort.

10. Reduces Blood Sugar Levels

Those with type 2 diabetes who consumed ginger saw a decrease in fasting blood sugar levels. They also saw a reduction of Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoproteing A ratio and a lowering of malondialdehyde levels. This latter is a byproduct of oxidative stress.

11. Improves Heart-Related Risk Factors Of Those With Type 2 Diabetes
50 Uses for Ginger - Type 2 Diabetes/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Individuals with type 2 diabetes have other factors due to their disease that can cause heart problems. This includes high levels of malondialdehyde and Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotien A. Consuming ginger has been shown to reduce these levels so that the chances of heart disease problems are decreased in people with this health issue.

12. Can Reduce Symptoms Of Osteoarthritis

Two of the symptoms of osteoarthritis that ginger has the potential to address are swelling and pain. Many who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee report relief from pain and decrease inflammation when they consume ginger in any form.

13. Aids In Weight Loss

When one thinks of ginger and weight loss, what has been discovered is it improves on measurements that are used to prove weight loss. This includes body measurement and weight. How it works is not completely clear but it is believed to come from reduced inflammation and the increase of burned calories.

14. Treats Different Types Of Nausea

Ginger is known to help with nausea that includes morning sickness, nausea after surgery, and nausea from chemotherapy. While it does settle the stomach, it does not prevent vomiting.  Do not take it if you are close to your delivery date because it can cause vaginal bleeding.

15. Helps With Acne

50 Uses for Ginger -Acne/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Did you know that consuming ginger can help with your acne? While it will not cure it, the anti-inflammatory characteristics of this spice can reduce the inflammation of the skin. If you are looking for instant help, you can make a mask of equal parts of grated ginger and apple cider vinegar. Apply to acne and leave on for a few minutes.

Once you rinse it off you will notice a reduction in skin inflammation.  Remember to check on a small patch of skin for any allergic reaction.

16. Wards Off Germs

Beyond improving the body’s immune system, ginger also causes sweating when you have a cold. If you consume ginger during this time, your body will send out a germ-fighting chemical called dermcidin through the sweat glands. This chemical provides protection against E. coli and Candida albicans.

17. Acts As A Sore Muscle Treatment

Looking for a tasty way of dealing with post-workout pain? Well, if the answer is yes then fix you a cup of ginger tea or a snack containing ginger. The fact that ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties will reduce the soreness from your workout.

18. Provides Relief From Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Oh, the pain from the swelling caused by rheumatoid arthritis can be crippling but consuming ginger can help. Eating food with ginger along with drinking ginger tea will reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. To get the most out of the ginger, one must consume this spice in some form every day.

19. Protects The Body’s DNA

Believe it or not, lipids in the body can go rancid and this is true with the fat coating that protects DNA. The antioxidant properties of ginger attack the free radicals that can cause the lipid layer to go bad, which would expose the DNA to damage.50 Uses for Ginger - Digestion/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

20. Aids In Colic

An old-time remedy for colic is gripe water. Ginger is one of the ingredients due to its ability to reduce gas in the stomach. Before giving your baby and ginger, make sure to check with your doctor.

21. Reduces Gas

If you have ever had a bad case of gas, you understand how uncomfortable one can be. Consuming ginger before a meal and drinking a cup of ginger tea after a meal can help with the gas problem. How? Gas can be caused when the stomach has not emptied yet. Ginger can speed up that process, which will reduce the discomfort from gas production.

22. Boosts Your Body’s Immunity

An easy way of improving your health is by enjoying ginger in any form. It improves your body’s natural immunity by reducing inflammation, which causes stress on the body. This stress in turn can reduce the effectiveness of your immune system.

23. Helps Fight Colds

Since ginger is not only anti-inflammatory but an antimicrobial and antifungal, it is a great treatment to help fight the common cold or flu. When using ginger to treat colds, make sure to use fresh, which in this case is the best.

24. Improves Skin Health

When ginger is applied to the skin, it can improve the appearance of the skin by reducing the oiliness of the skin and reducing pore size. Eating more ginger and applying it to the skin can also aid in the healing process.

25. Preventative Treatment For Ovarian Cancer

While more research needs to be done, early studies are showing that ginger can act as an anticancer treatment for those who are of an average chance of developing this type of cancer.

26. Increases Hair Growth
50 Uses for Ginger - Hair/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Yes, ginger can increase hair growth. How you may ask? Since ginger is an anti-inflammatory, it has the potential to reduce the inflammation of the hair follicle that can cause the hair to fall out but this is not the end of the story. It seems that fresh ginger and onion need to be mixed with oil and applied to the scalp for this treatment to work.

27. Improves Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease that can be fatal. While ginger should never be used in place of an inhaler without the consent of your doctor, it is showing positive results as an alternative to asthma medication. How does it work? Well, it works in two ways. First, the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and pain-releasing nature of ginger prevent a particular enzyme to be produced that causes the lungs to restrict. This restriction is what makes it hard to breathe. Once this enzyme is stopped, ginger stimulates the production of another enzyme that relaxes the lungs, which makes breathing easier.

While consuming ginger offers other health benefits, never solely depend on this approach if you suffer from asthma.

28. Treats Migraines

50 Uses for Ginger - Migraines/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Before talking about ginger as a migraine treatment, let’s understand how a migraine occurs.  When a migraine begins prostaglandins are first produced, which causes muscle contractions and pain. Blood vessels become inflamed and certain hormones are triggered to cause nausea. Taking ginger when you first feel the twitch of a migraine coming on will prevent the cascade started by prostaglandins. It will also provide pain relief and help settle the stomach.

29. Acts As A Treatment For Dandruff

Yes, there are many treatments for dandruff. Some simply conceal the flakes, while others treat them. Ginger is one of the ingredients that treat dandruff because it is an antiseptic. When this is added to hair products, it can naturally address your dandruff.

30. Treats Fine Lines

There are many causes for fine lines but one that creeps up is the decreased production of collagen.  Increasing your consumption of ginger is one way of promoting collagen production from the inside. Another approach is to rub fresh ginger on the skin three times a day to protect your skin’s collagen.

31. Fights Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is caused by many different types of bacteria that can cause an upset stomach and diarrhea.  Consuming ginger tea will aid in killing the bacteria, which in turn will settle the stomach while reducing the trips to the bathroom due to diarrhea.

50 Uses for Ginger - Libido/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />32. Increases The Libido

This may seem like a weird use of ginger. The science behind this approach is the fact that ginger increases circulation all over the body. In a nutshell, if you improve the circulation in those certain areas then you increase your libido.

33. Improves The Results Of A Massage

Due to the anti-inflammatory and warming characteristics of this spice, it is used both internally and externally for pain relief. But did you know that it can also be used as part of a massage? Well, the answer is yes. Adding ginger essential oil to massage oil can provide relief from pain.

34. Improves Eyesight

Inflammation of the eye will affect your ability to see properly. This is especially true if you suffer from glaucoma. Taking ginger in any form will aid in reducing the inflammation so that you can improve your sight.

35. Helps With Heartburn

If you have ever had heartburn, you know the need to make it stop hurting but before you reach for an antacid give ginger a try. This can be in any form, which includes tea, sprinkled on food, or even pickled ginger. How does this work? Ginger works to calm the stomach and naturally neutralize some of the stomach content that is causing heartburn.

36. Helps The Body After A Detox

It seems that everybody is doing a detox but why? The reason is that everyone consumes and absorbs toxins in their everyday life. These toxins can come from the food we eat, the air we breathe, and even the type of work we do. A detox is a way of helping the body get rid of these toxins. While a ginger detox is not a thing yet, the process of detoxing will help the body process all the healthy benefits that ginger has to offer.


Alfalfa Люцерна.


Воскресенье, 16 Января 2022 г. 19:04 + в цитатник

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), or purple medick, is a perennial legume and a flowering plant that grows in the prairies with temperate climates. The young plant looks similar to clover. However, it grows elongated leaves and purple flowers as it matures. It is popularly cultivated as fodder for grazing flocks, but also holds a notable contribution as herbal medicine. Sprouted alfalfa seeds are an excellent addition to salads and wraps. It also adds texture and distinct flavor to foods. This invasive herb is beneficial to most plant growers because of its ability to improve the nitrogen fertility in the soil. It may further help prevent soil erosion owing to its deep root system.


When it comes to foraging plants, alfalfa is one of the most cultivated plants and is considered the Queen of Forages. People today cultivate them for their leaves, seeds, and sprouts. Alfalfa seed sprouts are available in many grocery stores around the world.

Short History Of Alfalfa

alfalfa - History/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Alfalfa is a plant native to South-central Asia, specifically in ancient Iran.  It was widely used as fodder for the horses that were brought from Central Asia. This wild and indigenous plant spread to Arabia where its name “alfalfa” was coined, which translates to “the best forage.” I

People also began to explore other uses of the alfalfa, not just as fodder. The tender shoots and leaves of the plant were utilized as vegetables. The seeds were ground and used as flour, while sprouts were added to salads and soups. The United States, Australia, and New Zealand are large consumers of alfalfa sprouts as a salad ingredient.

Traditional medicine also makes use of the plant as tea or tonic for various ailments. It is used as a treatment for arthritis, diabetes, hay fever, and digestive problems. It is also a diuretic or water pill for improving kidney and bladder conditions.

To this day, many people are consuming alfalfa sprouts with their many vitamins, fiber, and mineral content. They are also commercially processed into an herbal supplement form.

Where The Plant Is Found

Alfalfa is tolerant to many climates and thrives almost anywhere – from the arid deserts, cold plains, and rich temperate regions. Presently, the United States is the largest producer of alfalfa in the world. California, South Dakota, and Wisconsin are the states that hold the widest cultivation of the herb. Alfalfa is the third most valuable crop in the United States as of 2017 data released by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) of the US Department of Agriculture.

Alfalfa plants adapt pretty well in both man-made and disturbed habitats. They also flourished in open meadows and fields with wide distribution across many regions in the United States. In fact, it is a widely known plant in every state in the US. However, as they are almost hardy for growing anywhere, leaf and root diseases may delimit their proliferation. Some areas in the southeastern United States may not grow alfalfa well like in the north and northwestern parts.

Related:  The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area! (Video)

How To Identify Alfalfa

Alfalfa is a member of the Fabaceae family of peas. It is also known as lucerne or purple medic with a distinguishing blue to purple flower. Young alfalfa resembles its close family, the sweet clover with their tiny serrated leaves. But as they mature, alfalfa leaves elongate, giving it its distinct characteristic.

  • Leaf. Mature alfalfa has three narrow leaflets that are alternate and scattered along the stem. These leaflets are ovate with a symmetrical base that tapers into serrated edges. It is green with a dull and slightly shiny appearance.Alfalfa - identification/" target="_blank"> 132w" width="350" />
  • Flower. Alfalfa bears purple flowers, and some varieties may either have a blue or white bloom. They grow on a one-sided cluster with about ten to twenty leguminous flowers each. The petals and sepals of the alfalfa flowers are joined in a cup or tube. These petals look thin and delicate. They are oblong-shaped with rounded ends.
  • Roots. Like the legumes of the Fabaceae family, alfalfa has deep and extensive taproots. It can grow up to 3 up to 15 meters below the soil, making them resilient to drought and excellent for soil erosion prevention. A tough crown with small buds will eventually grow on the top of the root that enables it to re-grow after harvest.
  • Seeds. Small seeds that are shiny and kidney-shaped are produced from the alfalfa flowers. Its color ranges from yellow to greenish-yellow and browns as it ages.
  • Stems. The alfalfa stems are upright and angled upward. It is round at the bottom and roughly square-shaped at the top and can grow from 30 to 100 cm tall.

Related: Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

Alfalfa has many varieties and brands that are a product of many years of research and development. There are dormant and non-dormant varieties that were engineered for better adaptation within the region they are cultivated. There are also genetically modified alfalfa varieties but were regulated by the USDA because of their environmental impact.

How To Grow Alfalfa

The alfalfa plant can adapt well to various environments and growing conditions. It prefers full sunlight and well-draining soil as too much wetness and moisture may cause mold growth. They can easily grow and propagate through cuttings or seeds.

Growing Alfalfa From Seeds

Alfalfa,Sprouts,In,A,White,Bowl.,Grow,Microgreen,For,Food./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />You can easily purchase alfalfa seeds from the grocery or any feed supply shop. If you live in regions with a cooler climate, you can grow your alfalfa plant in spring. For milder regions, fall is the best time for sowing alfalfa seeds.

Prepare the seedbed by removing debris and moist the soil at 1 to 3 inches below the planting surface. Moisture at the surface area is not always necessary and an inch of rain is enough to germinate the seeds.

Sow the seeds at only about half an inch deep, two to three inches apart. If planting directly on a field, sprinkle seeds evenly into the soil at about ¼ pounds for every 25 square feet. Alfalfa will sprout sometimes in seven to ten days after sowing. When the seedlings are about 6 to 12 inches, thin them to avoid overcrowding.

If you are growing the plant as forage or decoration, there is no need for thinning the field. Let the plants thrive and cover the ground.

Related: 10 Plants That You Should Never Plant Together (Video)

Growing Alfalfa From Cuttings

/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Propagating alfalfa from cuttings is ideal if you want only a small patch of ground for it to cover. Cuttings are also more stable if you already have a healthy growth of established plants available. Planting the alfalfa cuttings is best done at least a week before the frost.

Select healthy plants to cut that are no less than six inches tall. Trim it two inches from the soil. Alfalfa has tough crowns on top of its roots that will easily re-grow once the stem is cut down. Trim the leaves off the cutting leaving only three leaves at the top. Soak the cutting overnight in a glass of water.

Plant the cuttings in a shallow well-draining container with pre-moistened potting soil. Space the cuttings at about two inches apart and place the container near an area with filtered sunlight. Moisten the soil but do not make it soggy.

Transplant the new alfalfa plants when new leaves are starting to grow.

Proper Care Of The Alfalfa Plants

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Alfalfa is a low-maintenance plant but it will thrive better in the following conditions:

  • Give it plenty of full sun.
  • A well-draining soil with a pH level between 6.8 to 7.5.
  • Keep the plants free of weed until they are at least four inches tall.
  • Give them supplementary irrigation only when the climate is too dry.

How To Harvest Alfalfa

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If you grow the seeds merely for food and your salad greens, harvest the sprouts that emerge within 7 to 10 days. For your tea, gather the leaves when they are dry and let them air dry for a day before storing.

When growing alfalfa as livestock feeds, it is necessary to time the harvest before the flowering stage. Mature plants are harder to digest, so you should bundle the plants before the early bloom stage. Gather the crop only when they are dry and there is no danger of rain over the day. Moisture encourages the growth of molds that will damage the crop.

In large plantations, harvesting often begins by cutting the alfalfa using a swather and arranging them in rows to dry. Sometimes, a mower-conditioner is used to hasten the drying process. A tractor will then collect the dried alfalfa and bundle them into bales as hay.

Related: I Stopped Spending Money At The Pharmacy By Growing These 10 Plants (Video)

What Alfalfa Is Good For And Natural Remedies Made From It

Alfalfa - Sandwich/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

The alfalfa leaves are rich in minerals and amino acids, which promote many medicinal attributes. Many people take alfalfa because of its high vitamin A, C, E, and K4 content. It also has potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. All of these are essential for the body’s proper functioning.

Alfalfa is beneficial in promoting normal blood clotting due to its vitamin K content. Vitamin K serves as a natural anticoagulant. It can also purify the blood and help in detoxifying the body. This herb is highly effective in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • Water retention
  • ArthritisAlfalfa - Natural Remedies/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Laryngitis
  • Anemia
  • Acid reflux
  • Alcoholism
  • Kidney conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Upset stomach
  • Bleeding disorder

What Parts Of Plants Are Used For Remedies

Alfalfa Tincture - ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Alfalfa sprouts, in no doubt, are microgreens that are a tasty addition to foods. Its tender leaves and young shoots are edible and carry many nutritional values. All the above-ground parts of the herb are used for various natural remedies. Its leaves can be consumed either dry or as a fresh extract for treating many ailments. But while young sprouts are palatable, established leaves have a bitter tang in them.

Alfalfa Tincture With Vinegar

  • Dried alfalfa leaves (or stems)
  • Unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar
  1. Fill the jar halfway with the chopped herbs.Alfalfa Tincture - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Fill it with vinegar leaving about an inch of space from the brim. Take note that using vinegar as a menstruum is not as potent as using alcohol. However, it is a nice alternative for those people who are avoiding alcohol and for little children as well. Vinegar is also the most suitable menstruum for herbs such as alfalfa because it allows the best possible extraction of nutrients.Alfalfa Tincture - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  3. Before closing the lid, put parchment paper in between the metal lid and the glass jar. This protects the tincture from any residues of metal corrosion that might happen due to the vinegar’s acidity.Alfalfa Tincture - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  4. Properly label the jar with the herb and date of infusion.Alfalfa Tincture - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  5. Shake the infusion and make sure that all herbs are soaked. Leave the mixture to infuse in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Regularly shake the tincture daily for six weeks. After at least six weeks, strain the infusion into a glass container.
How To Use The Remedy

Herbs have unique dosing and schedule depending on their concentration. You can take 3 to 5 drops of the tincture diluted in a glass of water twice or thrice a day or as prescribed by your physician. It is best to consult a qualified herbalist for the proper dosage, especially if you have any underlying medical condition. Vinegar-infused tinctures have a shelf-life from one to two years.Alfalfa Tincture - Step 5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Related: Ancient Japanese Tonic Melts 54 LBS Of Fat (Video)

What Plants Resemble Alfalfa

Feature Alfalfa
(Medicago sativa)
Sweet Clover
(Melilotus officinalis)

Fenugreek Пажитник.


Воскресенье, 16 Января 2022 г. 19:02 + в цитатник

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a culinary herb belonging to the legume family Fabaceae. It is known as methi in India and is valued for its medicinal properties aside from its culinary importance. This spice has been around for centuries and proliferates in semi-arid regions. The fenugreek seeds and leaves are the popular parts of the plant used as ingredients. While safe for use in small amounts in foods, this herb can cause an adverse reaction in high dosages.


There are many ways of using fenugreek in the kitchen or as medicine. The seeds can be used whole or ground, raw or toasted. The fresh leaves and sprouts or micro greens are good as a vegetable. Its dry or fresh leaves are also used in treating illnesses and as finishes in soups and sauce. It is one of the spices included in the Indian five-spice (panch phoran) and garam masala. Historically, the fenugreek plant served as forage for cattle. Today, it is marketed as a dietary supplement with ongoing research in the works to prove its safety and efficacy.

Short History Of Fenugreek

Fenugreek History/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Methi is a plant that grows abundantly in the wilds of India and southern Europe. It is believed to exist more than six thousand years ago.

The Romans also used fenugreek for treating fever and other respiratory illnesses. Meanwhile, the Greek physician Hippocrates used the plant as a soothing herbal medicine and for treating infections. The Egyptians also use its healing properties in inducing childbirth and even in the mummification process.

Today, fenugreek is cultivated for its seeds and processed into spice. India is the largest producer of fenugreek for the global market. It is traded for its seeds and oil extract or oleoresin. These are exported in many countries over Europe, UAE, and some countries in Asia.

Where The Plant Is Found

Fenugreek is distributed geographically in many countries and states in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. In India, which accounts for the largest producer of methi, Rajasthan is the state that dominates in the cultivation. Other Indian states also grow fenugreek but in several varieties.

Other countries and states with a conducive environment for the survival of fenugreek also grow them. Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Argentina, and the Mediterranean are also on the top list of fenugreek producers next to India.

Related: The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area! (Video)

How To Identify Fenugreek

The small, yellowish-brown seeds with a distinct aroma are the main identification of fenugreek. This annual, edible plant grows in warm regions and stands in its erect stems for up to 60 cm. Its flowers bloom sometime in April or May and produce bean-like pods.

Fenugreek - Identification/" target="_blank"> 200w" width="350" />

  • Leaves. Fenugreek leaves are smooth and ovate with uniform color. Some varieties may grow purple leaflets, while the most common is green. These leaves are compound or made up of two or more discrete leaflets. They are also alternate, appearing one per node along the stem. They have a leafy, herbaceous texture with serrated edges on their leaf blade and hairs on the underside.
  • Flowers. Different varieties of fenugreek produce different colors, but the most common are yellow and white. Some fenugreek varieties also bear blue, purple, or lavender, or yellow to gold-colored flowers. It may grow either solitary or in pairs at the top of the stems, shaped like a small saucer at one-inch diameter.
  • Roots. Fenugreek has a shallow taproot system. Its main root grows vertically downward and tapers sidewards in the direction of its growth. Its roots, like most legumes, may have nodules formed by bacteria that are useful in fixing atmospheric nitrogen./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Seeds. The fenugreek seed is produced in the plant’s bean-like pods. Each pod contains about 10 to 20 tiny seeds that are 1.5 to 3mm long. It is yellow-brownish and is cuboid-shaped, which appears longer than it is wide.
  • The seeds are the most valuable part of the plant. They are marketed whole or grounded as a spice. It exudes a bitter taste but has a potent aroma similar to maple syrup./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Stems. Stems of fenugreek are erect, straight, and angled upwards. The stems sometimes trail at the base but always turn upward at the tip.
  • It has a smooth or glabrous surface with a velvety feel. It does not have any hairs between the nodes.

Related: Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

Methi has at least 18 known varieties cultivated for commercial purposes. The most important varieties are those that are high-yielding and with fast maturity. These fenugreek varieties include:

  • Pusa Early Bunching– the commercial crop that takes only 130 days of seed maturity
  • Methi #14 and #47– the high-yielding crops common in India
  • Co1 Variety– an early bunching methi with 95 days maturity period
  • RMT 143– highly resistant to powdery mildew

How To Grow Fenugreek

Growing Fenugreek/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Fenugreek is abundant in warm regions since it does not like cooler and moist climates. They can thrive well in USDA Zones 8B to 11 and flourish during the spring and summer seasons. In tropical regions, methi is grown whole year-round.

You can grow fenugreek in ordinary garden soil in a warm and sheltered position. They need at least four hours of sun but need shelter in the afternoon. They also require organic and well-draining soil with a pH level between 6 to 7.

The best time for sowing methi is in spring or autumn when the temperature plays from 50°F to 90°F. In colder countries, growing them before the last frost will give it a better survival rate. Once established, the fenugreek plant is very easy to maintain.

You can grow fenugreek from seeds and in pots or containers. This strategy is ideal to make it easier to move the plant indoors during the frost. Fenugreek sowing is more successful if it is grown from seeds.

Related: 10 Plants That You Should Never Plant Together (Video)

Growing Fenugreek From Seeds

The seeds that you get in the spice section of the supermarket are also viable for growing. They are also available in specialty garden stores or nursery centers. Cultivate fenugreek by starting with a pot of rich and well-draining soil. Loamy and sandy-loam soils are the ideal medium for it. The fenugreek roots do not often tolerate transplanting, so directly sowing them is necessary.

Growing Fenugreek in a pot/" target="_blank"> 289w" width="350" />

A planter about 6 to 8 inches deep and has good drainage is the perfect potting container. You can line it up with gravel before adding the soil medium. You may want to soak them in Rhizobium culture. This will help the plant to flourish healthily. You can also soak them overnight in a warm glass of water the night before planting.

Sow the fenugreek seeds in the potting soil and cover them lightly at about 1 to 2 cm deep. The ideal space for an outdoor garden is 7.5 cm between plants and 20 to 45 cm between rows. Water it deep at regular intervals, just enough to keep the potting mix moist without overwatering them. Expect the seeds to sprout after a week, depending on the climate.

Fenugreek Plant Care

Fenugreek is a fast-growing herb that requires little to no maintenance once established. Here are some of the basic requirements needed for successfully growing the plant in pots.

  • A fertile, organic, and well-draining soil with pH levels 6 to 7./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • At least 4 hours of sun and shade in the afternoon.
  • Constantly moist soil but not soggy and overwatered.
  • Farm manure, if needed.
  • Plant thinning 20 to 25 days after sowing.
  • Weeding when necessary.

How To Harvest Fenugreek

Harvest Fenugreek/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

If you want to harvest the fenugreek leaves as a vegetable, you can do so 30 to 35 days after planting. Simply pick the top aerial parts of the plant and use them as you need. After picking, the fenugreek will re-grow its leaves in about two weeks. Regular picking is useful as it will encourage the plant to grow more leaves.

When the lower leaves start to shed off and the fruit pods change into yellow, the fenugreek is ready to harvest for seeds. Harvesting of fenugreek seeds needs to be timely, otherwise, it will diminish its quality. Early harvest will lead to dry matter content, while late harvest may shatter the seeds and decrease their flavor.

In large plantations, harvesting may be done manually using sickles before drying them to gather the seed pods. Or you may only harvest the seed pods and leave the plants to wither and die. Decaying fenugreek roots will release nitrogen into the atmosphere. The nitrogen is also consumed by other nearby plants in the fenugreek plantation.

Related: 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

Storing Fenugreek

Fenugreek in a jar/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />To store fresh fenugreek leaves, roughly chop the unwashed leaves and lightly wrap them in aluminum foil. Place the foil in a Ziplock bag and put it in the freezer. They can stay there for many months without losing their flavor and color. The trick is not to wash the leaves after harvesting or chopping, as any moisture in the leaves will cause them to rot. Wash the leaves only when you take them out when they are ready for use.

The fenugreek seeds are also best stored dry in an airtight container in a dry cupboard.

What Fenugreek Is Good For And Natural Remedies Made From It

Fenugreek leaves and seeds harbor many medicinal benefits. It is most effective in the treatment of allergies and hay fever. Some women also use this for promoting breast enlargement and treating breastmilk insufficiencies. It can enhance estrogen production and increase the libido in both men and women. Traditionally, the plant is used to induce childbirth with its ability to stimulate uterine contraction.

Fenugreek - Natural benefits/" target="_blank"> 200w" width="350" />

With its soluble fibers and nutrients, fenugreek can treat the following health conditions:

What Parts Of The Fenugreek Are Used For Remedies

Raw fenugreek seeds may be soaked overnight or boiled or eaten raw for alleviating different health conditions. The ground form or powdered seeds are also consumed as a tea or applied to the skin and other affected areas that need healing. A decoction of fresh fenugreek leaves likewise cures many ailments.

Adding fresh leaves to soups, stews, and salad is popular among lactating women who wish to encourage breastmilk production.

Fenugreek - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Easy Fenugreek Tea Recipe

  • 1 tsp organic fenugreek seeds
  • 1 cup water
  • Honey, to taste
  • Fresh lemon slice, optional
  1. Crush the fenugreek seeds using a mortar and pestle or the flat side of a knife.Fenugreek Tea - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Boil water in a small saucepan. Remove from heat once boiling.Fenugreek Tea - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

7 Natural Remedies For Fibromyalgia Pain 7 натуральных средств от боли при фибромиалгии


Воскресенье, 16 Января 2022 г. 18:36 + в цитатник
Когда вы живете с фибромиалгией, вы сталкиваетесь с ежедневными проблемами, которых нет у многих других. Хроническая мышечная боль, постоянная усталость, неосвежающий сон, онемение или покалывание в руках и ногах, депрессия — все это проблемы, которые могут разделить вашу жизнь на «хорошие дни» и «плохие дни».
Фибромиалгией страдает примерно один человек из 50, в основном женщины. В настоящее время нет лекарства, и никто не знает, что его вызывает, пока. Таким образом, поиск лучшего обезболивающего средства при фибромиалгии является непрерывным процессом.
В этом блоге мы рассмотрим семь трав, которые могут облегчить ваши симптомы, а также три натуральных средства, которые могут существенно изменить ваше самочувствие.
1. Зверобой продырявленный (Hypericum perforatum)
Природные средства от болей при фибромиалгии — зверобой. Хотя исследований о влиянии зверобоя на симптомы фибромиалгии не проводилось, он часто используется для лечения депрессии, которая обычно связана с фибромиалгией.
Травяная терапия обычно хорошо переносится, хотя у некоторых людей может возникнуть расстройство желудка или кожная сыпь.
Согласно этой статье с медицинским обзором, опубликованной на WebMD, анализ исследований, изучающих влияние зверобоя на депрессию, показал, что это растение столь же безопасно и эффективно, как селективные антидепрессанты СИОЗС, такие как Золофт и Прозак. Однако, если вы в настоящее время принимаете антидепрессанты, поговорите со своим лечащим врачом, так как смешивание зверобоя с некоторыми лекарствами может вызвать заболевание.
2. Эхинацея (Echinacea Purpurea)
Природные средства от болей при фибромиалгии — эхинацеяЭхинацея часто используется для сокращения продолжительности простуды и гриппа, а также для уменьшения таких симптомов, как боль в горле, кашель и лихорадка.
Травники также рекомендуют эхинацею, чтобы помочь организму бороться с инфекцией.

Эхинацея содержит антиоксиданты, такие как флавоноиды, цикоровая кислота и розмариновая кислота, которые могут защитить ваше тело от боли и скованности, связанных с фибромиалгией. Он также может активировать химические вещества в организме, которые уменьшают воспаление и укрепляют вашу иммунную систему.

Лаванда. Натуральные средства от боли при фибромиалгии. Лавандовое масло и цветы используются для создания натуральных средств от бессонницы, стресса и беспокойства. Поскольку пациенты с фибромиалгией часто страдают от всех трех заболеваний, прием лаванды в виде чая, настойки или местного лечения может облегчить ночной сон. Одно исследование пришло к выводу, что эфирное масло лаванды улучшает качество сна у пациентов в отделениях интенсивной терапии (ОИТ), у которых были проблемы со сном.



7 Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia Pain


Fibromyalgia affects approximately one in 50 people – mostly women. There is currently no cure and no one knows what causes it- yet. Therefore, finding the best fibromyalgia pain relief is an ongoing process.

In this blog, we’ll examine seven herbs that can provide relief for your symptoms, along with three natural treatments that can make a big difference in how you feel.

1. St. John’s Wort (Hypericum Perforatum)

Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia Pain - St John's Wort/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />While no studies have been done on the effect of St. John’s wort on fibromyalgia symptoms, it is often used to treat depression, which is commonly associated with fibromyalgia.

As a herbal therapy, it’s usually well-tolerated, although some people may experience an upset stomach or a skin rash.

According to this medically-reviewed article published on WebMD, an analysis of studies examining the effect of St. John’s wort on depression found that the herb was as safe and effective as selective SSRI antidepressants like Zoloft and Prozac. However, if you are currently taking antidepressants, speak to your healthcare practitioner, as mixing St. John’s wort with some medications may cause illness.

2. Echinacea (Echinacea Purpurea)

Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia Pain - Echinacea/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Echinacea is often used to shorten the duration of the common cold and flu, and to reduce symptoms such as a sore throat, cough, and fever.

Herbalists also recommend echinacea to help the body fight infection.

Echinacea contains antioxidants such as flavonoids, cichoric acid, and rosmarinic acid, which may protect your body from the pain and stiffness associated with fibromyalgia. It can also activate chemicals in the body that reduce inflammation while strengthening your immune system.

3. Turmeric

Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia Pain - TurmericDried and ground turmeric roots have been used as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory for centuries, particularly in India. More recently, turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, has been called the ‘herbal ibuprofen.’

One study found that curcumin was highly effective at reducing pain and swelling in arthritic joints. When taken as directed, it can deliver a similar benefit to those living with fibromyalgia, so if you already enjoy turmeric in your meals, here’s a good reason to keep indulging!

4. Arnica (Arnica)

/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Arnica has been used for treating bruises, inflammations, and muscle pain since medieval times.

Today, many different topical remedies include it as a natural treatment for muscle pain, as these treatments tend to be well-tolerated and have few side effects.

Rubbing an arnica-based salve on sore joints and muscles can provide a measure of relief from the pain and stiffness associated with fibromyalgia and even improve joint function. Now available in the Apothecary!

Research has suggested that certain arnica gels work as well as ibuprofen in reducing hand pain associated with osteoarthritis.

5. Lavender (Lavandula)

LavenderNatural Remedies for Fibromyalgia Pain - Lavender/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" /> oil and flowers are both used to create natural remedies for insomnia, stress, and anxiety. Since fibromyalgia patients often suffer from all three, taking lavender as a tea, tincture, or topical treatment can make it easier to sleep at night. One study concluded that lavender essential oil improved the sleep quality of patients in intensive care units (ICUs) who had trouble sleeping.

рецепты настоек , настои, лечебные напитки, сборы



Суббота, 15 Января 2022 г. 18:01 + в цитатник

Milkvetch (Astragalus spp.) is one of the most revered herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine, so much so that it is included in the 50 fundamental herbs in China. There are many species of astragalus, some of which are toxic. Identifying the appropriate variety is important to ensure the safe use of the herb in many medical and health conditions.

Astragalus has been studied for its effect on people suffering from simple illnesses such as common colds to more complex diseases like breast and lung cancers. Though more studies are required, preliminary studies already suggest that humans can benefit from this plant. Astragalus supplements like pills and capsules have made their way into the commercial market. But some other preparations such as decoctions and tinctures can be conveniently done at home. These preparations ensure that you get the best advantages that astragalus roots can offer.

/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Astragalus is believed to have the capacity to prolong human life. Aside from oral intake, some hospitals also give astragalus via injection or through intravenous fluids. But before taking astragalus in any form, make sure to talk with your attending physician first since it can interact with other drugs you might be taking.

The plant was introduced in North America by the USDA’s Plant Introduction Office in 1925 and has then circulated worldwide. Several studies conducted in various countries also offer an overview of the benefits we can get from this plant. Studies from the United States show that it may help people with weak immune systems caused by radiation therapies.

Where The Plant Is Found

Astragalus usually grows in a place with full sun to partially shaded and dry areas. It prefers well-drained, sandy loam soil with neutral to alkaline pH. The plant thrives best in places categorized under zones 5 to 9 of the USDA hardiness zone.

It is also wildly cultivated in Asian countries, particularly in China, where it is used as part of folk medicine. It also grows in mountain thickets, meadows, coniferous forests, and steppes.

RelatedI Stopped Spending Money At The Pharmacy By Growing These 10 Plants (Video)

How To Identify Astragalus

Astragalus is an herbaceous perennial. It is one of the members of the Fabaceae or pea family, which is the third-largest plant family overall. This herb grows up to 4 feet or 1.2 meters in height. There are many varieties of astragalus as well. Hence, you need to know which is which.Astragalus - Identification/" target="_blank"> 175w" width="350" />

  • Leaf. Most plants in the Fabaceae family have pinnate leaves. However, the astragalus flower only has one pinnate leaf that contains several smaller leaflets. This distinctive trait can help you differentiate astragalus better.
  • Flower. Astragalus produces yellowish flowers that closely resemble that of the peas, which turn into egg-shaped beans once they mature. Members of the pea family also have distinctive “papilionaceous” flowers. This means that the flowers look like a butterfly. The flowers usually bloom from the middle of the summer to late fall.
  • Roots. The fibrous roots have yellow color on the inside. That is why the name of “yellow leader” came to be.
  • Stem. The astragalus stem is short and hairy. The raised stem is covered with imparipinnate leaves.

Related: Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

There are more than 3,000 species of astragalus. Some species are toxic. Hence, you need to be aware of the variety you want to grow if you plan on using it medicinally. Two varieties of astragalus often used in supplements are:

  • Astragalus membranaceus
  • Astragalus mongholicus

How To Grow Astragalus

Some find it easy to grow astragalus, while some find it hard. To grow astragalus, preparing the seeds beforehand is a must. You also have to ensure that the soil medium has the proper pH level since astragalus is somewhat finicky about the soil’s pH.

Prepare The Seeds

Astragalus Seeds/" target="_blank"> 300w, 150w" width="350" />Before you can plant the seeds, it needs to undergo certain procedures. Astragalus seeds are covered with a hard coat, which you need to scrape and remove. Lightly rub the seeds on sandpaper to get rid of the hard coat. This step is essential because it helps with faster germination. But, make sure that you do the scraping carefully and gently. Otherwise, the seeds may get damaged.

Soak The Seeds

Soak the seeds overnight in warm water.

Some others prefer the cold stratification method (intended for plants that need to thrive on cold winter grounds) for at least 3 weeks. In this method, the seeds are soaked for 12 to 24 hours before putting them inside a sealable container with proportioned amounts of sand and peat. The container is sealed and placed inside the refrigerator for 21 days. Check the seeds after the given time to see if they have sprouted already. Some seeds, however, may take up to 9 weeks to sprout.

Growing Astragalus 1/" target="_blank"> 344w" width="350" />Plant

After the soaking or cold stratification method, plant the seeds in small pots or seed trays for at least 2 inches deep. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil, approximately ¼ inch.

Maintain The Growth

Growing Astragalus 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Germination usually takes 3 to days after sowing. When watering, water slowly and deeply. Astragalus thrives better in moist soil, but not too damp. You can transfer the plants to bigger pots once they are a few inches tall.

As soon as the plants are big enough and stable, bring the plants outside every day for a week. Gradually increase the length of time daily. Do not leave the plants unattended for long periods during the first few days they are exposed outside. This will shock the plants and won’t allow them to adjust accordingly to the external factors outside the house.

Transplant Outside

Growing Astragalus 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />After the last frost, it is now safe to plant the potted astragalus outside. If you have several astragalus plants you want to transfer to outside grounds, make sure to evenly space them 8 to 16 inches apart.

You may opt to keep the plants in containers too. Just make sure that the pots you use are light-colored to prevent fluctuating temperatures. The pots also need to have plenty of room for the roots to grow well.

Related: 10 Plants That You Should Never Plant Together (Video)

Things To Remember

Growing astragalus is easy if you know what to do. Keep these things in mind:

  • Choose a planting location that is partially shaded or with full sun.
  • Always check the pH level. Astragalus thrives best in soil with pH levels over 7.
  • Sandy soil is the best choice for astragalus growth.
  • Keep the plant moist, especially during hot summer days.
  • Make sure to prune the plant since astragalus is a fast grower and can be invasive if not dealt with properly.

How To Harvest Astragalus

Astragalus - Harvest/" target="_blank"> 350w" width="350" />Roots of any age from astragalus can be harvested at any time. However, it is best to wait for a few years if you want a potent medicine. Astragalus needs to grow for 2 to 4 years before you can make use of its root for medicinal purposes. The older the roots are, the more effective they are.

The best time to harvest astragalus is during fall. Remove the foliage and the stems first. Gently dig the base of the stem to reveal the taproot. Dig and twist until a good portion of the root comes out. If you want to keep the plant alive, only harvest 30% of the smaller roots. Leave the main taproot untouched.

After harvesting the roots you need, wash them using warm water. Remove all dirt and clean them thoroughly. Once cleaned, slice and dry the roots accordingly. Store the roots in a dark container with an airtight lid.

What Astragalus Is Good For And Natural Remedies Made From It

Astragalus is one of the most powerful herbs in the world. It acts as both an immunostimulant and immunomodulant. It stimulates the immune system and adjusts the immune response when pathogens attack. This herb is also considered an adaptogen that protects the body against diseases and stress.

Astragalus is also useful in preventing senility in older people. Additionally, few studies suggest the use of astragalus to help lessen the side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients such as the loss of appetite.

Astragalus - Natural remedies/" target="_blank"> 219w" width="350" />

Some other conditions that may benefit from astragalus include:

Astragalus is often made into decoctions and soups rather than made into tinctures. That is because hot water draws out the antioxidant-rich polysaccharides found in astragalus. But if you want an astragalus tincture, you can still make one since other astragalus compounds are best extracted through the use of alcohol.

Astragalus is considered an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, more studies may be required to provide proof of its usefulness in the Western market.

What Parts Of Plants Are Used For Remedies

Astragalus Decoction - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />

Astragalus root is the primary medicinal component of plants. When harvesting, you can discard foliage and stems since they do not hold any medicinal value at all.

Astragalus Decoction

  • 2 tsp dried astragalus root
  • 1 ½ to 2 cups water
  1. Combine water and astragalus root in a small pot. Bring to a boil in medium heat.Astragalus Decoction - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Once boiling, reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 30 to 45 minutes. Astragalus root is hard. Thus, preparing it as a decoction instead of tea is the best way to release its therapeutic properties.Astragalus Decoction - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  3. After simmering, remove the pot. Set aside for 20 to 30 minutes more.Astragalus Decoction - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  4. Strain the liquid to remove the roots before drinking.Astragalus Decoction - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
How To Use The Remedy

Drink the decoction as you would with tea. You can drink the preparation 1 to 3 times a day if desired.

Related: Ancient Japanese Tonic Melts 54 LBS Of Fat (Video)

What Plants Resemble Astragalus

Feature Mongolian Milkvetch
(Astragalus membranaceus)



Вторник, 04 Января 2022 г. 19:48 + в цитатник

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is an expensive spice that comes from the seed of the perennial plant cardamom or cardamum. This plant is a relative of ginger and turmeric of the Zingiberaceae family that grows in temperate and sub-tropical climates. The seeds are the most valuable part of the plant that are consumed either in whole or its ground form. As a spice, it is commonly used in sweet and savory dishes where it lends its piney, fruity, and menthol-like aroma. Cardamom is also an important herb in ayurvedic medicine most prized for its digestive properties and highly effective action against indigestion.


The cardamom plant has two varieties: green cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) and black (Amomum subulatum). Green is the common variety and the source of cardamom that is sold in supermarkets and used as spice or medicine. There is also white cardamom, which is the bleached version of the green variety, that is grown in regions with hot and tropical climates.

Where The Plant Is Found

Cardamom plants are now cultivated in many parts of the world. They thrive well in rainforests, sub-tropical climates and also fare up well in temperate regions. They prefer well-distributed rainfall and forest loam soil that is slightly acidic.

With increased demand, some countries begin to cultivate cardamom for the world market. China, Laos, and Vietnam became the largest producer of cardamom spice in the early 1980s. But in the 21st century, Guatemala in Central America became the leading cardamom producer in the world.

Kerala in India still produces cardamom as well as other Asian countries like Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia.

Related: The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area! (Video)

How To Identify Cardamom

Cardamom is a perennial plant that looks like ginger, only taller and with a denser canopy. The cardamom seeds, as the form they are popularly known, grow in a multifaceted pod with a thin paper-like covering. They are also usually sold in loose or ground form in supermarkets. But how does the cardamom plant look like and how do you identify it?

  • Leaves. Overlapping sheaths of leaves that form into a canopy makes up the cardamom plant. They are dark green and measure up to two feet long and six inches wide. Cardamom leaves are lanceolate in shape, erect and rigid.Cardamom - Identification/" target="_blank"> 139w" width="350" />
  • Flowers. Cardamoms have numerous white flowers with a purple or red-veined lip that grow from a long and drooping panicle. Some plants may bear white, but others have yellow or even blue-colored tiny flowers. They are arranged in clusters and bounded at the end in a basal or floral scape. These beautiful and tiny flowers grow the seed pods that bear the seeds.
  • Roots. Like its ginger and turmeric cousins, cardamom also has underground rhizomes. This root system spread up to 1.5 meters wide as they grow horizontally. The large clumps of underground stems are only 30 centimeters deep or less.
  • Fruits. Capsule-like fruits have a rounded base with a triangular cross-section. It starts as either a yellow or green but will eventually dry out into a brown pod. Cardamom fruits are about 1 to 3 cm long and up to 1 cm wide.
  • Seeds. Arranged inside the green fruit are the 15 to 20 pieces of aromatic cardamom seeds. They are small, brown-black, or reddish-brown with a sticky feel. These seeds are the part of the plant that is crushed and used as spices.

Related: Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

Cardamom - Pods/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Cardamom has two main varieties that are identifiable through their fruits. The black varieties have bigger fruits than the green ones. However, green cardamom has a more potent flavor and is considered the true cardamom. The Indian cardamom has two main varieties that are cultivated as a spice:

  • Malabar cardamom
  • Mysore cardamom

The name cardamom is also used interchangeably in other similar ginger species like the Amomum, Aframomum, and Alpinia. These are the commercial substitute for the true cardamom Elettaria.

How To Grow Cardamom

The cardamom plant requires either a tropical or temperate climate to thrive. It may not tolerate dry seasons that last more than three months so growing it can be tricky. And because of this, the herb is considered one of the most expensive spices next to saffron. But you can propagate cardamom using seeds that are intended for planting or through its rhizomes.

Growing Cardamom By Seeds

Seeds of the cardamom that are sold as spice are mostly sterile and with a low germination percentage. You can buy cardamom seeds for planting from your local farmer’s market or in specialized stores.

Growing Cardamom by Seeds/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

When sowing the seeds, start by putting them in a glass jar and pouring in a 2.5 percent nitric acid solution. You can purchase nitric acid in chemical stores. This solution provides nitrogen that is beneficial in seed germination. Stir the mixture well for two minutes before straining, then rinse the seeds thoroughly.

Put the seeds in a bowl and cover it with lukewarm water allowing it to sit overnight. Sow the seeds in rich humus soil at about 1/8 inch deep and ½ to 1 inch apart. Keep the medium evenly moist and keep it in a partially shady place. If you live in hot regions, cover the soil with mulch to maintain its moisture.

Germination of cardamom seeds may take at least 20 to 40 days. When two pairs of true leaves emerge, transplant the seedlings keeping the medium moist at all times. Keep them in an indoor space where they can receive at least 6 hours of filtered sunlight.

It may take three years for the flowers to grow but once established and cared for, the plant may live for up to a decade.

Related: 10 Plants That You Should Never Plant Together (Video)

Growing Cardamom Through Division

Growing Cardamom Through Division/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Cardamom plants that are at least one year old can be divided to grow new plants. The best time for digging rhizomes is during spring or autumn when the soil is cool and moist. Cut the underground stem of the established plant with at least three crowns and transplant it into a new hole. The hole should be twice as wide as the root clump you will be planting.

This is the easiest and economical way of planting cardamom if you already have an existing plant. It is way cheaper, faster, and more successful than when you grow them from seeds.

Plant Care Requirements/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Plant Care Requirements

  • Rich, loamy, or sandy-loamy soil with a pH level between 5.5 to 6.8
  • A moist but well-draining soil
  • A shady environment
  • Morning and afternoon watering
  • Organic fertilizer or compost

How To Harvest Cardamom

Harvesting Cardamom 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Cardamom fruits will emerge usually in the third year of their plant life. Harvesting cardamom, even the commercial spices, are done by hands which also contributes to its expensiveness. Fruit production happens in August or September and the berries will likely remain on the plant until late February.

The best time in harvesting cardamom seeds is when the seed pods begin to turn from green to yellow. It is ideal since the fruit is still not fully ripe and will not split its seeds while harvesting. You can check if the seeds are just right by sampling a pod. Ripe pods come out easily without tugging and contain black seeds and not white. Harvesting Cardamom/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Harvest the pods starting from the base and moving up the stem of the plant. Do not force unripe fruits and leave them for harvest on another day.

Preserving the seeds begins right after harvest for the seeds to retain their flavor and aroma. Thus, you should wash the pods thoroughly after harvest. Dry the washed pods in a dehydrator no more than 120°F in temperature. You can also sun-dry the pods but they may bleach and lose their green coloring.

What Cardamom Is Good For And Natural Remedies Made From It

Its taste and fragrance make cardamom an important spice in many cuisines. But this herb is also valued for its medicinal properties especially in the treatment of indigestion. The seeds are the most important part of the plant that is ground into powder or extracted for its essential oils.

The manganese content of cardamom works against free radicals to improve metabolic activities. Its vitamin C is also beneficial in building immune resistance and preventing skin aging. It has a diuretic property, detoxifying action, carminative, and antiseptic properties. It also has an antidepressant property and is an effective aphrodisiac.

Cardamom is an excellent herb for treating the following conditions:

  • IndigestionCardamom - Benefits/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Fatty liver
  • Bad breath and mouth problems
  • Urinary tract infection and kidney disorders
  • Digestive problems
  • Asthma and other respiratory illnesses
  • High cholesterol
  • Stress and depression
  • Blood clotting problems
  • Impotence
  • Weight loss

Related: Ancient Japanese Tonic Melts 54 LBS Of Fat (Video)

What Parts Of Cardamom Are Used For Remedies?

The seeds and pods of the cardamom are valuable parts for commercial purposes. But the entire plant is also useful for culinary and alternative medicine use. Pounded cardamom pods are infused into teas and consumed for the treatment of various health conditions. Its roots and leaves can also be made into a decoction as an herbal remedy. The plant can be used as a single herb or in combination with other herbs.

Cardamom Tea

Ingredients:Cardamom Tea Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • 2-3 cardamom pods, crushed or powdered
  • 2 tea bags of Darjeeling tea or any black tea
  • 1 cup 2% whole milk
  • 1 cup water
  • Sugar (or Stevia), to taste
  1. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Lower to medium heat and add cardamom and milk.Cardamom Tea Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Add the tea bags as soon as the liquid starts to boil again. Ensure that the boiling milk won’t overflow from the pan.Cardamom Tea - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  3. Let it steep for a while. Wait for the color to change into tan or light brown. If you want a stronger cardamom tea, you can steep it longer until the liquid darkens more. Then, remove the pot from the stove and strain it into a cup.Cardamom Tea - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  4. Add sugar or Stevia to sweeten if desired.Cardamom Tea - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
How To Use:

Cardamom tea is an excellent morning cup to go for awakening the senses. Enjoy the tea every morning for that feel-good, healthy habit.

Related: 1 Cup Before Bed Shrinks Belly Fat All Night (Video)

Warnings And Cautions

Cardamom is likely safe when taken orally in moderate amounts. However, its safety in pregnant and breastfeeding women is not yet established. Women in this group should avoid using cardamom as safety precautions.

People with gallstones are not advised to take cardamom in an amount greater than what is usually used in food. It can trigger gallstone colic characterized by spasmodic pain. If you are suffering from internal ulcers, you should also avoid using cardamom as an herbal remedy.

Cardamom may cause allergic reactions resulting in dermatitis and breathing difficulties. While it is used to cure impotency, excessive use may only worsen the condition.

Before using cardamom, consult with your doctor first to guarantee that it won’t affect any underlying condition or interact with other medications you are already taking.


DIY Herbal Throat Syrup


Вторник, 04 Января 2022 г. 19:46 + в цитатник
DIY Herbal Throat Syrup

Knowing how to make your own herbal throat syrup is a great way to be prepared this winter. As soon as you feel the first signs of a sore throat or cough, it’s easy to whip up a couple of days’ worth of syrup to help the medicine go down.


There are many herbs that have been used throughout history to treat a sore throat or a cough, many of which are now well researched, while others are still lacking in large-scale, human trials. A large number of these plants can be grown in the garden, foraged from the wild, or easily purchased locally, depending on your climate.

Medicinal Properties For A Sore Throat:

Most plants used for treating a sore throat contain mucilage. It is common to use boiling water to extract mucilage from a range of plants and seeds, however, the structure and potentially some of the medicinal benefits of mucilage can degrade with these high temperatures. The ideal temperature to extract mucilage is around 134 °F (56 °C), for one and a half hours. For this recipe, compounds present in flaxseed, thyme, and licorice root tend to naturally increase the pH of the extraction to the ideal range of between 7 – 8.

Other medicinal properties for a sore throat include the following;

  • Demulcents that soothe damaged mucus membranes.
  • Mucoprotectives protect the mucus membranes, often by forming a protective film of mucilage over them.
  • Expectorants that break up mucus in the airways to bring up phlegm easier and clear the airways.
  • Anti-spasmodic which relaxes muscles to reduce spasms and therefore reduces coughing fits.
  • Anti-inflammatory which reduces general irritation and inflammation.

Plants For A DIY Herbal Throat Syrup

Below is a list comprising of medicinal plants that combine well to make a warming herbal throat syrup. If you are unable to get your hands on any of the fresh ingredients, then dried herbs are also an option, but avoid using essential oil. Even though thyme essential oil and flaxseed oil are both edible, this syrup is water-based, so the essential oils won’t mix into the syrup.

Flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum) are very high in mucilage so act as a good demulcent. The seeds contain compounds that increase the pH to approximately 7.5.DIY Herbal Throat Syrup - Flaxseed/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Thyme (Thymus Vulgare) reduces muscle spasms such as those associated with a heavy cough and is an expectorant. The thymol and other compounds present in thyme make it anti-bacterial as well as anti-viral against several influenza strains, however, thymol is only slightly soluble in water. The solubility of thymol is marginally increased by increasing the pH of the solution, which other compounds found in thyme and flaxseed help to achieve.DIY Herbal Throat Syrup - Thyme/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Licorice root is a proven demulcent, mucoprotective, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic.DIY Herbal Throat Syrup - Licorice Root/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

White horehound (Marrubium vulgare) leaves and flowers are an all-round treatment for coughs due to their anti-spasmodic and strong expectorant properties.DIY Herbal Throat Syrup - White Horehound/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis) flowers, leaves, and roots are demulcent and protect the mucus membrane. It is commonly used for many pulmonary complaints, including irritable coughs.DIY Herbal Throat Syrup - Marshmallow/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) leaves are a well-known relaxant and demulcent, which is often used for irritable coughs. It contains mucilage to help soothe a sore throat by forming a protective film on the mucus membrane. Some people may have reservations about using coltsfoot due to the pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) which damage the liver when taken in either high doses or for more than 4 weeks.DIY Herbal Throat Syrup - Coltsfoot/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

PAs are highest in the flowers, so are usually avoided. But unless you are consuming coltsfoot by the plateful every day, the concentration of PAs is of minimal concern for adults, unless you already have a liver condition or are pregnant. There are more PAs in a glass of wine than a cup of coltsfoot tea.


The quantities below make two days’ worth of throat syrup for 3 – 4 people.

  • 2 tablespoons of crushed flaxseedDIY Herbal Throat Syrup - TIngredients/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped thyme leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped licorice root
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped white horehound or peppermint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped marshmallow root, leaves, or flowers
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped coltsfoot leaves
  • 2 cups of warm water
  • 1 – 2 tablespoons of honey


Place the flaxseeds, licorice root, and marshmallow root in a pot on the stove and pour the warm water over them. Allow them to brew for 1 – 1.5 hours while roughly maintaining a temperature of around 134 °F (56 °C) and stirring occasionally. The water will turn yellowish and thicken slightly to become viscous when it’s ready.DIY Herbal Throat Syrup - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Next add the thyme, white horehound (or peppermint), and coltsfoot to the pot and brew for another 10 minutes, maintaining the same temperature. The water will take on a slight greenish tinge.DIY Herbal Throat Syrup - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Strain the brew and allow it to cool down to less than 104 °F (40 °C) before adding the honey for its antibiotic, antiseptic and soothing properties. Temperatures above this will destroy the medicinal properties of honey. Stir well until the honey has dissolved.DIY Herbal Throat Syrup - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />


Stir before use.

Take one tablespoon of DIY herbal syrup, at least 4 times a day.

Not suitable for pregnant women.

Shelf Life And Storage

This water-based remedy only uses honey as a mild preservative so this throat syrup only has a 2 – 3 day shelf-life and must be stored in the fridge.


How To Make Your Own Liquid Xanax


Вторник, 04 Января 2022 г. 19:43 + в цитатник
How to Make Your Own Liquid Xanax

Everyone has dealt with anxiety at some point in their life. There are many causes for anxiety and a number of side effects that can worsen if left untreated including depression, insomnia, restlessness, irritability, skin rashes, and fatigue.


Many of the compounds that have been studied to treat anxiety are water-soluble, which means making your own liquid Xanax is as easy as brewing a cup of tea.

Below are a few herbs that research shows can be effective in treating anxiety. When choosing which herbs to use, consider the possibility of growing them yourself so that you have your own supply on hand.

Herbs For Treating Anxiety

  • How to Make Your Own Liquid Xanax - Chamomile/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) is a well-known relaxant that works on both the muscles and the nervous system. Small-scale human trials showed positive results for mild anxiety, well-being and sleep quality when used for 8 – 12 weeks.
  • How to Make Your Own Liquid Xanax - Passionflower/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) leaves and flowers protect neurotransmitters and are a mild sedative and anti-spasmodic. It is believed the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol are responsible for its anti-anxiety properties.
  • How to Make Your Own Liquid Xanax - Basil/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />Holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum or O. sanctum) is used for a wide range of stress related disorders, including anxiety, insomnia, depression and fatigue. Research is limited to a few, small scale trials though. The leaves, stems and flowers can be used. Safe to use for 12 weeks./" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />
  • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) leaves contains quercetin and kaempferol flavonoids, which are thought to be anti-anxiety compounds.
  • Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) flowers and seeds are a relaxant, anti-spasmodic and protects neurotransmitters similar to passion flower. It can reduce stress and nervous tension as well due to the mild sedative properties. The phenol baicalein may be responsible for these anti-anxiety properties. Toxic Teucrium species are often confused with skullcap and are sold as such. Brew skullcap tea for 20 minutes.
  • Linden or Tilia (Tilia spp.) leaves are used to treat anxiety, restlessness and insomnia thanks to the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol in them. It decreases blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and capillaries, especially in the extremities such as the hands and feet, although this can cause mild sweating.  It is used to treat some of the side effects of anxiety, such as heart palpitations. Safe for most people to take for 6 months.

Herbs For Treating Depression


Brew a teaspoon of your chosen herb (fresh or dry) for at least 7 minutes if you are using leaves or flowers.How to Make Your Own Liquid Xanax - Anxiety/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

When using stems or roots, brew for 10 minutes, except for skullcap, which should be brewed for 20 minutes.How to Make Your Own Liquid Xanax - depression/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />


Many studies reveal that improvements were only observed when taken for at least 4 weeks, while significant improvements were seen when taken for up to 12 weeks. Therefore, it is important to consider which herbs you are comfortable with consuming over these longer timeframes.How to Make Your Own Liquid Xanax - side effects/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Brew your chosen herbs once or twice a day.

Side Effects

Everyone will have slightly different reactions to herbal remedies and it is critical to monitor yourself for any negative side effects. There are many apps that can help you track your mood and physical condition over the 4 – 12 weeks while taking your DIY Xanax.How to Make Your Own Liquid Xanax - Method/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />


If you are unsure about diving straight in to making your own anti-anxiety tea, then start by brewing just one of the herbs listed above. Then, if you don’t experience any negative side effects after two weeks, add another herb to your brew. You may choose to stick with just one or two herbs to treat your anxiety if you feel like you are benefiting from them; it’s about finding what is right for you.

If you don’t want to make it yourself, another option is the Anxiety and Stress Tincture available in the Apothecary.

Sometimes we need a little extra help, especially if we are facing a particularly stressful life event and herbal remedies are a gentle and effective way to brighten your outlook and soothe your spirit.


Healthy Pringles: The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips


Вторник, 04 Января 2022 г. 19:40 + в цитатник

The plant is native to the northern areas of Africa, Europe, and northern & central Asia. The most common within the Plantain family is Plantago major, some of its common names being (aptly) common plantain, broadleaf plantain, healing blade, or greater plantain.

  • Plantago major is a perennial plant that can now be found in many places around the world. Commonly thought of as a weed, it can be found in driveways and growing wild just about anywhere as it’s a fast grower and hardy. You can usually harvest the leaves from spring to fall (sometimes outside of these seasons too depending on your region).
  • Plantago lanceolata is another common species and is very effective when used topically on insect bites, eczema, sores, or rashes. Plantago major is known for having many health benefits when taken orally and the leaves can be eaten fresh or cooked.

Medicinal Benefits Of These Plantain Chips

While all of the main species of plantain have medicinal benefits, Plantago major has probably been studied the most in terms of being ingested and the health benefits and nutrients it contains. For this reason, I will focus on this species but keep in mind there is a lot of cross-over between all of them so make the most of any edible plantain you have near you.

When ingested, the leaves act as a detoxifier. They can also help reduce inflammation due to several important compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, phenolic acid derivatives, terpenoids, and iridoid glycosides. They are full of important nutrients including iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, copper, and vitamins A, C & K.

Here are some of the health conditions that plantain leaves can help treat and/or prevent:

Healthy Pringles - The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips - Benefits/" target="_blank"> 217w" width="347" />

  • Ulcers – can help prevent the formation of ulcers and also treat gastric ulcers.
  • Cancer – inhibits the growth of cancer cells by fighting free radicals.
  • Diabetes – the flavonoids help by reducing blood glucose levels.
  • Digestive issues – can help treat digestive issues such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) and diarrhea by slowing the movement of the digestive tract. However, on the flip side, high doses can have a laxative effect.
  • Kidneys – they are renoprotective and reduce serum creatinine levels, which high levels are a key indicator that kidneys aren’t functioning as they should.

The flavonoids and iridoid glycosides in Plantago major are anti-inflammatory so help protect against or treat many other common health conditions too such as arthritis, heart disease, epilepsy, and obesity.

This recipe also calls for grapeseed oil. This also provides health benefits and helps with:

  • Blood clots – by reducing blood clotting.
  • Heart disease – has high levels of vitamin E that reduces damage to cells, protecting against heart disease.

How To Identify Plantago Major In The Wild

You are quite possibly one of the lucky people to be living near these nutritious plants without even realizing it. The main things to look for are the plants’ distinctive flower spikes (the spike rises quite far above the leaves and has tiny flowers). The leaves grow at the base in a rosette. The leaves form in this style, loosely overlapping each other and there are 3 main types of plantain plants found in the US. Here is how to distinguish them:Healthy Pringles - The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips - Foraging Guide/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • Plantago major – has wide, oval-shaped leaves (2 – 8 inches long / 1.5 – 3.5 inches wide).
  • Plantago lanceolata – has narrow, pointed leaves.
  • Plantago rugelli – looks similar to the Plantago major except this species is taller and it has purple where the stem and leaf meet.

Healthy Pringles - The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips - Plantain Identification/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />All 3 of these have edible leaves. If you’re not sure (and just for interest’s sake anyway) it’s a great idea to get a foraging book to reference. You may be surprised at what edible wonders are growing near your home. You can also get plant-identifying apps for your phone where you just take a photo of a species and the app will identify it for you. Some are very detailed and can work whether you take a photo of the flower of a plant, the leaves, or the entire plant.

Healthy Pringles - The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips - Forage plantain/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />If you don’t have any Plantago major plants near you, they are very easy plants to grow from seeds in your own back garden. Just be careful to keep them segregated from other parts of your garden because this herb can spread easily and will self-sow so you could end up with a lot more than you bargained for. They will grow in a USDA zone of between 3 and 9 and they enjoy anything from partial shade to full sun.

Another great use for these plants is their wound-healing properties. Containing flavonoids, polyphenols, and polysaccharides, the leaves can be used as a topical treatment for insect bites, wounds, and some skin conditions. While Plantago lanceolata is often cited as the best to use for topical medicine, other plantain plants also work.

How To Make These Plantain Chips

Healthy Pringles - The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 225w" width="350" />

There are approximately 28 calories in a cup of raw plantain leaves (you can eat up to ½ cup of fresh plantain leaves per day). Each tablespoon of grapeseed oil contains 120 calories.

  • Plantain leaves
  • Grapeseed oil
  • Salt (optional)
  • Sheet/baking pan
  • Parchment paper
  • Paper towel


  1. Thoroughly wash your plantain leaves under running water and lay them flat on top of a paper towel to dry out a bit.Healthy Pringles - The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Preheat your oven to 350 °F.
  3. Place some parchment paper over your sheet/baking pan (or multiple if you want to make a big batch).Healthy Pringles - The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  4. When they’re just about dry, transfer them onto the parchment paper so they are laid out flat and not overlapping too much.
  5. Drizzle some grapeseed oil over each leaf and add some salt now if you want to use it.Healthy Pringles - The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips Step 5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  6. Bake your leaves for around 6-8 minutes or until they are crispy.Healthy Pringles - The Nutritious Leaves That Make Crispy Chips Step 6/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Take them out and let them cool for a couple of minutes and you can eat them right away or store them in an airtight container for up to 1 week in the fridge. You can eat these plantain chips at any time of the day up until 3 hours before bedtime (because of the fat content from the oil). They make a great, healthy, and nutritious snack so enjoy.


16 Home Remedies For Herpe


Вторник, 04 Января 2022 г. 19:38 + в цитатник
16 Home Remedies for Herpes

Ok, we have all had a cold sore, which always seems to appear at the worst time. It seems that everything you do makes the cold sore hurt and oh boy does it really hurt when the sore cracks open. A cold sore is a group of tiny, painful blisters caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). They’re also called fever blisters or herpes simplex labialis.

While there are over-the-counter remedies that you can use, you are not limited to these when it comes to treating your cold sore. There are several herbal treatments that can be used but before we jump right into this information, let’s do a bit of homework since many of these treatments come from essential oils.

Essential Oils

Essential oils should never be directly applied to the skin but what do you do? The answer is simple and that is to mix the essential oil with a carrier oil. Remember to do a skin patch test before using essential oils. Examples of carrier oil are coconut and jojoba oil. Now before mixing your essential oil with the carrier oil, give the carrier oil a test on your forearm. Let it sit for 24 hours, if you feel no irritation then you can use the oil. On the other hand, if you do find that it burns or itches then you will need to wash it off immediately and explore a different type of carrier oil.

When it comes to “herbs” that treat herpes, there are several. The first ones that I will cover do not require carrier oil.

Aloe Vera

16 Home Remedies for Herpes - Aloe Vera/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Aloe vera is famous for speeding up the healing of sores and cold sores are no different. This herb is one that can be applied directly to the skin without any problem. Some individuals have found that putting the aloe vera in the fridge to cool is the best way of applying this herb. Why? Well, beyond the healing properties of aloe vera, cold compresses are another form of treatment for cold sores, and cool aloe vera gel allows you to check that box.

Licorice Extract

Licorice extract is both an antiviral and anti-inflammatory. Applying this extract directly on the cold sore will speed up healing and reduce the swelling that goes along with a cold sore.

Echinacea Extract

Echinacea extract is another antiviral that fights both strains of herpes simplex. It is also an anti-inflammatory. When using this extract, simply rub it directly onto the cold sore without diluting it.

16 Home Remedies for Herpes - Witch Hazel/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a powerful antiviral that can be used directly on the skin or diluted. If you have sensitive skin, you will want to dilute the witch hazel with a carrier oil before applying it to the area.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a very powerful antiviral and has shown that it is useful in the treatment of herpes but this oil needs to be diluted prior to using directly on the skin.

Neem Extract

Neem extract has been shown to have anti-herpes properties but pure neem extract is very strong and will burn the skin if used directly. In doing so, you will need to dilute the neem extract prior to applying it to the skin.

16 Home Remedies for Herpes - Rhubarb and Sage/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Combined Sage And Rhubarb Extract

Studies on this combination have shown that sage and rhubarb extract together treats herpes as well as a common currently prescribed. But, you will need to dilute these two extracts in a carrier oil.

Mexican Oregano Oil

You may not have heard of this oil but Mexican oregano has carvacrol in it. What is this substance? Well, it is a powerful antiviral that is known to be effective on herpes. Now, when using this oil, do not apply it directly to the skin. Instead, make sure to dilute this oil in a carrier oil.

Greek Sage Oil

Greek sage is an oil that you may also not have heard of but it is also known to be a powerful fighter against the herpes virus. When it comes to using this oil, make sure to use a carrier oil to dilute it before using.

Lemon Balm Extract

/" target="_blank"> 295w" width="350" />Medicinal extracts of this herb were shown to have significant antiviral activity against HSV-1 and HSV-2 when applied topically. Many use Lemon Balm tincture externally for mouth sores. Additionally, it can be used internally as an antiviral. Lemon balm also soothes the nervous system and reduces stress, which can help to prevent a herpes simplex or shingles outbreak. You can learn more about the additional benefits of lemon balm here.

Chamomile Oil

You may be familiar with chamomile as a wonderful ingredient to add to your cup for an evening brew that will help you sleep but it can also be used as a treatment for herpes. Why you may be wondering. While chamomile is smoothing it is also a strong virus fighter. Now, do not just apply chamomile to the skin. This oil needs to be diluted.

Ginger Essential Oil

This essential oil is a killer and yes I said, killer. Studies have shown that ginger essential oil is a herpes virus killer. As before, do not use this essential oil directly on the skin. Instead, dilute this essential oil in a carrier oil.

Thyme Essential Oil

16 Home Remedies for Herpes - Thyme/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Studies on this essential oil have shown that it has the potential to fight the herpes virus. As with the other essential oils, you will need to dilute them into a carrier oil before using them.

Now you may be wondering how to dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil without some complicated formula. Well, before I get to this keep in mind that it is better to start off weak in the formulation and then work up. As an example, treating your herpes with a 1 percent solution is a much better approach compared to starting with a 5 percent solution and having problems.


/" target="_blank"> 150w, 720w" width="350" />Turkey Tail — An outstanding internal herbal remedy for fighting bacterial and viral infections, turkey tail is highly effective for treating herpes and shingles, especially when combined with reishi mushroom. It is also helpful in treating human papillomavirus (HPV) and cancer. For the highest potency, use dual-extracted tinctures that only utilize the fruiting body of the mushroom, like what is found in the Apothecary.

Reishi — This mushroom is truly a healing wonder. Reishi is antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-bacterial, and antiviral. It regulates the immune system and helps the body to heal. It has been shown to effectively treat HSV-1 and HSV-2, shingles, HIV, and influenza when taken internally. It also is helpful for urinary tract infections. As an adaptogenic herb, it helps you to adapt to stress, thereby reducing the harmful effects on the body and immune system.

Cordyceps — With anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiprotozoal properties, this unusual-looking mushroom is helpful for a range of viral illnesses — including herpes and shingles. It also improves immune function and reduces the damaging effects of stress. It is an excellent internal remedy for fortifying the system to avoid outbreaks.

Other Home Remedies For Cold Sores

The remedies I have talked about above cost money and time but did you know there are also treatments that you have in your kitchen. Well, you do and the first one consists of warm/cold compresses. Using a warm compress can reduce pain and a cold compress reduces swelling.

The next technique requires one to make a paste out of baking soda or corn starch mixed with water. Apply this mixture with a cotton swab to your cold sores to ease itching and dry out the lesions.

The last technique utilizes a famous antiviral and fragrant herb. Do you have any idea? Well, it is garlic. When using garlic to treat herpes, take one clove of garlic and crush it. Mix the crushed garlic with olive oil and apply to a cold sore. You can reapply this mixture up to three times a day.


The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage For Profit


Суббота, 18 Декабря 2021 г. 20:03 + в цитатник

On the surface, no one would assume that you could get rich by picking mushrooms, and normally you wouldn’t – unless that mushroom was Morel (Morchella esculenta).

Morel mushrooms sell for $20 a pound when freshly picked. Drying them first can be even more lucrative: a pound of these dried delicacies goes for up to $200, with approximately seven pounds of fresh mushrooms being needed to make a pound of dried.

Morels are highly sought after by mushroom lovers and cordon bleu chefs alike for their meaty texture and rich, nutty flavor. Even those who ordinarily wouldn’t let mushrooms touch their plate are said to enjoy them, which is one of the reasons why people are willing to pay premium prices for them.

What Are Morels?

Morel mushrooms are distinctive-looking due to their cone-shaped cap and sponge-like texture. Caps range in color from pale cream to almost black, with a pitted, honeycomb texture. Morels are hollow, stand two to four inches tall (when completely developed, some species are six inches tall), and have a white or cream stem.The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage for Profit - Identification/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Each spring, foragers in North America and Europe brave the wilderness to harvest morels and sell them at farmers’ markets or to fancy restaurants. They are typically found in wooded areas, around ash, aspen, elm, oak, and tulip trees, and other locations where conditions are warm and moist.

The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage for Profit - What are Morels/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Different varieties of morels appear at different times during the season. Black morels tend to be the first to appear in North America, usually in large groups around ash trees. These are followed by yellow morels, which are often scattered alone or in small colonies. Late morels arrive last. They have small, yellow caps and can be more difficult to spot than other varieties.

How Do You Forage For Morels?

If you’ve never foraged for morels before, it’s best to do so with someone who knows how to recognize them or to get a foraging book to reference.

The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage for Profit - Forage book/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

There are some mushroom species known as ‘false morels’ (Verpa bohemica) that look similar but are toxic.  If there is a naturalist’s club in your area, contact them to see whether they offer guided walks or mushroom foraging sessions that can help you learn the differences.

The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage for Profit - Forage Morel/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />If you primarily forage on public lands, which you share with the general public, you need to be careful about over-harvesting. When you grab every morel mushroom from a given spot, it deprives others of the opportunity, and you could even damage that location from producing again.

A sustainable approach is to only harvest a small percentage of a given spot, which will leave enough mushrooms to send their spores out and give others a chance at harvesting them.

How to harvest one? Some foragers prefer to simply pinch the stem off above the ground with their fingers, while others only use a knife to cleanly snip it off.

Related: The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area! (Video)

Watch Out For False Morels

The most commonly misidentified mushroom that mushroom hunters find when looking for morels is the false morel.

When you hunt for morels, look out for these false morel’s key distinguishing features:

  • Mottled, ugly, distorted cap with no ridges.The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage for Profit - False Morel/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Looks more like a brain – more rounded and wider.
  • Darker orange/red coloration.
  • Solid inside, often quite heavy in comparison to a morel.
  • The false morel’s stem is usually filled with cotton-like fibers.
  • With a small twist, the cap will fall right off.

These false morel mushrooms contain the toxin gyromitrin which can cause severe illness.

Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, muscle cramps, bloating, and fatigue. Untreated, people may go on to develop confusion, delirium, seizures, and coma.

The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage for Profit - Watch out for False Morel/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

The gyromitrin is also toxic to the liver and can lead to right-sided abdominal pain, hepatitis, and jaundice. False morels include the Beefsteak (Gyromitra esculenta) and Early Morel (Verpa bohemica) mushrooms.

Why Are Morels So Expensive?

At upwards of $20 a pound fresh ($200 when dried), morels are a lot pricier than portobello, oyster, cremini, and other mushrooms collected for the culinary market. Here are a few of the reasons why.

  • They’re Difficult to Cultivate: It is extremely difficult to farm morel mushrooms, though Michigan State University has researched how to cultivate them. Morel farming has also been attempted in China. It is debated whether these cultivated morels are of the same quality and taste as their wild counterparts, so for the time being, hand-picked morels are staying in demand at premium prices.
  • The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage for Profit - expensive/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Their Growing Season is Short: Unlike a lot of other mushroom species, morels have a short growing season. Depending on climate, elevation, and weather, you can only collect them between March and June. This rarity is another reason why they are so popular. Dried and frozen morels are available year-round, but many claims that the taste is not comparable to a fresh mushroom.
  • They’re Perishable: Being hollow, morels don’t store or transport well, so getting them to the market can be challenging. Those mushrooms that do make it command higher prices.

Health Benefits Of Morels

Both fresh and dried morels have high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They have the highest concentration of Vitamin D among all the edible mushrooms, with 100 grams containing 34% of your daily requirements. The same amount also contains the following mineral levels:

The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage for Profit - Medicinal Benefits/" target="_blank"> 278w" width="350" />

  • 69% copper, which is essential for blood cell production and cellular metabolism.
  • 52% iron, which the body uses to make hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells, and myoglobin, a protein that provides oxygen to muscles.
  • 26% manganese, helps the body form connective tissue, bones, blood-clotting factors, and sex hormones.
  • 18% zinc, which plays a vital role in immune function.
Other Medicinal Benefits Are Outlined Below
  • Antimicrobial Properties: According to one study, morel mushrooms have impressive antimicrobial properties that may enable them to fight infections caused by yeast and bacteria. Although more research is needed in this area, the results suggest that more consumption can help the body overcome certain bacteria-related illnesses.The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage for Profit - Benefits/" target="_blank"> 300w, 150w" width="350" />
  • High Antioxidant Levels: Antioxidants help combat free radical damage and protect cells from oxidative stress. Several studies have indicated that antioxidants have benefits beyond the cellular level, reporting that they may also help prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
  • May Support a Healthy Liver: Research shows that morel mushrooms can protect and maintain liver health due to their strong antioxidant properties. An animal study conducted by the Amala Cancer Research Centre in Kerala, India showed that administering morel mushroom extract reduced liver disease markers and exhibited hepatoprotective properties.
  • May Have Cancer-Fighting Properties: Besides enhancing immunity and providing plenty of disease-fighting antioxidants, morel mushrooms may also play a crucial role in preventing cancer. The International Journal of Molecular Sciences published a study that found compounds extracted from morel mushrooms inhibit the growth and spread of colon cancer cells.
  • May Boost the Immune System: Preliminary studies suggest that certain compounds found in morels may boost the immune system and relieve inflammation. One study showed that polysaccharide extracts of the morel mushroom increased the activity and anti-inflammatory properties of immune cells.

How To Dry Morel Mushrooms At Home

Because Morel Mushrooms have quite a short season, drying them is important. This way you can store the precious fungi in air-tight containers or jars under room temperature for as long as 6 months – or even more when kept in a freezer. When using dried morels in recipes, just re-hydrate them.

  • Air-Drying: For this method, no equipment is needed, except for a few sewing supplies such as a large yarn or darning needle, and a thread.

/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Thread the needle, then string the cleaned morel mushrooms lengthwise. Knot the thread at each morel mushroom end to keep them in place, leaving at least ½” between each morel so the air can circulate every mushroom. Hang the stringed mushrooms in a dry, cool place until the morels are brittle and completely dry. This should take anywhere from 2 days to 1 week.The $200 A Pound Mushroom You Should Forage for Profit - dehydrator/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • Dry the Morels in the Dehydrator: Once the morels are cleaned and dried off, lay them in a single layer on the racks. You can also slice them up if needed. Set the dehydrator to 110 F and dry for about 10 hours.
  • Oven-Drying: Whether laying the morels on cooling racks or hanging them from the oven racks, you need to heat the oven to 130 F to 140 F. Allow the mushrooms to sit for about 8 hours or until completely brittle and dry.  Check after every couple of hours.

Allow the dried morels to cool completely before transferring them to glass jars.

Cover tightly with lids and store away from direct light or heat.


What Happens If You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day


Среда, 15 Декабря 2021 г. 14:32 + в цитатник
What Happens if You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day?

Cranberries are the tiny red jewels of the berry world and are an extremely popular super berry. Many people consider the small and sharp-tasting cranberry to be a fantastic superfood, and this is because they have high nutritional content and are packed with antioxidants.t

Cranberries, or Vaccinium subg. Oxycoccus are native to areas of North America and grow extensively in cultivated farmland across the northern areas of America, as well as in areas of Canada.

Cranberries are ruby-red berries originating from the heather family. They are closely linked to their purple and slightly bigger counterpart, the blueberry.

Cranberries Are Not Just For Thanksgiving!

What Happens If You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day - Thanksgiving/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Although some people only consider cranberries as a seasonal addition to a Thanksgiving dinner, there are some incredible benefits to be had when you consume them at all other points in the year.

The 2 very common ways of consuming cranberries are in a sauce, which is often served with thanksgiving dinner to accompany white meats such as turkey or juice. Cranberry juice can be made fresh or purchased in ready-made cartons for instant consumption. We will look further into cranberry juice here.

The cranberry has a very sharp and sour flavor when they are raw, so it’s not advised to consume them without cooking them first! And apart from the uses mentioned earlier, cranberries can also be consumed in many other ways, such as dry as a snack, in cookies, stuffing, and as part of a muesli mix.

Cranberries are most often consumed as juice, which can be really simple to make at home, where you can sweeten the sharpness naturally. This juice can be beneficial to health when consumed as part of a holistically healthy diet.

The Superfood Benefits Of Cranberries

Cranberries are known to be incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals, and because those essential dietary compounds are all packed into such a small berry in abundance, they are considered one of the most super berries of all!

The composition of 100g of fresh cranberries will provide you with carbohydrates from the natural sugars (yes, they may be sour in flavor, but they do synthesize natural sugars!), fiber, and an abundance of water to go along with your antioxidants.

The primary nutrients you will find in a cup of raw cranberries are:What Happens If You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day - Benefits/" target="_blank"> 200w" width="350" />

  • Approximately 45 calories
  • Almost 90% of water
  • Under 1g of protein grams
  • A significant amount of carbohydrates at around 12-13g
  • 4g of natural sugars
  • Almost 5g of insoluble fiber
  • Very little fat a 0.1 g per 100g

Cranberries are also abundant in insoluble fibers, including:

  • Pectin, which can be really helpful when making jams or deserts that require” setting.”
  • Cellulose, which contributes to the outer layer but also stores the glucose
  • Hemicellulose, which gives the cranberry its tough exterior

However good this may sound, you have to remember that Cranberries also have soluble fiber as part of their composition, so excessive consumption may cause digestive issues and complaints, including cramps and diarrhea.

Vitamins And Minerals In Cranberry Juice

When they are juiced, Cranberries can obviously reduce their potency when it comes to vitamin and mineral levels. However, the juice does remain with a rich source of several of the best vitamins and minerals that can be found in any good food.

You will find that cranberry juice has:

What Happens If You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day - Vitamins/" target="_blank"> 218w" width="350" />

  • Vitamin C.  (which is also known as ascorbic acid) is one of the prominent vitamins classed as an antioxidant that has a starring role in cranberry juice. It is an essential vitamin beneficial for the healthy maintenance of your skin, bones, and muscles.
  • Manganese is a base mineral that can be found in many foods and is essential for optimum growth and maintaining a healthy metabolism.
  • Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is an essential vitamin that is responsible for optimum blood clotting.
  • Copper is something that is often lacking in modern diets. Still, it can actually help in the maintenance of a healthy heart.

So as you can see, many beneficial vitamins and minerals can be found in cranberry juice, which, when consumed in combination with a really healthy diet and lifestyle, can be incredibly helpful to health.

But what ailments and specific matters of health will consuming cranberry juice help with?

Prevention Of Urinary Tract Infections

What Happens If You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day - UTI/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Infections of the urinary tract are incredibly common, especially in the female population. They can cause pain, discomfort, and irregular and painful urination.

UTIs are classified as bacterial infections and can affect all ages but are most prevalent in women who are going through some form of hormonal change, such as menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause.

Clinical trials in women who have recurrent UTIs have shown that drinking cranberry juice can reduce the frequency and prevalence of UTIs over 12 months.

Heart Health

Heart disease is a condition that takes many lives all over the world. Heart Disease is researched to be one of the leading health consequences of modern-day diets that are for convenience but also high in fat, sugar, and salt, with very few nutritional benefits.

Cranberry juice contains many antioxidants that may be beneficial in the maintenance of a healthy heart, including:

In human studies, cranberry juice has been shown to be beneficial for various elements of optimum heart health, including:

  • Increasing HDL levels, which is known as the good cholesterol
  • What Happens If You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day - Hearth Health/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Protective factors over the bad cholesterol, inhibiting it from oxidizing.
  • Lowering the levels of LDL, which is the bad cholesterol, especially in those who have diabetes
  • It can assist in lowering blood pressure.
  • A decrease in the tautness of the blood vessels in those people who have been diagnosed as having heart disease.
  • Reducing the additional risks of developing inflammation within the blood vessels in people who have been diagnosed with heart disease.

Prevention Of Stomach Cancer And Ulcers

What Happens If You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day - Stomach Ulcer/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />This is a super essential but super clever point to understand about cranberry juice!

Stomach cancer is way more common than you think, and it has a high mortality rate that is echoed all over the world.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is considered a substantial contributing factor to developing stomach conditions such as cancer, inflammation in the stomach, and stomach ulcers.

This is where the clever cranberry juice powers come in! Cranberries have a unique plant-orientated compound found naturally in them called  A-type proanthocyanidins, which may be a factor in reducing stomach cancer risks.

The compound may prevent the H Pylori from welding itself to your stomach lining and stomach wall, thus reducing the risks of it becoming something more sinister.

Does Cranberry Juice Do Any Harm?

Cranberries juice is ordinarily safe for a majority of people, as long as it is consumed in moderation and always alongside a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

An 8oz (half a pint) glass is more than adequate daily; any more than this can result in stomach upsets, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

They always say that too much of a good thing can spoil the effects, which is definitely true for cranberry juice.

Cranberry juice can also exacerbate existing kidney stones and increase the chances of developing them (especially if you are predisposed to them usually)

Kidney stones can be excruciating, especially when they are passed naturally.

Preparation Of Fresh Cranberries

As we have mentioned, it’s probably not the best idea to eat cranberries in a fresh format. The red berries may be small, but they can pack a punch of sourness the minute you pop them in your mount, so it’s best to avoid doing that!

There are many ways you can prepare cranberries, but here is a simple guide on how to get the red jewel berries from tart to tasteful quite quickly!

How To Make Cranberry Juice:

  • Sort the berries out once collected and discard any that are soft to touch or spoiled.What Happens If You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day - Preparation/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Rinse the berries under cool running water until the water runs clear
  • Pop the berries in a saucepan and add sugar and water
  • Bring the berry mixture to a rolling boil and allow to cook without covering them up for 4-5 minutes.
  • What Happens If You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day - Cranberry Juice/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Stir the cranberries occasionally, and you will see the mixture become foamy.
  • The cranberries will pop when they are heated this way, and once the popping stops, they are to be removed from the direct heat and allowed to cool at room temperature.
  • When the cranberries have cooled, pop a cover on them and refrigerate.

Once you have sufficiently cooled the mix, you can strain the mixture through some fine muslin for some instant first cranberry juice daily.

You can, of course, make a cranberry sauce, which is really simple to do. Here’s how!

Cranberry Sauce Recipe

What Happens If You Drink Cranberry Juice Every Day - Sauce/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 cup of water
  • 12-oz. of fresh cranberries

Milk Thistle


Пятница, 03 Декабря 2021 г. 01:51 + в цитатник
Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle

If you’ve seen this plant in your backyard and wondered how to get rid of it faster, don’t rush. It may look like a weed, but you can make a powerful natural remedy from it.

About Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle (Silybum spp.) is a popular herb of the Asteraceae family. It is native to Southern Europe but is also cultivated worldwide for medicinal purposes. This extremely invasive plant is thorny with grooved stems and prickly rosette leaves. It has a unique disk-shaped and fuzzy-looking flower with colors ranging from blue to purple or pink to red. As an invasive plant, it is considered a weed in some gardens. However, milk thistle is highly valuable for its potency in treating various ailments and diseases. That is why it is also considered in both conventional and alternative medicine.

Milk thistles grow in many countries and have different blooming seasons. The flowering season of milk thistle in the northern hemisphere starts from June to August. In the southern hemisphere, the pink-purple buds start to show around December to February.

Milk Thistle Silybum/" target="_blank"> 350w" width="300" />

The invasive nature of the milk thistle makes it easy to flourish even in disturbed places and poor soil conditions. This plant is drought tolerant and can survive in normal rainfall. Cultivated mainly as medicine, milk thistle planting is considered illegal in some states. It is because of their toxicity in animals and their ability to spread that can destroy the balance of the ecosystem.

Aside from being a medicinal plant, the Saxons long ago used milk thistle in warding off snakes. It was also their antidote for bites of rabid animals and mushroom poisoning. Milk thistle was later cultivated as a vegetable in Europe and used as a substitute for spinach. Today, the plant is mostly cultivated as a medicinal herb.

Where This Plant Is Found

Where to Find Milk Thistle/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Milk thistles are tough plants that can survive even in anthropogenic or polluted environments. They are forgiving of climate and growing conditions and are hard to eradicate. However, milk thistle often thrives abundantly in places with temperate climates.

This plant is a native of Europe and early colonizers introduced it to North America. It is now cultivated in the regions of North Africa, the Middle East, eastern United States, Africa, Australia, Asia, and South America.

You may grow milk thistle in your garden and it will require almost no maintenance at all. However, you will need to consult with your local government regarding its legality. In some states like Washington, they are controlled and have very limited distribution.

Related: The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area! (Video)

How To Identify Milk Thistle

Milk thistles are biennial or annual plants with tall, branched stems. It has unique rosette leaves which are the plant’s primary identifying feature. These leaves are large with distinctive veining or marbling and spines along the edges. It also bears single, spiny disc-shaped flowers in pink-purple color at the end of its stem. A single flower can produce up to 200 seeds that can spread out into new plants and invade the garden.

Milk Thistle - Identification/" target="_blank"> 131w" width="350" />

  • Leaf. Milk thistle leaves are wedge-shaped that tapers to the base. It is also clustered tightly in a rosette structure and its edges have teeth and lobes. Milk thistle leaves are bright green with a waxy appearance. It has white marbling that runs from the base to the tip.
  • Flower. Light pink-purple flowers about 4 to 12 cm in diameter will show up during the blooming season of the milk thistle. The disc-shaped flower grows solitarily in a single plant stem with spine-tipped bracts surrounding it underneath.
  • Roots. Deep taproots hold the plant in place, which is thick and grows deep into the soil. It is densely branched, which makes it easy to spread and difficult to control. It is dark brown to almost black with a white to yellowish root marrow.
  • Stem. Milk thistles have an erect stem that is branched and furrowed. As the leaves and flower bracts, the stems are also spiny but hairless. The plant can reach up to 6 ft tall and they can form dense or sturdy stands.
  • Seeds. The seeds of the milk thistle are gray or black that are attached to pappus tuft with very fine hairs. Each flower contains numerous seeds wherein a single plant can produce as much as 6,000 in its lifetime.

Related:  Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

Varieties Of Milk Thistle

Milk thistle has two varieties: the silver milk thistle and blessed milk thistle. The latter is more common and popular among the two and used mainly for medicinal purposes.

  • Silver Milk Thistle (Silybum eburneum): It is a pinnate plant with a faded and lighter purple flower. The flower is also solitary atop a stout stem with many spikes. This type of milk thistle grows in moderately moist soil. It is resistant to temperatures that it can even withstand up to -17°C of cold.
  • Blessed Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum): Blessed milk thistle has a livelier appearance with its bright blooms and leaves. It may have bright purple, pale plum, or magenta flowers. It is also temperature-resistant and can stay in the garden for many years.

Related: Poisonous and Non-poisonous Plants: An Illustrated List (Video)

How To Grow Milk Thistle

A single milk thistle plant produces many seeds that remain viable for up to 9 years. You can propagate the plant through cuttings but the easiest way is through sowing seeds. The best month to plant milk thistle seeds is from March to April.

Growing Milk thistle/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Since milk thistles reproduce aggressively, most gardeners who cultivate them prefer planting them indoors or in containers. This way, they cannot invade gardens. Removing them is quite painful due to their spikes. Hence, it is best to prevent unwarranted garden invasion while you can.Growing Milk Thistle - 1/" target="_blank"> 227w" width="350" />

  • Sow the seeds in seed trays with potting soil about ½ inch deep.
  • Place the tray in a spot where it can receive full sun at 60°F.
  • Water the tray regularly until the seeds germinate. It may take 18 to 21 days for the seedlings to appear.
  • Replant the seedlings in a deep pot for container gardening. If in the field, plant the seedlings at least 40 cm away from each other.
  • Milk thistle plants are tough and weather-resistant once established. If you want to increase plant yield, you may apply nitrogen and potassium fertilizer into it.

Related: 10 Plants That You Should Never Plant Together (Video)

Milk thistles will survive in all types of soil and can grow even in disturbed areas. It prefers dry conditions so watering it is not necessary unless in extreme drought. It can survive cold winter, but biennial milk thistles will survive better when covered with mulch.

How To Harvest Milk Thistle

Harvest Milk Thistle/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />The seeds are the most valuable part of the plant that are harvested for medicinal use. You can harvest the flower heads when white pappus tufts or circles of hair crowns begin to replace the flowers. When left alone, these tufts get carried by the wind and new plants will sprout in unwanted places. You will know that the seeds are mature when it is already brown instead of green.

Milk Thistle - Harvesting/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

The best time to harvest milk thistle seeds is in early summer. But before harvesting, make sure to wear durable work gloves and thick clothing. The prickly thorns on its stem and leaves are not very forgiving. Snip the flower head with about 1-inch of the stem with your hand or scissors. Place it on a bag, sack, or any container that can prevent the wind from carrying the pappus away.

Leave these flower heads inside the bag in an airy room to allow them to ripen fully. You can also use a dehydrator using the herb setting and allow it to dry for 5 hours. When it is completely dry, shake or press the flower head to separate them from the pappus. Put the seeds in an airtight container in a cool and dry place for future use.

Related: Roasted Milk Thistle Roots Recipe (Video)

What Milk Thistle Is Good For And Natural Remedies Made From It

Milk Thistle - Natural Remedies/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />For a long time, milk thistle has had a valuable contribution to the treatment of alcohol-related liver diseases. It is mainly because of the plant’s silymarin content. It helps in detoxifying and cleansing the blood. Cumulatively, a healthy liver may clear skin problems like acne and dermatitis. Milk thistle is also equally useful in the treatment of alcoholism.

Milk Thistle - Remedies/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />The milk thistle extract, in combination with turmeric extract, has the capacity of reducing blood glucose. Thus, they are considered beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. The recommended dose is 210-600 mg of milk thistle extract a day in reducing blood sugar levels.

Aside from silymarin, milk thistle also contains the antioxidant silibinin. It is not only used in the treatment of cancer but also in Death Cap mushroom poisoning. Hence, they are traditionally known as an antidote for mushroom poisoning and animal bites.

Externally, milk thistle can also cure boils and skin irritations. Folk medicines use powdered seeds for sprinkling in leg ulcers.

Related: The Unnoticed Symptom That May Point to an Internal Inflammation (Video)

What Parts Of Plants Are Used For Remedies

Milk thistle is marketed as a food supplement in the form of capsule or liquid extracts. But this edible plant also makes a great addition to salads and can be eaten raw. Everything about the milk thistle from its young stalks, leaves, flower buds, and roots is edible.

Harvesting Milk thistle Seeds/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

The leaves of milk thistle make a good substitute for spinach, asparagus, or rhubarb. You simply need to remove the sharp edges and add them to salads. Milk thistle leaves can be eaten cooked or raw. Its stems and roots, however, are best cooked and soaked first to reduce its bitter tang.

The maximum concentration of medicinal properties is in the milk thistle seeds. It is processed into a tincture, powdered extract, or made into a decoction for oral administration. The milk thistle seeds can also be roasted and used as a coffee substitute.

Milk Thistle - Ingredients

Milk Thistle Tea

  • 1 tbsp. dried milk thistle seeds
  • 1 tsp honey (optional)
  • 1 tsp milk (optional)
  • 1 cup water
  1. In a small pan, bring 1 cup of water to a boil. Once boiling, remove from heat.Milk Thistle - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Add milk thistle seeds and steep for 5 to 10 minutes.Milk Thistle - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  3. Run the tea through a strainer to remove any solid particles.Milk Thistle - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  4. Add honey and milk to taste and give a creamier texture, if desired.
Milk Thistle Tea/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
How To Use The Remedy

Drink milk thistle tea moderately, and not more than 5 cups a day. Some side effects you may encounter after drinking the tea include nausea, headache, diarrhea, gas, and bloating. People who are allergic to milk thistle, ragweed, artichokes, and any other plants in the aster family should not drink milk thistle tea.

What Plants Resemble Milk Thistle

Feature Milk Thistle
Artichoke Thistle
(Cynara cardunculus)

How To Make Cinnamon – Ginger Salve


Пятница, 03 Декабря 2021 г. 05:40 + в цитатник
How to Make Cinnamon – Ginger Salve

How To Make Cinnamon – Ginger Salve

Cinnamon and ginger are a perfect match, not just for their spicy taste and smell, but also for their medicinal properties. They make a dark, warming salve that heals and protects the skin.

Cinnamon For The Skin

Cinnamon has a small amount of vitamin K and trace amounts of vitamin E. Vitamin K assists with healing bruised skin, general skin discoloration, and maintaining elasticity. The protein responsible for blood clotting depends on vitamin K, so it can be a handy ingredient to stop bleeding in minor wounds. Vitamin E is a strong anti-oxidant that maintains the elasticity of your skin as well as reduces and repairs the damage caused by UV sunlight.

How to Make a Cinnamon-Ginger Salve - Cinnamon for the Skin/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />The main compound that gives cinnamon its distinctive taste and smell is cinnamaldehyde. The bark contains between 65 – 80% cinnamaldehyde, whereas the leaves only contain 1 – 5%. Cinnamaldehyde has been shown to dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow, which has numerous health benefits including reducing inflammation and accelerating healing. It is also a mild anti-bacterial.

Cinnamon also contains eugenol which is a strong anti-oxidant and therefore, a strong anti-inflammatory. Eugenol is a general anesthetic and anti-septic and can trigger cell death in skin cancer. Interestingly, the leaves contain a much higher concentration (70 – 95%) of eugenol compared to the bark (5 – 10%). So, if you’re fortunate enough to have your own cinnamon tree, try infusing the dried leaves in a carrier oil to create the balm below.

Related: Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard (Video)

Ginger For The Skin

Ginger is another spice that is good for the skin in numerous ways, but primarily as a strong anti-oxidant and therefore a strong anti-inflammatory. The plants roots and essential oil are packed with a wide variety of terpenes, many of which give ginger it’s various medicinal properties.

How to Make a Cinnamon-Ginger Salve - Ginger for the Skin/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />Ginger essential oil has been shown to be a strong anti-microbial, even against gram-positive and gram-negative strains that are resistant against prescription medication. Studies have shown that many of the compounds responsible for its anti-microbial properties can be easily extracted via a basic oil infusion, as per the instructions below.

Another active ingredient in ginger, shogaol, has been found to reduce skin irritations including rashes, scaring and itchiness. It also reduces the damage and oxidation caused by UV radiation to skin.

Research on mice has shown that two active ingredients in ginger essential oil, gingerol and zerumbone, may be responsible for the reduction as well as prevention of skin tumors, most likely due to their strong anti-oxidative properties and zerumbones ability to metabolize certain enzymes.

Ginger contains about 3% curcumin which is great for protecting the skin from UV radiation and reducing inflammation.

DIY Cinnamon-Ginger Salve

The quantities below fill a small cosmetics jar (50 cc).

  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil or other type of plant-based oil that is a solid at room temperature, such as shea or cacao butterHow to Make a Cinnamon-Ginger Salve - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil or other vegetable oil that is liquid at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon of dried, ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of dried, ground ginger
  • Approximately 0.1 ounce (3 g) of beeswax
  • OPTIONAL 10 – 15 drops of ginger or cinnamon essential oil.

Place the coconut and olive oil in a glass jar and sit the jar in a pot of warm water (approximately 100 °F / 37 °C) and stir until the coconut oil has melted. Then add the cinnamon and the ginger to the oil and allow their compounds to infuse into the warm oil for the next hour. If you are using cinnamon sticks instead of ground cinnamon, the infusion will take approximately 3 hours. Give the mix a stir and check the temperature of the water every 10 minutes while it infuses.How to Make a Cinnamon-Ginger Salve - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Remove the jar from the pot of water. I found there were too many floating particles to be able to simply decant off the oil, so for this remedy, first I strained the mix through a fine tea strainer into a cup, then I let it settle in the cup for about 2 minutes. Then I decanted off the oil into the cosmetics jar, leaving a small portion of oil with the remaining particles behind in the bottom of the cup.

How to Make a Cinnamon-Ginger Salve - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

After straining and decanting the oil, you should end up with approximately 0.8 ounces (23 grams) of cinnamon and ginger infused oil. This infused oil can now be made into a soft salve.

How to Make a Cinnamon-Ginger Salve - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Increase the temperature of the pot of water to no more than 150 °F (65 °C) and sit the jar of infused oil back in it. Add the beeswax and stir until it has all melted. Test the consistency by dipping a cold spoon in the salve.

Remove the jar from the pot and allow it to slowly cool to room temperature to set. OPTIONAL: stir in the essential oil after you remove the jar from the pot.

Application And Shelf-Life

Apply as needed, especially for minor wounds or as a daily moisturizer.

Stored at room temperature, this salve will last 12 months.


The Super Herb That Destroys Candida


Среда, 24 Ноября 2021 г. 09:06 + в цитатник

Candida is a prevalent infection, but there is one super-herb that can conquer it!


Candidiasis is an incredibly common infection that is caused by the presence of the yeast Candida.

The fungus can live on the host’s skin or inside the body, favoring cavities that are moist and dark, such as the mouth, vagina, gut, and throat.

In normal amounts, the yeast can remain on or inside the host relatively undetected. It will cause no immediate harm, and having the candida fungus present will not ordinarily cause any immediate ill-health or irritation.

The problems with candida can start when the fungus begins to multiply either on the skin or inside the body, causing the fungus to, in some cases, drastically affect the areas it is present in, which can cause:

  • A white a thick mucous substance starts to formThe Super Herb That Destroys Candida - What is Candida/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Swelling and redness of the perimeter area
  • Dry and cracked external areas
  • Pain
  • A putrid smell
  • Gastrointestinal upsets
  • Itching and tightness in the areas
  • Potential of yellow-ish discharge from the site

Who Can Get Candida?

Absolutely anybody can have the candida fungus living on or inside them, and for most cases, it will be completely undetectable and cause no immediate issues to one’s health.

However, if the fungus starts to multiply, that’s when the otherwise harmless fungus becomes the infection we know as candida.

The candidiasis infection is more commonly found in the mouth and throat in those people who are immuno-compromised but is rare in these areas in healthy individuals. You can also find it commonly in the vagina and gut.

Candida certainly does not discriminate when it comes to choosing a human host, anyone can have the fungus, but there are certain groups of people who are more predisposed to having the fungus and having it turn into the infection in the mouth and throat, including:

  • Babies younger than 1-month old
  • SmokersThe Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Candida/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Those people who have a dry mouth or take medication that causes mouth dryness, or those people who are sadly nearing the end of their life
  • Those people who wear dentures
  • Those people who have cancer
  • For those who have diabetes, sometimes there is a higher prevalence of candida in people with Type 2 diabetes that is somewhat uncontrolled.
  • Those people who have HIV or AIDS
  • Those people who regularly take antibiotics or corticosteroids for conditions such as asthma

How Do You Get Reduce The Risk Of Candida?

When it comes to controlling the overgrowth of the fungus we know as candida, there are certain things we can include or indeed omit from our diets and lifestyles to try and prevent the growth of the fungus and reduce the effects of the infection that comes from the overgrowth.

These elements can include:

  • Avoid Any Dairy Products That Are High In Lactose: Lactose is the sugar found in dairy products that can cause an inflammatory response in the individual, which can trigger the candida to commence overgrowth.
  • It is best to either eliminate dairy completely or head for lactose-free options for your dairy, such as those products that are derived from soy or nuts.The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Diet/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Drastically Reduce Your Sugar Intake: Both obvious sugars and hidden sugars in your diet may be a direct cause of the overgrowth of the candida, as sugar is widely recognized to be an accelerant to the production and overproduction of candida.
  • Reduce The Intake Of Alcohol: When alcohol is consumed, the body breaks this down, with sugars being the result. As you can see from above, sugar is known to increase the overproduction of the candida fungus, which can then cause multiple issues to health.
  • Reduce The Intake Of Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the food group that will increase the production of candida similarly to both alcohol and sugars, as carbohydrates, if not used by the body for energy, will be broken down and stored as sugar, causing an increase in the chances of the overproduction of candida.
  • The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - What not to Eat/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Reduce The Amount Of Gluten In Your Diet: Gluten is widely known to be an inflammatory food group, which can cause problems with the overgrowth of candida. Gluten, again, is often broken down with great difficulty in the body into sugar compounds, which will feed and accelerate the candida.The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Oregano/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Introduce Oregano Into Your Daily Routine: Oregano is the super herb that will make such an impact when it comes to ridding the candida fungus for good. Oregano is a potent antimicrobial and antifungal herb that is one of the best natural remedies to reduce the overproduction of candida fungus. The best way to incorporate oregano into your routine to start to work against the candida overproduction is to consume it orally as part of your meals or for a more potent compound, making an oregano oil.  Oregano oil is one of the absolute best ways to get the essential antimicrobial and antifungal properties to where they need to be.

How To Make An Oregano Oil

Oil of Oregano can have significant benefits for those people who have candida overgrowth.

Still, it is essential to only use the oil on the external areas that are red, inflamed, and are irritating. It is unwise to use the oil or any other topical oil on any sites of broken skin, which may cause further irritation and inflammation.

What You Will Need:
  • Oregano leaves that need to be crushed or finely chopped
  • A carrier oil which can be Olive oil or almond oil, which also have soothing and moisturizing properties
  • A jar that has been sanitized, preferably the ones that have twist lids for a secure tightening
  • Start by boiling some clean water in a saucepan.
  • Allow the water to reach a rolling boil and then remove the water from the heat source.The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Oregnao Oil Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  • Place the chopped or minced oregano leaves into one of the jars, and then pour your chosen carrier oil over the leaves.The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Oregnao Oil Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  • Place the jar with your oregano and oil into the saucepan of hot water and allow it to sit in the water for 5-10 minutes, allowing the oil to heat up, and then the oregano will start to release its natural oils.
  • When the time has elapsed, remove the jar from the saucepan of hot water and place it in an area that will get some sunlight, such as a sunny windowsill, for 7-14 days.
  • It is essential to agitate the mixture by shaking it up every couple of days.The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Oregnao Oil Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  • After the settling period of 14 days, you can strain the mixture to remove the oil from the leaves and place the oil into another sanitized jar with a twist lid.
  • You can store this oregano oil in a cool and dark place, such as a pantry, clearly labeled to avoid any misconsumption.

How To Use Oil Of Oregano

Add 2 to 3 drops of the oregano oil onto a sterile gauze pad or muslin square and apply to the affected area of your skin.

Ensure that you only touch the skin affected by the candida and avoid spreading the fungus over any nearby healthy skin.

You may need to apply the oregano oil two or three times per day over a few weeks before you begin to see some improvement in the affected area.


Oregano is a herb that hosts some potent antifungal and antimicrobial properties that, when prepared as an essential oil, can be incredibly helpful when dealing with the overproduction of the candida fungus.

Overproduction of candida can cause swelling, irritation, and discharge to exude from the affected area, which can be somewhat embarrassing and painful, and incredibly uncomfortable.

People who suffer from oral candidiasis are often those people who are immuno-compromised, very young infants or those people who take steroids for ailments like asthma.

There are many things you can eliminate from your diet to improve candida. These are all related to the element of sugar, which is found in carbohydrates and alcohol, for instance, and is known to be an accelerator of the fungus by feeding it to the point of overproduction.

The super-herb oregano has such powerful properties when used as an essential oil. It may help with the external irritation, inflammation, and redness that is caused as a result of the candida overproduction.

When the oregano oil is made with a carrier oil such as coconut, almond, or olive oil, there will also be added moisturizing properties derived from the oil. Additional moisturization may help improve the condition of the affected skin and aid the repair of the dermal layer once the fungus has been eradicated.


Herbal Mixture For Chronic Cough


Четверг, 18 Ноября 2021 г. 20:47 + в цитатник

DIY herbal cough mixtures


Coughing is a perfectly normal reaction. It can help with keeping your throat clear from phlegm and other irritants as well. However, sustained coughing can also represent a symptom of a few conditions, such as allergies, viral infections, or bacterial infections.

A modern herbalist does not use a suppressive but favors expectorants or an ‘eliminative’ to soothe irritated surfaces and expel the excess mucus. An expectorant helps with promoting the removal of mucus from the respiratory system.

If a dry, unproductive irritating cough persists despite treatment, a qualified practitioner should be consulted. According to Penelope Ody, the act of coughing removes irritant particles from the airways. Chesty coughs are loose and produce white, yellow, or green mucus. Colored mucus may indicate an infection of bronchitis.


In this recipe, I used fenugreek seeds, anise seeds, and licorice.

Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum)

Also known as Methi in India.My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Fenugreek/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Constituents: flavonoids, volatile oil, saponins, alkaloids.

Action: leaves a soothing, protective coating over irritated surfaces (internal demulcent, external emollient); nutrient, anti-inflammatory, galactagogue, hypoglycaemic—a natural lubricant for the colon.

My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough -Anise/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Caution Insulin-dependent diabetics should avoid fenugreek unless it is used under professional guidance.

Aniseed (Anise. Pimpinella Anisum)

Action: carminative, expectorant, antispasmodic, oestrogenic, Anti-parasitic.

Uses Flatulence, dry coughs, whooping cough, tracheitis, bronchitis. Externally for scabies and lice infestation.

Licorice Root (Sweet Root. Glycyrrhiza Glabra L.)

Shredded or powdered dried root, licorice has a history of strength and long life in Chinese medicine. It was considered the sweet of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Historically speaking, it was carried by armies of Alexander to allay thirst and as alternative medicine.

My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Licorice/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Constituents: volatile oil, coumarins, chalcones, triterpenes, flavonoids.

Action: demulcent, expectorant, glycogenconservor, anti-inflammatory, mild laxative. Adrenal restorative, Anti-depressive.

Uses Adrenal insufficiency Hypoglycaemia. Peptic ulcer – reduces gastric juice secretion. Inflamed stomach. Mouth ulcer. Duodenal ulcer.

It can also aid with respiratory infections: dry cough, hoarseness, bronchitis, lung troubles, catarrh.


Honey is not a herb, however, it preserves herbs and spices and represents a base for all cough syrup remedies. It is tasty, sweet, and comforting.

My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Honey/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Honey is used as a beverage and medicine. Whilst not a herb, honey is processed by bees from the nectar of flowers and has an ethereal quality that enhances its healing properties. A source of vitamins and minerals. Action: Many bacteria cannot live in the presence of honey, since honey draws from them the moisture essential to their existence. It is a potent inhibitor of the growth of bacteria: salmonella, shigella, and E. coli. Taken internally and externally, hastens granulation and arrests necrotic tissue. A natural bacteriostatic and bactericide. Of an alkaline action, honey assists digestion, decreasing acidity. It is used with success for burns, frostbite, colic, dry cough, inflammations, involuntary twitching of eyes and mouth; to keep a singer’s throat in condition.

The Ingredients

  • 4.2 fl. oz. approx. of runny honey
  • My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />1 tsp of anise seeds
  • 1/2 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds
  • Small piece of licorice juice stick
  • ¾ cup of water


  • a pan to boil ingredients
  • Dark glass bottle to store ingredients
  • A funnel or a tiny jug to pour the mixture into a bottle


      1. Dissolve the licorice juice stick in a pan with the water. Mine did not dissolve completely. In my opinion, it does not matter if you can see that the water changes color. It does not represent a problem if a tiny piece does not dissolve.
        My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
      2. You can see from this photograph how the water is now flavored with the licorice juice stick and a tiny lump remains. This is because they used wheat flour to bind juice into a stick with molasses.
        My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
      3. One teaspoon of anise seeds and ½ a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds.My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 3.1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 3.2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
    3. Put the seeds in a cup or bowl and mix them with a spoon.
      My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
    4. Pour the licorice tea over the seeds. Let it stay for 10 to 15 minutes.My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
    5. Strain the mixtureMy Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 6.2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 6.3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
    6. Add honey and return the mixture to the stove just enough to warm your honey for an easier mix. This will take just a few seconds on low heat.
      My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 7/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
    7. Stir constantly until the honey is fully dissolved. Remove from heat.My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 8/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
    8. Transfer into a container with a spout. If you have a small funnel, it is also a good choice!My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 9/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
    9. Transfer the liquid into a sterilized dark bottle and screw tight or place cork firmly in.My Herbal Mixture for Chronic Cough - Step 10/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

I had a lot of herbal mixture leftovers, somehow more than I expected. I put the remaining mixture into a jar and added it into the freezer.

Don’t forget to make a herbal chest rub as well and take echinacea so you can combat the possible infections.

Dosage: take one teaspoon up to 6 times a day. It can be stored in the fridge for up to 6 weeks.

With cold and influenza season in full swing, we need all the help we can get to keep our immune systems in touch with its needs. Here are a few of Nicole’s top picks that are found in our Essential Winter Defense Bundle. Whether maintaining lung health, boosting immunity, or reducing fevers, each herb supports overall well-being this winter and beyond.

Caution For Coughs

If the cough is persistent or recurrent at any age, this is a sign of a serious health problem. Seek professional help if the cough lasts for more than 7-10 days, or if there is chest pain and no obvious signs associated with cold or infections. Seek professional help if the mucus from a productive cough is streaked with blood.


What Happens If You Smoke Mullein?


Четверг, 11 Ноября 2021 г. 08:56 + в цитатник
What Happens if You Smoke Mullein?

What Happens If You Smoke Mullein?


Common mullein is a well-known plant that has been “smoked” for centuries and is known to treat lung issues due to its expectorant nature. Now, what does this mean? In a nutshell, it will break up congestion and make coughing more productive.

Mullein – Medicinal Benefits

All parts of mullein have been used to treat many different ailments but the dried leaves are what have been used to smoke since the inhaling of the burning leaves is what provides the treatment. As mentioned before, smoking mullein provides treatment for lung issues but what are these issues?

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Smoking this herb can help with influenza, asthma attacks, bronchitis, and pneumonia. But how does this work? Mullein contains chemicals called saponins. These chemicals help break down the mucus in the lungs and make it easier for you to cough it up and get it out. This, in turn, reduces the chances of developing an infection from the gunk in your lungs.  A second benefit of smoking this herb comes from its antibacterial properties.

Sounds great, right but mullein is not intended for long-term use. It should only be used occasionally when you have a respiratory issue.

A tincture made by soaking mullein leaves and flowers in alcohol is another way to extract the beneficial compounds of this useful plant. (available in the Apothecary)

How To Smoke Mullein

When it comes to smoking mullein, you will need to know that it is tasteless and the plain dried leaves do not burn very well. In doing so, you will need to add just a small amount of water to the leaves to aid in the burning. While you could just smoke mullein, it is better to combine some other healthy herbs to add some flavor to the mix. One recipe you may want to try is equal parts of dried mullein leaf, peppermint leaf, and thyme leaf.

What happens if you smoke mullein/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Place the dried ingredients in a mortar and pestle to grind to a fine powder. To add the moisture, apply one teaspoon of water to every six teaspoons of dried herb mix. Place the moistened ingredients in roll paper or in a pipe.

Ok, now the herb mixture is ready to smoke but do not smoke more often than every two hours.  Also, this treatment is not a long-term solution to respiratory issues. In doing so, do not smoke longer than two weeks. At this point, if you are still having problems go to the doctor.

Related: The Easiest Way to Defeat Seasonal Allergies, Boost Lung health, And Calm Asthma. Visit the Apothecary today to learn more!

How To Harvest And Dry Mullein Leaves

Now finding dried mullein leaf is not hard to find but did you know you can dry your own with not much effort? Well, the answer is yes and the process begins by finding common mullein growing around your area.

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This plant is easy to identify since the leaves are very soft and they grow in a rosette shape. Common mullein is a biennial, which means it produces leaves the first year. The leaf growth continues in the second year until the flower stalk is formed. Once that has happened, the leaf growth stops, flowers are produced, and then the plant dies. At this point you may be going, oh my but do not worry. This plant reseeds easily and you will find double sometimes triple the amount of plants you started with.

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Beyond the soft grey leaves, the flower stalk produces bright yellow flowers but once you see these, it is too late to harvest the leaves. I simply mention this as another way of identifying the plant.

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When it comes to harvesting the leaves, there are two ways to do it. One is to just cut the rosette even with the ground. After that is done, tie the rosette up and hang it in a warm area away from direct light. Now, the positive to this approach is you get your harvesting done quickly but the negative is the fact that you have left no leaves.

The second approach is to harvest individual leaves and place them in a single layer to dry. As you can see, the technique above saves time. Now, you may wonder which approach I use and the answer is both.

For common mullein that is on it first-year growth, I will harvest the young leaves in the spring. I leave enough growth so that the plant can carry over into the next year. In the late summer to early fall, I cut the whole rosette before the flower stalk appears. To keep my living supply of common mullein growing, I do not do the complete cut on every plant that is on its second-year growth. My selection is simply harvesting those plants with the biggest rosette, which means more leaves.

When it comes to drying individual leaves, the key is to make sure that the leaves are in a single layer that is not overlapping.  While it should only take a few days for the leaves to dry, you will need to check on them daily and flip them so that all sides of the leaf dries. If you are new to drying herbs, you may want to follow this advice. Once you think the herbs are dry, let them dry another day or two because you cannot use moldy herbs.

How To Store Mullein

Once you feel they are dry, processing comes up into the discussion. I like to store my herbs whole in paper bags. The reason for storing them whole is it gives me the freedom to “grind” them fresh so to speak. The reason I use paper bags is to make sure my herbs do not mold. A few years ago, I stored some herbs in glass jars and ended up with a moldy mess. Since then, I have chosen to use paper bags that I store away from direct sunlight.

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Another reason I store my leaves whole ties back into process the mullein for smoking. I have found that “grinding” herbs together whole tends to make the mixture stronger. In this example, all the herbs are ground together whole so that all the herbal oils in the dried plant material can mix compared to using already powdered ingredients.

Herbal Smoking Blend

Now while you are mediating through the process of grinding your herbal blend to smoke, you may wonder why adding the two others herbs. Well, the addition of peppermint has already been covered and it is for taste but what about thyme. Oh the humble thyme is another herb that is used as treatment for respiratory problems, such as whooping cough and the common cold. In doing so, adding this to mullein gives you a double-dose treatment for respiratory issues.


An outstanding expectorant, mullein lessens mucus formation and encourages the expulsion of phlegm, helping to ease the tightness of breathing. It also calms coughing fits and wheezing, and is often used for asthma and COPD.

With the cold and influenza season in full swing, we need all the help we can get to keep our immune systems healthy and strong. Here are a few of Nicole’s top picks that are found in our Essential Winter Defense Bundle. Whether maintaining lung health, boosting immunity, or reducing fevers, each herb supports overall well-being this winter and beyond.

Safety: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use mullein. Allergic reactions include skin irritations, stomach pain, and breathing difficulties. If you experience any of these symptoms, discontinue use.


50 Uses Of Avocado


Вторник, 09 Ноября 2021 г. 02:51 + в цитатник
Cold Hardy Mexicola Grande Avocados ripen once picked.
You may not love avocados but the following uses for this humble fruit may change your mind.

1. Smoothes Out Skin Wrinkles

Looking for a painless way of reducing wrinkles, well if the answer is yes then go get you some avocados. The skin benefits not only from the inside when you eat them but also when you apply avocados to your skin as a mask. The reason why avocados are so good for the skin is due to the antioxidants they contain.

2. Protects The Eyes From Age-Related Decline

50 Uses of Avocado - Eye/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Did you know that avocados contain zeaxanthin and lutein? Well, they do and they are very important antioxidants that protect your eyes from harmful light waves by absorbing them. Now, to reach these particular antioxidants you will need to scrape the dark green flesh of the avocado from the peel.

3. Can Help You Lose Weight

Avocados can help you lose weight in two ways. First, they are full of fiber, which makes one feel full. They also contain monounsaturated fat. Using avocados in place of high-fat foods like butter or mayo can help you lose a few pounds.

4. Improves Your Mood

While depression has many causes, one trigger for depression can be found in the diet. If you are not receiving enough foliate in your diet then you are more susceptible to being in a bad mood and/or depressed. A simple way of feeling better is to eat some avocado.

TIP: If you’re looking for a homemade easy vegan dessert, you need to try avocado ice cream. I know what you’re thinking, avocados and ice cream together? But it totally works, just like you can add avocados to smoothies. Avocados have a smooth and naturally creamy texture. That makes it such a perfect candidate to throw in smoothies, mousses, and even ice cream.

5. Has The Ability To Prevent Birth Defects

Consuming avocados while pregnant can reduce the chances of birth defects. How you may ask? Well, it comes down to foliate. Women whose diet was low in foliate increased their chances of having a baby with a birth defect. While there are other ways of getting your daily requirement of this B vitamin consuming an avocado is a delicious choice.

6. Fights Inflammation

Eating avocados is a tasty way of fighting inflammation due to the antioxidants and monounsaturated fats these green gems contain. You may wonder how this works. First, there are several types of inflammation but the simplest answer is that healthy fat decreases visceral fat, which causes inflammation and provides antioxidants such as carotenoids that fight inflammation.

7. Gives You More Energy

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If you are dragging a bit and find yourself with not much energy, chances are you need some B vitamins.

Avocados are full of several B vitamins, which include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), and niacin (B3). These B vitamins convert food into energy, which will give you that “get up and go” feeling.

8. Improves Cholesterol And Triglyceride Levels

Reducing the amount of fat you consume is one way of reducing your cholesterol and triglyceride numbers. But this is not the end of the story, while decreasing the bad fat, such as animal sources, you can increase the healthy fat. This is where the avocado comes into play. It contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are known to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

9. Can Lower Blood Pressure

While oleic acid that avocados contain serves several purposes, one that many have never heard of is the fact that it helps lower blood pressure.

10. Protects The Brain50 Uses of Avocado - Protects the brain/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Did you know that avocados are high in vitamin E? Well, yes they are and why is this important? Vitamin E provides may provide protection against Alzheimer’s. While the how is not completely understood, it is believed to provide protection against pollution and radiation from the sun, which can damage cells.

11. Strengthens Bones

We have all heard about the importance of calcium and strong bones but there is another vitamin that is needed and that is vitamin K. This nutrient is needed to increase bone density and prevent fractures. Eating half an avocado will provide you with 15 percent of your daily requirement.

12. Can Drop The Chances Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

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Avocados meet all the requirements of a healthy diet and combining that with a more plant-based menu can reduce your chances of developing type 2 diabetes by 20 percent.

13. Contains Potassium

If you are looking to meet your dietary requirement you may reach for a banana. While bananas do have a lot of potassium, avocados have more.

14. Protects The Skin From UV Damage

Been out in the sun too long and you now have a mild sunburn, do not fret. The avocado is to the rescue. All you need to do is make a paste out of the fruit and apply it to the skin. Oh boy does that feel good but why. It is believed that the zeaxanthin and lutein contained in the avocado protect the skin from UV damage.

15. Aids In Minor Wound Healing

Got a minor scrape and need some ointment? Simply go to the fridge. Apply a bit of mashed avocado to the minor wound and it will heal up in no time.

50 Uses of Avocado - Vitamin K/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

16. Possible Treatment For Leukemia

A promising treatment for leukemia can be found in this humble fruit. The avocado contains a compound called avocatin B.

In recent studies, this compound has been shown to kill leukemia cells, which could lead to promising new treatments.

17. Helps Relieve Symptoms Of An Enlarged Prostate

This fruit is high in phytonutrients. What are phytonutrients? Well, they are a family of plant steroids that help your body block the absorption of bad LDL cholesterol. Now the particular plant steroid that can relieve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate is beta-sitosterol. There are other sources of this plant steroid but the avocado has four times more than the orange, which should provide a lot of relief for an enlarged prostate.

18. Helps With The Production Of Healthy Sperm

Women need to make sure that their foliate level is correct prior to get pregnant and during the whole pregnancy. But men also need to have their foliate levels checked. A low level of foliate can cause the sperm to be not as healthy as it could be which in turn could cause birth defects.

19. Aids In The Prevention Of Osteoporosis

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Keeping the structure of our bones strong is a very important step to preventing osteoporosis. How the avocado comes into play begins with the vitamin K, which this simple fruit contains. Having a diet high in calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K is very important due to the fact that vitamin K can help the body absorb more calcium instead of going out with the urine. While the hero’s parade is always showcasing calcium and vitamin D, do not forget the unsung hero for strong bones, vitamin K.

20. Helps The Body Absorb Certain Nutrients

You may not know that for some vitamins and minerals to be absorbed they need a buddy to help in the process. This is where the avocado comes into play. The healthy fat in an avocado can help the body absorb more vitamin A, E, K, and D along with antioxidant lycopene. Beyond being tasty, this is another reason to make up some salsa and guacamole.

21. Can Reduce Chromosomal Damage Caused By Cyclophosphamide

While how this process works is not completely understood, the numerous phytochemicals found in avocados have shown to reduce the DNA and RNA damage that is caused when cyclophosphamide is taken as part of chemotherapy.

22. Provides Promising Breast Cancer Protection

Studies are still continuing but it is believed that a certain monounsaturated fat called oleic acid can reduce the odds of a woman developing breast cancer.

23. Acts As A Promising Cancer Treatment

There are many causes for cancer but one is linked to genes. Oleic acid found in avocados has shown some beneficial promise on working with genes that cause certain cancers.

24. Improves Digestion

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Fiber is one of the many important components of avocados. This high fiber content does keep things moving and reduces the chances of you suffering from constipation. But, there is another gem in this high fiber fruit. Oh my, what could it be? In short, a diet rich in fiber is a great approach to reducing your chances of developing colon cancer.

25. Contains Dietary Fiber

Yes, fiber has been mentioned before but did you know that avocadoes have two types of fiber? Well, they do and each one plays an important role in a healthy diet. Soluble fiber dissolves in water while insoluble fiber does not. The avocado is seven percent fiber with 25 percent of that fiber being soluble and the remaining being insoluble. So what does this mean? Putting it simply, eating an avocado is a great way of feeding the bacteria in your second brain or gut, which is a wonderful way of keeping your stomach happy.

26. Serves As A Natural Detoxifier

This may seem a bit odd but the longer food stays in the stomach, the more things can go wrong. Encouraging the emptying of the stomach often reduces the chances of toxins building up. Now, where does this fruit come into play? Avocados have a lot of fiber for their little size. Fiber will keep things moving on down the intestinal tract, which will act as a natural detoxifier.

27. Relieves The Symptoms Of Knee Osteoarthritis50 Uses of Avocado - Avocado Oil/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

The anti-inflammatory components of the avocado provide relief from knee osteoarthritis when eaten and the oil is rubbed on the joint. Research is also being done on saponins, which are found in avocados and soy. Extracting this substance and using it as a rub is being explored as a treatment for the symptoms of this disease.

28. Possible Treatment For Psoriasis

If you are lacking B12 or cobalamin then you could develop psoriasis or make your existing condition worse. Avocados contain this B12, which when combined with olive oil has shown to be a promising treatment for psoriasis.

29. Provides Protection Against Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, And Hypertension

There are many different ways to reduce your chances of developing heart disease and other similar problems. This includes exercise, reducing stress, and a healthy diet. Avocados are a green wonder that contains so many things that are good for the heart. First, this fruit is very high in potassium. This is known to lower blood pressure, which can reduce your chances of suffering from a heart attack or stroke. They contain vitamin E, which a heart health vitamin and lutien. What does lutien do? Well, it helps protect arteries from hardening. Avocados contain foliate that can protect the blood vessels from high levels of homocysteine. This amino acid can damage the blood vessels. Finally, oleic acid is contained in avocados. The role that this substance plays in heart health is by reducing inflammation, which can cause atheroscierosis.

30. Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Eating a high fiber diet is a way of improving insulin sensitivity and the avocado is a tasty way of positively contributing to this type of diet.

31. A Promising Treatment For Gout

In a nutshell, gout is a buildup of uric acid that in turn crystallizes in the joints, which causes pain and inflammation. Now, the goal in prevention is to reduce foods that can cause a buildup. This includes red meat, organ meat, and seafood. While this may seem very hard to do, there is another approach that can prevent and/or treat gout.

Avocados can prevent gout by making you feel full, which could reduce the amount of the meats noted above that can cause gout. Also, this simple fruit is chopped full of nutrients that can help the kidneys move uric acid out of the body. This includes potassium and vitamin C. If the kidneys can move the uric acid out of the body then you can prevent gout or reduce the number of bouts with gout.

32. Help To Build Collagen In The Skin50 Uses of Avocado - Skin/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

When it comes to building collagen in the skin, one can benefit not only from eating them but also from utilizing cold-pressed avocado oil as a skin treatment. Beyond the fat in the avocado, it also contains vitamins C and E, plant steroids, omega-9, antioxidants, and minerals that all work together to promote collagen production.

33. Reduces Dry Skin

If you have dry skin then you need an avocado. This fruit contains biotin, which is known to reduce skin dryness but do not go eat a bunch of avocados. While eating them would be very healthy, dry skin is only addressed with the avocado is applied directly to the skin.

34. Improves Adrenal Fatigue

50 Uses of Avocado - healthy/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Adrenal fatigue occurs in four stages. The just of this disorder is that fat is required for hormone production. When you do not have enough fat in your diet then hormone production is affected. The key to reducing the chances of going past stage one is the consumption of fat. While fat has gotten a bad rap, our bodies need fat to function properly. The key is to consume healthy fats and this is where the avocado comes into the picture. The monounsaturated fatty acids in this fruit can meet this requirement without the negative consequences of animal fats. Eating avocado can provide the fat to keep hormone production going, which can reduce the chances of going past the first stage of adrenal fatigue.

35. Improves Liver Function

A simple but important ingredient that avocados contain is glutathione, which is used by the liver to remove toxins from the body. Low levels of glutathione can cause the liver not to function properly.

36. Promising Treatment For Viral Hepatitis

Early studies on using avocado oil as a treatment for liver damage caused by viruses is showing promise. It is believed that five compounds in the avocado are what help heal the liver but more research needs to be done before this approach is approved.

37. Prevents Food Poisoning

Because avocados are antimicrobial, they can prevent E. coli. Now that does not mean to go out and eat food that is contaminated but it does offer future prevention and treatment of food poisoning.

38. Gets You In The Mood

50 Uses of Avocado - Aphrodisiac




Суббота, 06 Ноября 2021 г. 21:35 + в цитатник

Turmeric, being one of the kitchen staples, is a wonderful spice that is useful in ensuring optimal health. The medicinal properties of turmeric roots have been around for several millennia. Thus, many people take its effectiveness at heart. Several studies about turmeric were also conducted by the scientific community to ensure that it is, indeed, a beneficial herbal medicine for human use.

Though turmeric primarily began in India as a primary ingredient for the Ayurvedic practice, its value and worth traveled far and wide over the years. Currently, we can see turmeric sold in stores and marketplaces all over the world.

The History Of Turmeric

The longest record of the use of turmeric dates back to the Verdic culture of India 4000 years ago. It has been used primarily as a culinary spice and also has some profound religious significance. According to Sanskrit records, turmeric has been used as a medicine in Southeast Asia for a long time. The Ayurvedic Compendium dating back to 250 BC even stated that a turmeric ointment relieves food poisoning. It spread across Asia and probably reached China around 700 AD. It also reached other continents such as East Africa by 800 AD and West Africa by 1200 AD.

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In the 13th century, Europe had a taste of turmeric. When Marco Polo was trading in the Silk Road in 1280, he wrote down about this spice and compared it to saffron. By the 18th century, turmeric became more popular all over the world. It spread to other tropical places, particularly in Jamaica.

On the other hand, the discovery of turmeric’s curcumin dates back two centuries ago. The “yellow coloring matter” was isolated by Vogel and Pelletier, for which they named it curcumin. This yellow chemical provides the spice all its amazing medicinal and culinary qualities. Vogel Jr. was notably known to have gathered a pure preparation of curcumin but he was not able to share the formula with the scientific community. It was not until 1910 when the exact chemical structure of curcumin was known.

Where Is This Plant Found?

Turmeric - Where to find/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />While turmeric powder is widely available in grocery stores all over the world, fresh turmeric may be quite a challenge to find. This root vegetable is often grown in Asian countries, particularly in India, China, and Vietnam. It is also widely cultivated in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.

Related: The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area!(Video)

How To Identify TurmericTurmeric - Identification/" target="_blank"> 149w" width="350" />

  • Leaf. Turmeric leaves are small to medium in size. They are oblong-shaped with an average of 80-115 cm in length and 30-48 cm in width.
  • Flower. The floral structure is shaped like a cone. It is around 12 cm in length. The funnel-shaped blooms can be in various colors of white, yellow, or pink.
  • Root. Turmeric root is golden in color and has a similar look to ginger root.
  • Stem. Stems are green or greenish-white in color and are thick. It stands erect while holding the plant’s green leaves.
  • Fruit and Seeds. Turmeric does not have the typical plant seeds as most plants do. Instead, people who want to cultivate turmeric make use of a part of the plant’s root called a rhizome. The rhizomes will produce the foliage for the plant to thrive above ground while growing large rhizomes under the soil for the best foundation.

Related:  Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

How To Grow Turmeric

Planting,Turmeric,In,Fertile,Soil/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />The best time to plant turmeric is in September and October when the soil is still warm. Plant the rhizomes 4 inches deep in the soil. When planting several rhizomes, keep the plants 3 to 4 ft apart to allow enough room for each growth. The rhizomes should be planted with the sprouted parts facing up.

Growing Turmeric /" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />You can also start cultivating rhizomes indoors and only bring them outside soon after the last frost date. To do this, start 8 to 10 weeks before the average last frost date that your place has. Put individual rhizomes horizontally in a seed-starter tray. Make sure that this tray is well-draining. Cover the rhizomes with 2 inches of medium and keep the tray warm at 80 to 85°F.

Turmeric,Plantation.,Great,Green,Shows,Plants,Grow,Well/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Preserve the moisture but make sure that you do not overload the plants with it. Transplant the sprouted rhizomes once the last frost passed. Water the turmeric an inch of water per week when there is no rain. Do not overwater since the roots may rot. Also, maintain a pH level of 4.5 to 7.5.

Turmeric can be planted with beans, peas, cilantro, and cardamom. Make sure to keep the weeds out so that the turmeric plant will have enough airflow.

Related: 10 Plants That You Should Never Plant Together (Video)

How To Harvest Turmeric

Harvesting Turmeric/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />The main indication that turmeric is ready for harvesting is when it starts to wilt. This usually happens around 7 to 10 months after planting. When you see the stem and leaves turning brown, gently dig up the plant. Be careful when digging since you do not want to damage the rhizomes. Cut the foliage an inch above the roots. Wash the roots thoroughly and this will be the fresh turmeric that you can use for various culinary and medicinal applications.

The harvested turmeric can last for up to 6 months in a fridge when placed in an airtight bag. For it to last longer, you can put it inside the freezer. But make sure that the skin is thoroughly air dried before storing them.

What Turmeric Is Good For And Natural Remedies Made From It

Turmeric is one of the underrated kitchen spices that holds many nutritional benefits. Aside from being a culinary addition to various dishes, turmeric contains an antioxidant called curcumin. Curcumin has many beneficial effects on health.

  • Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties. It fights against foreign substances that may enter the body while ensuring that any damage in the body is repaired. That is why experts believe that turmeric may be helpful in the treatment of heart diseases, metabolic problems, certain types of cancer, and other degenerative conditions. It also eases symptoms of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis when taken both orally and topically.
  • The antioxidant properties are also vital for fighting off free radicals, which may damage cells resulting in aging and illness. Curcumin has the capacity to neutralize these free radicals to ensure that they cannot harm the body.
  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, is a brain hormone essential for growing new neurons. BDNF has a role in learning and memorization. Curcumin helps boost the level of BDNF production. Thus, helping in better brain function and may ease symptoms of depression and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Other studies and reviews show that the curcumin that turmeric contains is also useful for preventing and treating diabetes. Though studies conducted were done on animals as subjects, this may become a basis of its effectiveness in helping diabetic patients in the future.
  • Another benefit one can derive from turmeric is how it can be used on the skin. It has antimicrobial properties, and along with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, can work wonders on the skin. For instance, it may be useful for the treatment of skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema. However, this usefulness may require more studies to ensure its safety and efficacy.
  • Additionally, turmeric may help prevent eye degeneration such as glaucoma. Glaucoma is one of the causes of blindness in older people. Fortunately, preliminary studies show that topical use of curcumin may help offset this degeneration. Further studies are needed to get more proof and understand how turmeric benefits the eyes.

What Parts Of Plants Are Used For Remedies?

Most people use the rhizome or root part of turmeric. It is where curcumin can be found the most. The rhizome is also used in powder form most of the time. People add turmeric powder to their cooking since it is a basic ingredient in curry powders. It can also be found in drinks and flavored dairy products. Turmeric root is also used in various applications such as skin ointments and poultice, and face masks, among others. Others also use turmeric leaves since they are edible.


Cramp Bark Кали́на (лат. Viburnum)


Вторник, 02 Ноября 2021 г. 02:40 + в цитатник

Cramp Bark of the genus Viburnum, is an upright, flowering shrub that goes by many names. There is an American species known botanically as Viburnum trilobum, which is a synonym for Viburnum opulus var Americanum. This species is often referred to as highbush cranberry or American cranberry bush.

Cramp Bark also has a European species which has been naturalized in many parts of North America. This species is known as Viburnum opulus. Grown often as an ornamental shrub, it goes by names such as snowball, guelder rose, rose elder, and European cranberry tree.

Since both species share beneficial compounds in their bark, they are often referred to simultaneously as cramp bark. The main differences being, the species native to North America, Viburnum opulus var Americanum is rarer, sometimes deemed endangered in parts of the USA, and is said to have better-tasting fruit. While the European species has naturalized in North America to the point of being invasive in some areas and is said to have bitter, less palatable tasting fruit.

Even more interesting, neither species is a true cranberry as true cranberries are of the Vaccinium genus which is the same genus as blueberry and lowbush cranberry.

Cramp Bark Origin, Family, And Uses

The Viburnum genus hosts 150 to 175 species, many of which are grown for their ornamental value. They are part of the honeysuckle family of plants. As mentioned, the American species, Viburnum trilobum, is native to North America. Viburnum opulus, however, is native to Asia and Europe.

The juicy berry-like drupes are edible fresh or cooked. The American species known as highbush cranberry is used in jam and sauce making. Small quantities are recommended as ingesting large quantities of cram pbark berries may cause stomach upset.

Cramp Bark bushes are notable for attracting wildlife, providing winter food for birds. They are also a food, habitat, and nectar source for many types of butterflies.

Cramp Bark has long been used in herbal medicine as, true to its name, the bark of this beautiful plant has antispasmodic properties which aid in muscles spasms as well as cramps related to PMS.

The History Of Cramp Bark

Cramp Bark holds an important place in the historic folk tradition of Ukraine. It is known as Kalyna and is often noted in folk songs and pictured in embroidery work. It is a national symbol of both Russia and Ukraine and is used in festivals.

North American indigenous cultures utilized cramp bark berries for food. Medicinally, the bark of the branches and roots were used to treat painful cramps, body pains, asthma, and swollen glands.

Cramp Bark was officially in use as mentioned in the U.S. Pharmacopeia in 1894. It was also included in the National Formulary in 1916.

Where Cramp Bark Is Found

Where to Find Cramp Bark/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Cramp Bark is grown for its ornamental and wildlife value. There are many cultivars of the European Viburnum opulus, known for their large snowball flower clusters, vibrant fall color, and persistent bright red fruit. For this reason, they are a common landscape plant.

The highbush cranberry species of cramp bark is a relatively rare shrub that is found in moist woodlands, soggy marshes, bogs, stream banks, river edges, and high-quality wetlands consisting of intact native vegetation.

Both species grow in zones 2 through 8. Either native or naturalized, these prized shrubs are found from British Columbia to New Brunswick and south through Oregon, South Dakota, and New York.

Cramp Bark - Flower/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Cramp bark is also available in supplements, tinctures, tea, and in dried form through many herbalists and health food stores.

Related: The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area! (Video)

How To Identify Cramp Bark

Cramp Bark - leaf/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • Shape: Round, large, hardy shrub 8 to 15 feet tall and 8 to 10 feet wide.
  • Leaves: Simple, opposite, 3-lobed leaves are 2 to 4 inches long and are slightly similar to maple leaves.Cramp Bark - Berry/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Flower: Showy white clusters of five-petalled flowers are 2 to 3 inches across and may be flat-topped or rounded.
  • Stem: Upright branching habit with young branches having an attractive copper color.
  • Fruit & Seeds: Round to oval bright red fleshy drupe, each containing a stone-like seed, born in attractive pendulous clusters.

Related: Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

How To Grow Cramp Bark

In North America, consider sourcing the native species Viburnum trilobum or Viburnum opulus var Americanum. Both the American and European varieties prefer wet to moist conditions in full sun to light shade. A boreal climate with cool to moderately warm summers is consistent with this plant’s native habitat.

Viburnum is relatively easy to grow. It is an excellent shrub to grow for creating a hedge or screen and attracting wildlife.

Related: The 10 Medicinal Seeds You Should Plant for a Complete Backyard Pharmacy (Video)

How To Harvest Cramp Bark

/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Harvest fruit from natural stands sparingly as this fruit is an important emergency food for winter wildlife. As consuming large quantities of cramp bark fruit may cause stomach discomfort, this is a win-win.

For the bark, harvest young branches that still retain their copper color. As cramp bark blooms in early spring on old wood, pruning or harvesting of branches in late summer, fall, or winter may sacrifice next year’s blooms.

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When harvesting from natural stands, gather sparingly, as a little goes a long way with this potent bark.

When harvesting from cultivated varieties in the landscape, harvest in spring, after the bloom has finished. Harvest branches that did not make flowers as this won’t sacrifice the fall’s fruit. Harvesting may also consist of pruning and shaping these lovely ornamental shrubs. This too is best done in late spring after the blooms have finished.Harvest Bark

Against my own advice, I have harvested in fall but very sparingly. Fortunately, there is a large natural colony of highbush cranberry all along the river’s edge for miles in both directions close to my home. For this reason, I harvested some branches from the tops of the plants that had produced fruit last year.

Take the harvested branches and expose the bark’s inner cambium layer by peeling the bark. A sharp knife or potato peeler may work well.

Related: The Berry That Is Illegal To Grow (In Some States), But Perfectly Fine To Forage (video)

What Cramp Bark Is Good For & The Natural Remedies Made From It

Cramp Bark - Natural Remedies - Tea/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />High in vitamin C, cramp bark fruit may be used in juice, jams, jellies, sauces, and preserves.

Recent studies show cramp bark extract to be effective in the treatment of kidney and urinary conditions including aiding the passing of kidney stones that are less than ½ inch (10 mm) in size.

Cramp bark is an ingredient in remedies for treating muscle spasms and cramps. This includes stomach cramps, cramps related to menstruation, and other painful conditions of muscle spasms.

Related: Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard (Video)

What Parts Of Cramp Bark Are Used In Remedies?

Cramp Bark - Natural Remedies/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />A valuable wildlife, decorative, food, and medicinal plant, the bark of cramp bark has many uses in natural remedies.

The health-promoting constituents in cramp bark are related to its high antioxidant activity. The bark contains coumarin, salicin, flavonoids and triterpenes. In cramp bark, these demonstrate anti-inflammatory, osteogenic, cardio-protective, and cytoprotective activities.

Related: American Beech Nuts – A Staple At The Grocery Store 100 Years Ago (Video)

A DIY Recipe For Cramp Bark Oil Infusion

Using the folk method of making an infused oil, this recipe is cold infused over several weeks. The oil remains at room temperature throughout the process. This is to allow sufficient time for the oil to extract the beneficial compounds found in the bark of cramp bark without harming any of the potentially heat-sensitive, health-promoting constituents.


STEP 1: Identify cramp bark. You may have a cultivar of Viburnum opulus growing in your garden or in a landscape nearby. You may have the native variety, Viburnum trilobum growing in a natural habitat close by as well. The best time to identify cramp bark or highbush cranberry, I think, is in fall when the leaves change to their vibrant red color.Cramp Bark Oil - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

STEP 2: Once the leaves are gone, you can see the copper-colored young branches. As mentioned above about harvesting, you may choose to wait to harvest until after next spring’s bloom. As a little goes a long way, I have snipped just a few branches at this autumn stage, leaving as many new buds on the shrub as I can.Cramp Bark Oil - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

STEP 3: The small branches are shaved with a potato peeler to expose the inner cambium. Both the inside branch pieces and the shaved bark are going into the oil extraction. This is with the belief that the cambium layer on both sides exudes beneficial compounds.Cramp Bark Oil - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

STEP 4: The peeled branches and bark are placed in a small glass jar.Cramp Bark Oil - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

STEP 5: The bark is then covered with oil of your choice. Here I have used a mixture of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil and cold-pressed grapeseed oil. The container should be placed in a dark place as light may affect or degrade the process. The container is kept at room temperature. It is a good idea to check the container daily and give it a quick stir. This is to ensure all the bark is covered by the oil and that no foul smell is coming from the container.Cramp Bark Oil - Step 5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

After 4 to 6 weeks, strain the oil from the bark and place in an airtight container. This should similarly be kept at room temperature and protected from light. You might keep it in a cupboard or use a brown tincture bottle until you are ready to use the muscle-relaxing oil.

Potential Uses

Cramp bark infused oil is ready for use in making a muscle rub or salve.

The infused oil can be rubbed directly on sore muscles or parts of the body suffering from cramps.

The oil that is infused with the muscle-relaxing, anti-spasm compounds is excellent to use as a bath oil. Premix 5 to 10 drops into some Epsom salt. This helps to disperse the oil in the bath water. It also stops the oil from just sitting on top of the water.

Related: Homemade Joint and Movement Salve (Learn More)


Currently, a recommended dosage for cramp bark to relieve cramping, reduce PMS symptoms and to aid urinary and kidney issues requires more research to attain definitive dosing amounts.

How To Preserve Cramp Bark

Cramp Bark - Natural Remedies/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Cramp bark can be preserved in several ways. Harvested bark can be used immediately after harvest and preserved as a tincture or infused in oil.

The bark of the Cramp Bark can also be chipped and dried for future use.

To dry Cramp Bark, chip harvested bark into small pieces. Place in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Put the sheet in a dark place with excellent air circulation. Stir bark chips once or twice a day until dry. The more resinous the bark, the longer the drying period. Usually, it may take up to 1 to 2 weeks to dry fully but more in a humid environment. Place dried bark in an airtight container. Dried cramp bark may keep for several years.

What Plants Resemble Plant?

Feature Viburnum opulus, Crampbark Viburnum prunifolium, Black Haw Hydrangea arborescens, Smooth Hydrangea
Size 10 to 15 feet 30 feet

How To Make Pine Cough Syrup


Понедельник, 01 Ноября 2021 г. 03:57 + в цитатник

Pine is a traditional natural remedy for relieving coughs and irritated throats. It’s so effective that these days you can buy pine cough syrups or pine cough drops from pharmacies or online. There’s also a cheaper, more satisfying way to get pine cough syrup and that’s to make it yourself. To make pine cough syrup you use the pine needles from nearly any pine tree. However, there are a few pine trees (and imposters) that are poisonous which I’ll talk about in the next section.

The good thing is that pine trees are found in so many areas or at least within easy reach for many people. Pine trees are also evergreens so the needles are available all year round. Before looking at the benefits of this homemade pine cough syrup, let’s look at which trees to watch out for.

Which Pine Needles To Use

Most pine trees have needles safe to use in cough syrup. There are more than 100 species of “Pinus” in the world. They usually have clusters of needles formed in groups of 2-5 bundles (fascicles), whereas spruce will have individual leaves attached directly to a branch. The pine trees to avoid because they are toxic include Loblolly Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Norfolk Pine (Australian Pine), Common Juniper, and the Monterey Pine.

Another tree to avoid, which isn’t a pine but can be confused as one is the Taxus baccata (Yew). These are highly poisonous. Another tree that should be avoided is the Cypress (Cupressus). The Cypress is also an evergreen coniferous tree but belongs to the genus Cupressus, whereas pines belong to the genus Pinus.

How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Pinus Strobus/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

The Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus) is commonly used in pine needle teas and safe to use in this pine cough syrup. It is found in many areas of North America. There are many others that are harmless too but always check that the pine needles you are going to use come from an edible-friendly pine tree.

If you’re not familiar with the different pine species and don’t know which you have nearby, it’s important to research before making pine cough syrup. You can do this by looking at the different pictures and descriptions online and you can even use a tree identification app on your phone. There are many apps that you can download and if you take a picture of a tree or even the needles and pine cones, it will then help you identify which species a tree is.

Medicinal Benefits Of This Pine Cough Syrup

As I mentioned, pine has long been used as a remedy to treat coughs. It also helps with stuffy noses, fevers, and upper and lower respiratory tract swelling, which often go hand in hand with a cough. That’s because pine has properties that act as a decongestant and it’s also anti-inflammatory. As well as this, it provides pain relief. This all makes it great at treating and soothing coughs.

  • Pine trees contain Alpha-Pinene, which is a compound that has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This compound is also thought to improve memory and help to relieve anxiety. Pine needles also contain high levels of Vitamin C, which is commonly used for helping to prevent and fight colds. The antioxidants in pine can also help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, making it beneficial in more ways other than treating a cough.
  • This recipe also calls for ginger and honey. Ginger is an antitussive, which means it suppresses coughing. This is one of the main goals when taking cough syrup because when we cough repeatedly and too hard, it puts pressure on the chest and can give you a headache as a result. Not to mention, it can keep you (and others) up at night.
  • Honey helps to soothe an irritated throat because it is viscous and coats the throat. As well as this, it reduces airway inflammation in the lungs.

The combination of these ingredients makes for a very pleasant tasting and soothing cough syrup. They all complement each other to form a very effective cough syrup with wide-reaching benefits. Best of all, it’s all-natural, and being homemade you can control what goes in it. If you’re vegan or need to avoid sugar, you can leave the honey out and the pine needles and ginger will still provide great relief.

How To Make This Homemade Pine Cough Syrup

To make this pine cough syrup, you don’t need much time. Foraging for pine needles may be the part that takes the longest unless you have some in your backyard. Once you have these, the recipe takes around 40 minutes to make (10 minutes prep time, 30 minutes steeping).

How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

If you use the quantity of honey below, there will be 11 calories per tablespoon of cough syrup (all the calories come from the honey).


  • 1.5 cups of water
  • 1 cup pine needles chopped
  • 4 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 knob of ginger
  • How to Make Pine Cough Syrup/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />Lemon (optional)


  • Sharp knife or scissors
  • Chopping board
  • Fine mesh strainer
  • Bowl or container large enough to catch the liquid from the strainer


  1. Pull your pine needles off using your hands.How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Cut the ends off your pine needles that were attached (where you pulled them off). You can use a sharp knife or scissors to do this.
  3. Wash your pine needles under running water then cut them or chop them in half.How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  4. Take the skin off 1 knob of ginger (approximately 1 inch long/wide) and cut the knob of ginger roughly.How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  5. Place your ginger pieces and pine needles into a bowl.How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Step 5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  6. Boil 1.5 cups of water and pour it over your ginger and pine needles making sure everything is submerged.How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Step 6/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  7. Let everything steep for 30 minutes. You will notice the color has faded from the pine needles.How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Step 7/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  8. Then strain out your pine needles and ginger, catching the pine needle water into a bowl or container.How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Step 8/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  9. Add 4 tablespoons of honey and stir it well.How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Step 9/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  10. Your cough syrup mixture is ready and you should store this in an airtight container in the fridge.How to Make Pine Cough Syrup - Step 10/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Take 1 tablespoon when you need relief (up to 8 tablespoons per day). If you find the mixture too sweet you can add a squeeze of lemon each time. Like pine, lemons are also known for their high Vitamin C content and their ability to cut through mucus so make a great addition.

You can store the cough syrup for up to 2 weeks in the fridge. This can be in any container with an airtight lid including a glass jar.


How To Make Herb-Infused Energy Balls


Пятница, 29 Октября 2021 г. 06:21 + в цитатник

I’m going to show you how to make herb-infused energy balls today that are packed full of energy-providing herbs and other beneficial ingredients. These energy balls are not only nutritionally dense, but they are also quick and easy to make and are a healthy snack alternative while still being really tasty.

These balls require no baking and no setting so are perfect if you’re in a hurry. They also keep in the fridge or freezer and travel well if you’re on the go.

Herbs For Energy Boosting

Panax Ginseng

There are many wonderful herbs that provide us with energy. The most notable is ginseng which is also one of the most popular and widely-used herbal remedies. While there are more, there are two main types of ginseng: Panax ginseng (Asian) and Panax quinquefolius (American). Both Asian and American ginseng are quite similar as herbs belonging to the same family, and both hold a plethora of medicinal benefits. One main difference is that American ginseng is relaxing, whereas Asian ginseng is invigorating. However, even though American ginseng has a cooler, more relaxing energy, it can still be used to fight fatigue.

I used Panax ginseng, which is often called the ‘true’ ginseng because it has higher quantities of ginsenosides. Ginsenosides are the major bioactive components of ginseng. These components have a stimulating metabolic effect, hence increasing energy.

Licorice Root Extract

This too is commonly used to boost energy levels. It is excellent at fighting adrenal fatigue, which sufferers usually get after a prolonged period of burnout. Used for over 1,000 years, it is highly effective and can even help fight the side effect of moodiness.


How To Make Herb-Infused Energy Balls - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

You’ll also find cinnamon in this recipe, known for its energy-enhancing properties. As a medicinal tree bark that has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries, it is very reliable. What once used to cost a fortune, is today, one of the cheapest and most readily available spices. Several studies have proven that even just the scent of cinnamon is stimulating and increases energy levels and concentration.


Another ingredient that will aid energy is shredded coconut. It’s a great form of energy thanks to its exceptional level of manganese and the fact that it contains copper. These minerals both aid in energy metabolism, which is the process of generating energy from nutrients in the food you eat.

How To Make Herb-Infused Energy Balls - Storage/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Cocoa Powder

Even the delicious pure cocoa powder in this recipe helps energy levels. Being rich in phytonutrients helps regulate energy use in the body. Cocoa powder also keeps you fuller longer, reducing your appetite. A common reason many of us get tired is that we overeat because we’re not feeling fully satisfied.


They are a key component of energy balls. I used cashews which have a good level of healthy fats and are high in fiber, important for slow-release energy. On top of this, some of the nutrients in cashews are essential for energy production. Of course, they also provide calories, but in a way that doesn’t cause weight gains like sugar or trans fats. However, as with everything, moderation is key.

Dried Fruits

There are also dried fruits in these balls: figs and dates. Both are good sources of natural sugar which will give you an instant energy boost. As well as energy, figs have many nutritional benefits including being high in dietary fiber, potassium, and calcium. Dates have a ton of health benefits too, but importantly contain choline – a vitamin B that improves memory and learning and helps keep your brain alert.

How To Make These Herb-Infused Energy Balls

As I mentioned, these really are easy to make and should take you no longer than 15 minutes from start to finish. I rolled the mixture into 12 balls which makes it 108 calories per ball.

  • 2 tsp Panax ginseng tincture
  • 1 tsp Licorice root extract
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp Unsweetened shredded coconut (4 tbsp if you roll the balls in coconut after)
  • 4 oz Cashew nuts
  • 4 oz Dates
  • 2 oz Dried figs
  • 2 tbsp Cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp Honey

Note: Regarding the Panax ginseng tincture, the active ingredients and quality will vary between brands, so make sure you calculate this isn’t going to take you over the recommended daily dose.


In order to make these energy balls, you will need a food processor. You will use this to finely dice the figs, dates, nuts, and blend the rest of the ingredients into the mixture.


1. Figs & dates – Get 2 oz of dried figs and tear or cut off the stems and discard those. Place the rest of the figs into your food processor along with 4 oz of dried, pitted dates and mix on high until they are cut down finely (approximately 20 seconds)How To Make Herb-Infused Energy Balls - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

2. Cashew nuts – Add 4 oz of cashew nuts to the food processor and blend until the mixture is course but you can see that the dried figs, dates, and nuts are evenly combined.How To Make Herb-Infused Energy Balls - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

3. Final ingredients – Now you want to add the rest of the ingredients to the food processor (2 tsp ginseng tincture, 1 tsp licorice root extract, 1 tsp cinnamon, 2 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut, 2 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp pure cocoa powder). Mix these together on low or medium for another 20 seconds or so, until the mixture clumps into one giant mass.How To Make Herb-Infused Energy Balls - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

4. Coconut – (optional step). I like to roll them in shredded coconut because it adds extra flavor, goodness, and texture, plus stops them from being so sticky later (if you freeze them they lose any stickiness to touch even without the coconut). If you are going to follow this step then you’ll need 1.5 tablespoons for 12 balls. Sprinkle some onto a plate, ready to roll the balls in.How To Make Herb-Infused Energy Balls - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

5. Roll – Lightly wet the palms of your hands with water and using a tablespoon, scoop out a heaped tablespoon (or whatever size you prefer) of the mixture and roll it into a ball using your palms. If you want to roll them in coconut, now is the time.How To Make Herb-Infused Energy Balls - Step 5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="496" />

That’s it, your herb-infused energy balls are ready to eat.

How Long Will They Keep?

These will keep in the fridge for five days and in the freezer for up to six months. If you put them in the freezer all you need to do is gently thaw them out for 30 minutes at room temperature before eating.


Anti-Anxiety Elixir


Среда, 27 Октября 2021 г. 04:22 + в цитатник

Anxiety can leave us feeling exhausted and agitated. It can cause difficulties at work and other important parts of life. Furthermore, it may create unneeded tension in our relationships.

Finding natural ways to recognize and reduce anxiety can improve the quality of life. Likewise, decreasing anxiety can bring joy back into the day. This Anti-Anxiety Elixir may be a wonderful addition to lifestyle changes aimed at reducing anxiety.


The main constituent of this Elixir is Ashwagandha. It is combined with other relaxing herbs which include Lemonbalm, Chamomile, and Lavender.

  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an evergreen shrub that has been used for thousands of years to help manage stress. Interestingly, it has been shown to reduce cortisol, known as the stress hormone. Not only that, but it decreases depression and improves mood. Most important, for our use today, it has been shown to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha is available through herbal suppliers, health food stores, and online. It can also be found in supplements and teas. The root and fruit are the plant parts most often used.
  • Lavender (Lavendula) is well known for its relaxing effects on the mind and body. Similarly, it aids in symptoms of depression. Most notably, for this recipe, it is used to decrease stress and anxiety. Furthermore, lavender is a calming natural sleep aid as well.
  • Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is the herb of choice for gentle relaxation and reducing stress. Along with its many other health benefits, chamomile contributes to better quality sleep. High-quality sleep is a primary ingredient to reducing overall anxiety in the body.
  • Lemonbalm (Melissa officinalis) is a gorgeous herbaceous perennial which is a potent anti-anxiety remedy, in its own right. It also relieves symptoms of stress. Likewise, it has benefits for symptoms of insomnia and other sleep disorders.


  • 2 tablespoons dried Ashwagandha root.
  • 1 tablespoon dried lavender
  • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile
  • 1 tablespoon fresh Lemonbalm
  • 2 cups high-quality water.

Step 1: Gather the ingredients.Anti-Anxiety Elixir - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 2: Combine ingredients in a pot and add the water.Anti-Anxiety Elixir - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 3: Bring the ingredients to a boil.Anti-Anxiety Elixir - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 4: Simmer for 10 to 30 minutes.Anti-Anxiety Elixir - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 5: Allow to rest for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. If you wish, you could allow this rest period for longer for a stronger extraction. Up to 48 hours if desired.

Step 6: Strain the liquid using a mesh strainer or cheesecloth.

Anti-Anxiety Elixir - Step 6/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 7: Press out any excess liquid.Anti-Anxiety Elixir - Step 7/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 8: Put elixir in a sealable glass container. The Anti-Anxiety Elixir will store in the fridge for 4 to 6 weeks.Anti-Anxiety Elixir - Step 8/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

How To Use This Anti-Anxiety Elixir

This Anti-Anxiety Elixir can be used on its own. Preferably, it might be mixed into an evening beverage of herbal tea or warm milk of your choice. It has a lovely floral, almost sweet aroma which is calming on its own. Generally, 1 tablespoon of elixir to 1 cup of warm beverage, or to taste.

The best time to take this elixir is in the evening close to bedtime.

Anti-Anxiety Elixir/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Want to take anti-anxiety ashwagandha at other times of the day?

Alternative ingredients for an Anti-Anxiety Elixir may include ingredients that are less helpful for sleep. For example, Green tea is helpful in reducing stress. It is high in antioxidants which help with cognitive function and overall mental health. Moreover, green tea contains high levels of L-theanine, which has been shown to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. Green tea does contain caffeine which may not benefit some anxiety symptoms. It may be worth finding caffeine-free green tea options.

A caffeine-free alternative that mixes extremely well with Ashwagandha is mint. Peppermint, in particular, is energy-boosting. Not only that, but it is also calming and acts as a natural antispasmodic and sedative to help calm your mind and body.

Dosage Of Ashwagandha

Evidence suggests that taking 500 mg to 600 mg daily of ashwagandha for at least one month may reduce anxiety symptoms. Additionally, doses of 125 mg to 5 grams daily for one to three months may help lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.


As with taking any new herb or complementary therapy, check with your healthcare providers. Additionally, if you are taking prescription medication, ensure there are no contraindications with the ingredients of this elixir.

Reducing Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety can be debilitating. Its symptoms manifest in many ways. These include restlessness, rapid breathing, and racing heart rate. Each person may experience anxiety differently. Other symptoms may consist of an inability to fall asleep or waking up throughout the night. While others may experience constant worry and dwelling on unpleasant feelings or events.Reducing Anxiety Symptoms/" target="_blank"> 300w, 768w" width="1000" />

There are many therapies and medications available for the treatment of anxiety disorders. If anxiety becomes severe, chronic, or interferes with your daily life, it may be time to seek professional help. Psychologists and psychiatrists trained in anxiety disorder treatment may be a therapeutic and necessary step.

Learning to reduce anxiety at home may include many methods. A few things to incorporate into a daily schedule to help lessen feelings of anxiety are:

  • Sleep Well
  • Eat Well
  • Spend some time each day outside.
  • Get moving.
  • Practice happy thoughts.

Some more concentrated strategies might be to include some of the following:

  • Learn a meditation practice.
  • Learn an exercise routine specific to reducing stress and anxiety such as Thai Chi or certain styles of yoga.
  • Soak in an Epsom salt bath, in general, close to bedtime.

Final Thoughts

There are many things we can do for ourselves to reduce anxiety. Sometimes we just need a little extra help, especially if we are facing a particularly stressful life event. Herbal remedies are a gentle and effective way to brighten your outlook and soothe your spirit. Dr. Nicole Apelian’s favorite calming and adaptogenic herbs include AshwagandhaLemon BalmLion’s Mane Mushroom, and Reishi Mushroom, which we’ve combined in the Anxiety & Stress Tincture.


When Painkillers Won’t Be Available, Try This


Вторник, 26 Октября 2021 г. 21:04 + в цитатник

Oh, nothing is as painful as having a headache or back pain and no pain reliever. What is one to do? Well, these herbs below can help relieve your pain. Keep in mind though that while these remedies are natural, they can still have some negative effects. If you use any of these remedies and feel odd or breakout in a rash, stop the use immediately.

White Willow Bark

When painkillers won’t be available, try This - White Willow/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Many people think that pain is a new symptom, which it really is not. Native Americans have used white willow bark to treat all sorts of pain. This plant was so popular that it became the source of aspirin, which is made in chemical laboratories today.

Related: How To Make Willow Bark Aspirin

The recipe for white willow tea will be based on purchased dried bark.

When painkillers won’t be available, try This - White Willow tea/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Tea: To make white willow tea, you will need to start with two cups of water. Place two full tablespoons of white willow bark in the water and bring to a boil. Keep the water boiling for 10 minutes and then take the pot off the heat. Let the water and white willow bark steep for 30 minutes. Once this time period has passed, strain the bark out of the water and enjoy.

When painkillers won’t be available, try This - White Willow tincture/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Tincture:  This does require fresh white willow that is harvested in the spring. What you will need to do is to harvest enough fresh bark so that it fills a jar 2/3 full of the bark. Then, cover the bark with vodka making sure that you leave one inch from the top of the jar. Screw the lid on and shake the jar so that the vodka and bark mix. Allow it to set for several months and shake often. After the vodka/white willow bark has steeped to your liking, strain the bark out and store your tincture in amber bottles with droppers. When you need some pain relief, simply add a few drops of your DIY white willow tincture to the water and drink. Keep in mind when using this technique, only start with one or two drops and adjust as needed.

As with commercial aspirin, white willow bark is considered a blood thinner. If you are taking a medication that thins your blood and using white willow bark for pain you may discover that it takes more time to stop bleeding and may bruise more easily.


Now, if you have pain associated with arthritis then you may want to consider using ginger in a tea. You may be wondering how this culinary herb works in relieving pain. Well, in a nutshell, ginger lowers the level of prostaglandin, which will ease the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

Ginger Tea: To get the relief you desire you do not necessarily have to eat a dish with ginger in it. Instead, simply enjoy a cup of ginger tea.

When painkillers won’t be available, try This - Ginger Tea/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />

This beverage starts with four cups of water in a pot. To this pot, add a thumb-size piece of ginger to the water and bring to a boil. Once the liquid has started to boil, continue to boil for five minutes. Strain the liquid at this point and sweeten it with honey and lemon if you would like. At this point, your ginger tea is ready to enjoy.



When one thinks of lavender, one associates this plant with relaxation but did you know that it can help with pain? The answer is yes.

When painkillers won’t be available, try This - Lavender Oil/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />Inhaling lavender essential oil can help relieve many types of pain, such as migraines. If inhaled three days before your menstrual cycle, the stomach pain that is associated with the cycle is reduced. Now, if you have pain during your menstrual cycle, consider getting an aromatherapy massage that includes lavender oil. The combination of the massage and aroma help relieve cramps caused by the menstrual cycle.

When it comes to migraines, studies have shown that inhaling lavender essential oil for 15 minutes can reduce the pain associated with migraines.

Related: How To Make a Whipped Lavender Cream


You may not be familiar with curcumin but you may know the spice that this substance can be found in and that is turmeric. While curcumin does not relieve headache pain, it does provide some relief from pain linked with autoimmune disorders. How you may ask? Well, curcumin seems to take over pro-inflammatory proteins called cytokines, which cause inflammation and pain. When it comes to getting curcumin, start with turmeric-rich dishes such as curry and drinks like golden milk to get relief.

When painkillers won’t be available, tr/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />I know at this point you are scratching your head going, golden milk!

While you may have never heard of it, this beverage combines two ingredients that are known to treat pain. This includes ginger and turmeric. The recipe for this beverage is very simple. It starts off with a ½ cup of milk that is placed in a saucepan. To the milk add 1 teaspoon turmeric, 1 small piece of fresh ginger or ½ teaspoon of ground, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 pinch of black pepper, and 1 teaspoon of honey or maple syrup to taste. Heat the combined ingredients on the stove and bring to a boil. Once a boil has been reached, turn the heat down and simmer for 10 minutes. At this point, remove the pot from the heat and strain the liquid. To add more flavor, sprinkle the top of the milk with cinnamon before serving.


When painkillers won’t be available, try This - Pineapple/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />

This may surprise you but did you know that pineapple can relieve all sorts of pain, which ranges from arthritis to trauma-related inflammation. The connection between eating a pineapple and pain relief is simple. It reduces the amount of prostaglandin, which reduces inflammation and pain.

Now the downside of eating pineapple for pain relief is the amount you need to eat. Simply put, you will need to consume a whole pineapple every day to get pain relief but there is another choice. There is an extract that can be mixed with a liquid that can give you the relief you desire without the chore of eating a whole pineapple every day.




Пятница, 22 Октября 2021 г. 19:20 + в цитатник

Dill (Anethum graveolens), also known as dill weed, aneth odorant, and dill herb. Dill has many names as it is known for its culinary and medicinal uses in many parts of the world. It grows as an annual herb of the celery family, Apiaceae. Originating in the Mediterranean, dill is found throughout Europe and Asia and in many international cuisines.

Dill means to calm or soothe. The name may originate from the plant’s ability to calm colicky infants and soothe digestive issues. Dill is the only plant in the Anethum genus. Its second name, graveolens, is a combination of gravis which means heavy, and oleo, which means emitting an odor. The combination word, graveolens, is defined as having a strong or heavy odor.

Dill weed, the fresh or dried fern-like leaves, are deliciously aromatic. These are used to flavor many favorite dishes. Dill is a key ingredient in many soups such as borscht and sauces such as tzatziki. Dill weed is best used fresh but will retain flavor well for several months when fresh-frozen or when dried quickly. Dill weed is best used at the end of cooking or in uncooked foods such as salads and yogurt-based sauces.

Dill seed is used to flavor many foods as well. They are often used fresh or dried, whole, or crushed in meat, fish, and egg dishes. Famously, dill seed is used in making dill pickles. Due to the hard seed coating, dill seed is used at the beginning of cooking to allow the sweet, refreshing flavor to infuse into the meal.

The History Of Dill

Originating in the Mediterranean area, dill has a long history dating back to early Egypt over 5,000 years ago. It was known to grow in the gardens of Babylonians through 3,000 BCE.

Anethum graveolens, dill, has been used in Ayurveda medicine since ancient times.

Dill symbolizes good fortune and prosperity. As a highly valued herb, it was taxed or tithed in a variety of cultures.

The seeds of dill were chewed to freshen breath and calm digestion. Dill seed was called ‘meetinghouse seed’ because they were chewed during long religious services and helped to keep children quiet.

Dill became popular throughout England in the seventeenth century. It was often grown in kitchen gardens in many cultures. This tradition continued with new settlers to North America.

Today, dill is an important culinary herb grown around the world with the top exporter being India and the top importer being the USA.

Where Dill Is Found

Dill is a common herb grown in vegetable and herb gardens. Because of its delicate nature, it has a short shelf life. Fresh dill weed can be found in the fresh herb section of grocery stores while dried dill weed, and dill seed are available in the spice section.

Related: The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area! (Video)

How To Identify Dill/" target="_blank"> 178w" width="350" />

  • Shape: Tall, upright plants reach 16 to 48 inches tall depending on the growing conditions and cultivar.
  • Leaves: Finely divided, soft, lace-like leaves are 4 to 8 inches long. The divided leaf structures are very slender, less than 1/32 of an inch wide.
  • Flower: White to yellow flowers top the plants in large 2-to-4-inch umbels or umbrella-shaped flower clusters.
  • Stem: Straight, slender stems are hairless. They are alternately branching with off-white lines or striations which run vertically.
  • Fruit & Seeds: Seeds are oblong, bright green, turning dark brown when ripe. They form at the tops of the umbels and are less than ¼ inch long.

Related:  Plant Identification Guide – 400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For (Video)

How To Grow Dill

Growing Dill 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Dill loves a warm sunny spot in rich, moist, well-draining soil. Like its parsley and carrot cousins, dill is best sown by direct seeding. Due to its long taproot, dill does not transplant easily. Similar also to carrot, dill seed should stay continuously moist during the 10-to-14-day germination period. For ongoing bright green dill weed harvests, dill does well with succession planting. Reseed every few weeks in spring.

Growing Dill 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Dill attracts a bounty of beneficial insects with its flowers and is a preferred food of black swallowtail butterflies. It is also loved by aphids which are often found in clusters at the base of the flower umbels. These may be welcome to encourage healthy populations of beneficials such as ladybugs and parasitic wasps. Otherwise, aphids are easily washed away with direct water spray. When using the seed-covered umbels in cooking or making pickles, a quick douse into cool salted water and a rinse usually takes care of any unwelcomed little guests.

Related: 10 Plants That You Should Never Plant Together (Video)

Growing Dill 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />If dill is allowed to go to seed, the ripe seeds easily fall off the plant. The seeds may remain in the soil for 3 to 10 years. They may reliably germinate under favorable moist conditions. In the past, I had trouble growing dill. Once I allowed them into the vegetable patch that stays well-watered in the spring, dill became a prolific self-seeder. The lovely uniquely dill aroma flavors many summer mornings, as I freely admit, they are everywhere.

Dill is an excellent companion plant for cabbage and onions. Research states that they shouldn’t be grown with carrots. This year, my dill has infiltrated the carrot rows, so we’ll see how the carrot crop is doing come harvest time.

How To Harvest Dill

Dill weed’s harvest season is much too fleeting. Also, some years are much better than others. Begin harvest once the plants have four to five leaves. As dill has seeded itself everywhere, I pull up entire stalks to thin them out.

Harvesting Dill 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Catching the harvest early in the season has several benefits. At least here in my garden, the spring dill harvest is best for flavor. If I’m lucky enough, I get to the plants before the aphids which makes harvesting and processing much easier.

Harvesting Dill 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />To process the harvested dill, pinch off all the best-looking leaves from the plants. Quickly douse in cold salted water and shake off excess water. Once dry enough, finely chop the needle-like leaves. These can then be dried or frozen for use throughout the next 6 months to a year. I think frozen is better, so I place the freshly chopped leaves in a recycled glass jar and throw it in the freezer for future use.

Throughout the remaining growing season, pluck fresh bright green ferny leaves from plants whenever you need that special dill flavor in the kitchen. In this way, you save the best of the spring harvest for fall and winter cooking.

At pickling time, harvest seeds in their bright green stage for making brine and packing the umbels in the pickle jars. The ripened dry brown seed is ready to harvest when it falls easily off the stems. Gather ripened seed heads and place them upside down in a paper bag or container to catch the falling seed. Inspect the seeds for any crawling friends. Once clean and dry, seeds can be placed in an airtight container.

What Dill Is Good For & The Natural Remedies Made From It

In ayurvedic medicines, dill is used as a carminative for antiflatulence, stomachic for digestive aid, and diuretic to increase the production of urine. Dill is used in over 56 ayurvedic preparations. It is an ingredient in gripe water and is known to help relieve colic pain in babies and flatulence in young children.

Dill - Essential Oil/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Dill essential oil is carminative. It aids intestinal spasms, aids digestion, improves appetite, and relieves gas. Chewing the seed is known to improve bad breath. Anethum is also given to milk cows to stimulate milk flow. There is evidence that dill improves urinary complaints, piles, and mental disorders.

Dill is used as a condiment and added to food for flavoring. It can also be made into a tea and as mentioned, dill essential oil.

Related: Add This “Unusual Nutrient” to Coffee or Tea, to Effortlessly and Fully Empty Your Bowels Every Single Morning (Learn More)

What Parts Of The Dill Plant Are Used In Remedies?

Dill seed, dill weed, and dill stems and flowers are used in remedies. The plant is rich in antioxidants. It is also a good source of vitamin A and C, and magnesium, but the quantities of dill in a normal diet are small and may not contribute much nutritional value. Carvone, limonene, coumarins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, and myristicin are the important odorants of the dill plant.

Two DIY Recipes – Dill Seed Tea And Dill And Garlic Dip

Dill And Garlic Dip

  • ½ cup chopped dill weed.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 1 cup of plain yogurt. In this recipe, I indulged in rich, creamy Greek-style yogurt. Fat-free yogurt is optional for a healthier dip.

Step 1: Gather and wash fresh dill weed.Dill and Garlic Dip - step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 2: Finely chop dill weed. Source 1 clove of garlic.Dill and Garlic Dip - step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 3: Finely chop or crush the garlic. Place in a container for mixing.Dill and Garlic Dip - step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 4: Add your choice of yogurt./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 5: Stir, mixing all ingredients together. Add salt and pepper to taste./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 6: Serve. Add in grated cucumber or other vegetables with the juice squeezed out for raita or tzatziki-like sauce.Dill and Garlic Dip - step 6/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Potential Uses

This creamy refreshing dip is excellent with vegetables, grain pilafs, hummus, as a condiment for roasted herbed meats, and with Greek-style foods such as souvlaki or spanakopita.

Related: 1 Cup Before Bed Shrinks Belly Fat All Night (Video)

Dill Seed Tea

  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of dill seed.
  • 1 to 2 cups of boiled high-quality water.

Step 1: Wait for the dill seed to ripen. This is the dill mentioned above that has infiltrated the carrot rows.Dill Seed Tea- step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 2: Gather dill seed.Dill Seed Tea- step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 3: Pluck dill seed and place in a mug. Cover with boiling water. Allow steeping for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain out the dill seed. Enjoy!Dill Seed Tea- step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Potential Uses

This tea is delightfully calming and soothing throughout the digestive tract. A great time to drink this tea would be before or after a large meal or at any time there is digestion issues.


Dill seed and oil have GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) status by the FDA. Currently, there is not enough scientific evidence to determine the appropriate dosage for dill. Furthermore, several factors such as age, medical conditions, and overall health may influence the dosage amount.

How To Preserve Dill

Once harvested, dill fades quickly. Fresh dill may keep its flavor for several days in the fridge if protected by placing in a glass container, gently wrapped in moist paper towel, or wax paper.

Freeze Dil/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

As described above, dill freezes well while retaining much of its fresh one-of-a-kind dill flavor. You can freeze whole sprigs on a cookie sheet in the freezer. Once frozen, place the sprigs in freezer bags or containers. I prefer to chop the dill up and place it in an airtight glass jar to keep in the freezer. This takes up less high-valued freezer real-estate.

Preserve Dill/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Also, it is easy to spoon the ready-to-go dill into any dish without having to mess around with chopping the frozen delicate lacy sprigs. Frozen dill keeps well for at least 6 months.

Dill does lose some of its fresh crisp flavor when dried. If I fill more than a couple of jars for the freezer, I dry the rest as dried dill lasts longer. Up to 18 to 24 months. Dill is best dried as quickly as possible. Using an herb dehydrator is a wonderful way to retain much of the flavor and color when drying dill.


Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture For Brain Fog


Четверг, 21 Октября 2021 г. 23:44 + в цитатник
Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog


Lion’s Mane mushroom is becoming increasingly popular due to its many health benefits. In fact, it has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. It can be grown, foraged, or purchased raw, powdered, or in the form of supplements.

Here, we are going to make our own Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog using an organic powder. We’ll also discuss the many benefits of Lion’s Mane along with a brief overview of growing and foraging this incredible medicinal mushroom.

About Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane mushroom is naturally found in hardwood forests growing on old, dead wood or even up in trees. It is native to many parts of Asia, Europe, and North America. It is known by many names including Hedgehog Mushroom, Yamabushitake, or Houtou. Botanically, it is Hericium erinaceus. It is gorgeously cream white and forms a mass of tiny icicle-looking dangling spines.

Brain-Boosting Benefits Of Lion’s Mane

Lion’s mane contains compounds that may help stimulate brain cell growth. These are known as hericenones and erinacines. Studies have shown significant neuron development using extracts of H. erinaceus.

Research on Lion’s Mane shows many potential health benefits as well. These include potentially protecting against signs of dementia, reducing anxiety, depression and helping to repair nerve damage.

Other Health Benefits Of Lion’s Mane

Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - About/" target="_blank"> 230w" width="350" />

Beyond brain health, Lion’s Mane has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities. It shows benefits for heart and digestive health along with anti-cancer and anti-diabetes potential as well.

How To Grow Lion’s Mane

I’m not a mushroom grower myself, but through research and talking with some local mushroom growers and foragers, Lion’s Mane is a rewarding and beautiful mushroom to grow. For folks getting into mushroom growing, (I may be joining in soon!) beginning with a starter kit for Lion’s Mane is a great road to success.

Where To Find Lion’s Mane

Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Where to Find/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Wanting to start on your mushroom foraging skills? Lion’s Mane is a wonderful safe way to begin. Apparently, there are no poisonous look-alikes. This is important as there are many poisonous mushrooms out there! Lion’s Mane season is in the fall in North America. It notably grows on dead and decaying hardwood logs.

Lion’s Mane is also often available at health food stores. In its season, it may be available fresh from wild sources. Fresh cultivated Lion’s Mane may be available from a gourmet mushroom grower near you. It can also be purchased in powdered form. For tincture making, dried mushrooms are reportedly best, so this is my choice for making this medicinal tincture.

Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture For Brain Fog

  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom Powder
  • Clear Grain Alcohol
  • Vegetable Glycerin
  • High-Quality Water
Process: Double Extraction Method For Mushrooms

Lion’s Mane and many other medicinal mushrooms contain beneficial compounds that are both water-soluble polysaccharides and alcohol-soluble terpenoids. For this reason, our tincture is being made from a double extraction method.

Alcohol Extraction:

Step 1: Place 1 tablespoon of Lion’s Mane Mushroom Powder in a 1-cup glass jar./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
Step 2: Cover with high-proof clear grain alcohol. I am using some local white lightning for this process.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step1.2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 3: Add 1 teaspoon food-grade vegetable glycerin. This will help emulsify and stabilize the extraction process.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step1.3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 4: Use a plastic lid or place parchment or wax paper under the metal lid.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step1.4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 5: Shake well.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step1.5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 6: Place in a cool, dark area away from sunlight for 2 to 6 weeks. Shake tincture often, every day or so, to maximize contact between alcohol and mushroom content.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step1.6/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 7: At the appropriate time, strain the tincture and put the tincture in a brown tincture bottle.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step1.7/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Lion’s Mane Mushroom Water Decoction

You may choose to use the leftover mushroom powder from the tincture-making process or discard it.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step1.7/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 1: Place another fresh tablespoon of Lion’s Mane Mushroom Powder in a 1-cup glass jar.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step2.1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 2: This time, cover with one cup of water. I used preboiled water.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step2.2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 3: Stir well and place in a makeshift double broiler. The idea is to simmer the water and mushroom powder for 4 to 8 hours. Longer if desired. Up to 24 hours seems to be the norm in most mushroom decoctions that I have found. A crockpot is ideal.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step2.3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 4: After allowing the liquid to cool, run the liquid through a sieve.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step2.4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 5: Transfer the liquid into the tincture bottle and mix well.Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog - Step2.5/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 6: Keep the tincture in a cool, dark place, especially if it is in a clear bottle. You want to protect the tincture from light for the longevity of the mixture. This will be kept in the fridge and used daily until it’s time to make a new batch. It would last 6 months to a year if it lasted that long!Homemade Lion’s Mane Tincture for Brain Fog/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

How To Use

There are many ways to use this tincture. As a new herbal supplement, it is recommended to try it on its own to start. Most of the research I saw showed benefits after daily use of 21 days or more. We will be using it added to morning coffee and smoothies. It has a rich deep earthy flavor. 


To start, a few drops or up to ¼ teaspoon daily for the first week is recommended. It seems the literature promotes consistent daily use versus increasing the quantity of intake.

Warnings And Cautions 

Lion’s Mane Mushroom and its constituents and extracts are suggested to be very safe.

The double extraction method seems to be an excellent way to extract all the incredible attributes from Lion’s Mane and other mushrooms. Using the powder was slightly challenging in that it was so fine making it challenging to sieve out of the tincture and decoction. Using dried mushroom pieces that can be chopped up but not quite so finely may be a wonderful option.

I’ll certainly be looking for Lion’s Mane mushrooms in the wild this fall. It does also seem that beginning to grow Lion’s Mane mushroom is a wonderful way to start a mushroom growing hobby.


The Killer Tree You Should Never Have In Your Backyard


Вторник, 19 Октября 2021 г. 23:23 + в цитатник
The Killer Tree You Should Never Have In Your Backyard

The Killer Tree You Should Never Have In Your Backyard

As an herbalist, I spend a lot of time planning the plants I want in my garden. And not so much time thinking about what I don’t want. However, it’s equally important to know what potentially dangerous plants you may have lurking in your backyard. Keep reading to learn about the killer trees you don’t want in your backyard.

If you like nuts, you might be considering planting a walnut tree in your yard. Walnut trees are great shade trees known for their beautiful wood and edible nuts. But be careful which variety of walnut you choose. Six varieties grow in the US. Make sure you avoid the Black Walnut, Juglans nigra. Here’s why.

Why Is It Bad?

Juglas Nigra/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Black Walnut produces a chemical in its leaves, trunk, and roots called juglone. Juglone can cause damage or death to plants. While juglone is present in all walnut trees, the highest concentrations appear in the Black Walnut variety.  Juglone helps protect walnut trees from other plants that may be competing for the same resources. So, while this is good for the Black Walnut tree, it is bad for you if you want to grow plants close by it. Juglone is concentrated in the soil beneath the drip line of the tree. The drip line is the area from the trunk to the edge of the branches. In a mature black walnut tree that can span 50 feet!

Some plants are more susceptible to juglone than others. If you do have a black walnut tree avoid planting these plants close by:


Black Walnuts are native to Eastern North America. You can find the trees as far north as Ontario and as far south as Georgia and northern Florida. Their range reaches from the Atlantic Coast as far west as South Dakota and Texas.

How To Identify The Black Walnut Tree

All walnut trees have certain things in common. They are deciduous trees that can grow from 30- 131 feet tall. Their branches can span an epic 50 feet, making them a great choice for shade trees. All walnut trees produce a fruit- called a drupe- that contains an edible nut inside. In fact, those walnuts aren’t really nuts at all. They are the seeds of the fruit.

There are six different varieties of walnuts growing in the US. Black Walnut, along with English Walnut, is amongst the most common. So how do you tell one walnut variety from another?


The Killer Tree You Should Never Have In Your Backyard - Leaf/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />All species of walnuts have feathery pinnate leaves. The black walnut has between 15-23 leaflets on each twig. They are in pairs. The black walnut doesn’t have the extra leaf at the tip that other varieties have.

This leaf is the easiest way to distinguish black walnut from other species. When the black walnut does have a terminal leaf, it is small. The similar English and butternut walnuts always have a large terminal leaf.


The Killer Tree You Should Never Have In Your Backyard - Trunk/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Black walnut bark is dark and deeply fissured. If you remove the bark, you can see the dark brown wood beneath it. The bark on the black walnut is darker than the bark on other walnut varieties. The deep ridges in the bark are the most distinctive feature of this tree in winter. You can see diamond-shaped patterns in the ridges in the bark.

The Killer Tree You Should Never Have In Your Backyard - Fruit/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />


The nuts’ shape varies depending on which variety of walnut you have.

Black walnuts are round rather than oval like the butternut variety. Black walnuts also have the hardest shells.


If you do have a black walnut tree, it is not all bad. There are benefits of having this tree in your yard. The main one is the delicious nuts.

Walnuts are high in antioxidants and Omega-3s. This can help improve any inflammatory conditions you may have. They also have been shown to help with brain health, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. They are easy to add to your diet. You can snack on just walnuts or try adding them to your food. They are great in salads, trail mix, with fruit or vegetables. The possibilities are endless.

The Killer Tree You Should Never Have In Your Backyard - Benefits/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

There are also many ways to use walnuts besides eating them. The wood is beautiful and strong, so it is a popular choice. Walnut oil can be eaten or used to make non-toxic oil-based paints. The hulls have many uses as well. They can be used as a dye, ground up and added to cosmetics, or used medicinally as an anti-parasitic.

So while walnuts can be killer to your plants, they have many beneficial uses as well. Unlike the Manchineel tree, which I’ll talk about next.

Manchineel Tree

The Killer Tree You Should Never Have In Your Backyard - Manchineel Tree/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />The manchineel tree, Hippomane mancinella, is native to the tropical regions of southern North America and northern South America. In the US, it is found only in Florida. It grows mostly along beaches or in swampy areas. It grows as tall as 50 feet tall and has fruit that resembles small green apples.

Because of these fruits, it is also called manzanilla de la muerte in Spanish, which translates to “little apple of death.” When it comes to toxic trees, this tree is one of the most toxic in the world. The sap is the real problem. The milky white fluid contains numerous poisons and is present in all parts of the tree. This burning sap is so toxic that simply standing under the tree during a rainstorm can cause blistering as the sap dissolves into the rain. Eating the fruit can cause death.

When planning your garden, remember to pay as much attention to the killer trees as you do to the beneficial plants. Some killer trees, like black walnut, may have benefits you decide outweigh the risks. Others, like the manchineel tree, are so toxic it’s best to avoid them together.


Homemade Nail Fungus Cream


Понедельник, 18 Октября 2021 г. 22:13 + в цитатник
Homemade Nail Fungus Cream

Homemade Nail Fungus Cream

Numerous fungi are found all over our body, but they usually go unnoticed. However, sometimes they are able to penetrate below the skin via a cut or abrasion, and then subsequently flourish in the warm, moist conditions our body provides them. Fungal infections are a common problem on the hands, feet, and nails which can be treated at home with a few simple ingredients.

How To Treat Nail Fungus

It’s important to understand the severity as well as what part of the nail is infected in order to treat it effectively. Skin and cuticle infections such as athletes’ foot are usually contained to the surface of the skin, so in these situations, a topical treatment is recommended. If left untreated, many skin and cuticle infections can lead to an infected nail as the fungus grows underneath the cuticle and penetrates the nail bed. Therefore, topical treatments are unlikely to be as effective as oral treatment in these situations.

/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />When treating most fungal infections, avoid using water-based moisturizers and lotions, since this trapped moisture can exacerbate the condition.

The length of treatment is usually over an extended period of time, especially if the fungus has grown underneath the nail and into the nail bed. Even when it looks like the infection has cleared, it’s crucial to continue the treatment for at least another two months to allow the nail to grow out and to reduce the risk of a flare-up. In some instances, this may take up to a year for the nail to completely grow out and heal.

Types Of Nail And Foot Fungi

There are a number of species of fungi that cause athletes’ foot and nail infections, the most common being Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes.

Other fungi that can infect the nail and nail bed include Aspergillus terreus, Acremonium roseogriseumEpidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum gypseumFusarium oxysporum as well as other species of Trichophyton.

Secondary infections from bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus are common if infected nails are left untreated. This secondary infection can cause ingrown nails.

Plants That Treat Nail Fungus

Studies have shown that the best performers against T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes include;

Homemade Nail Fungus Cream - Plants That Treat Nail Fungus/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • Combining the essential oils of oregano with either cinnamon bark, cassia or cilantro causes a significant increase in their ability to inhibit both Trichophyton species as well as Microsporum
  • The combination of lavender and tea tree essential oil works effectively against both Trichophyton species, but only moderately when used separately. The potency of over-the-counter anti-fungal creams can be elevated when mixed with this combination of essential oils.
  • Thyme essential oil strongly inhibits a wide range of fungi including both Trichophyton species and Microsporum
  • Rosemary, Lemongrass, tea tree, mint, and geranium essential oil all performed relatively well against fungi that cause nail infections.
  • Arrowroot has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and also helps to keep your feet dry.
    Homemade Nail Fungus Cream - Plants That Treat Nail Fungus/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Emperors’ candles (Senna alata) and Deadly nightshade (Solanum nigrum) extracts also perform well against these two species of fungi and terreusMan-to-man (Peperomia pellucida) leaf extracts inhibit T. Mentagrophytes. If you have access to any of these medicinal plants, then you can infuse them in olive oil to add to this nail fungus cream at a 1:10 concentration.

Plant-Based Oils Which Increase Skin Penetration

To ensure a successful homemade nail fungus treatment, it’s also important to consider how to maximize the skin’s absorption so that the cream is delivered deeper into the skin; to the dermis. The kinked, fatty-acid chains found in olive oil and soybean oil were found to be the best combination for skin penetration; olive oil improves the absorption of the outer skin layers (the epidermis), while soybean oil penetrates both the epidermis as well as the dermis underneath. The straight-chained, unsaturated fatty acids found in coconut oil don’t penetrate as effectively.

A 5% concentration of eucalyptusblack cumin, peppermint, and tea tree essential oil can loosen the hydrogen bonds in your skin to increase penetration of some anti-fungal medications.

How To Make A Nail Fungus Cream

This cream is incredibly simple since it achieves a creamy texture without any water-based products (and therefore without the need of any preservatives or emulsifiers).

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of soybean oil
  • 1/3 ounce (10 g) of beeswax
  • 1 teaspoon of arrowroot powder
  • 30 drops of essential oil

Optional Step: Make your own infused oil: Infuse the olive and soybean oil in a double boiler with any of the plants listed above (for example, rosemary, thyme, or deadly nightshade). Keep the temperature below 100°F and let the oil infuse with the herbs for at least 3 hours (the longer the better).Homemade Nail Fungus Cream - Optional Step/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 1: Make A Salve.

Combine the beeswax, olive oil, and soybean oil in a double boiler (or a glass jar sitting in a pot of water on the stove as I do). Once everything is combined, remove the jar from the water, add the essential oil and allow it to start to cool.Homemade Nail Fungus Cream - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Step 2: Make The Cream

The salve in step 1 can now be made into a cream by slowly sifting the arrowroot powder into the salve. Make sure to wait until the salve is about body temperature (it will just start to get cloudy but still be warm to the touch), then mix the arrowroot powder in with a whisk or small beaters. This will take at least 3 minutes, closer to 6 minutes if you are using a hand whisk.Homemade Nail Fungus Cream - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

How To Apply Your Homemade Nail Fungus Cream

It’s recommended to follow a few simple steps when treating nail fungus topically;

  1. Wash and dry the affected nail thoroughly.
  2. Apply the nail fungus cream liberally and massage it in, making sure to rub it deeply into the cuticle, skin, and between the digits.
  3. Allow the skin and nails to dry completely again before putting on any socks or shoes.
  4. Repeat at least three times a day.
  5. For best results, store the cream in the fridge. Cold cream can help to soothe the itchiness and heat that can be produced by an infection. When stored in the fridge, this cream will keep for about a year if all your tools and jars are sterilized beforehand.

Some Other Effective Treatments For Nail Fungus Include;

  • Soak the nail in a solution of 1-part vinegar to 1-part warm water for 5 – 10 minutes a day.
  • Apply 1- 2 drops of one of the essential oils listed above directly to the affected nail at least twice a day.
  • Garlic (Allium sativum) contains ajoene which has been found to be as effective at treating athletes’ foot as medicated products such as terbinafine. However, the sulfides in garlic can irritate the skin (and the smell can irritate the nose) and it’s especially irritating to skin that is already battling an infection, but garlic is a great option for treating nail infections orally.
  • Help to keep your feet and nails dry by applying arrowroot powder directly to the skin.



Juice Recipes For Weight Loss.


Среда, 13 Октября 2021 г. 04:24 + в цитатник
Juice Recipes For Weight Loss

Juice Recipes For Weight Loss

If you’re looking for some juice recipes to help with weight loss, there are some wonderful ingredients that can help. When trying to lose weight, it’s important to still include a balanced and nutritious diet. That means eating a wide variety of foods so you get all the nutrients your body needs and not following a fad diet of eating 1 type of fruit or vegetable for 2 weeks (for example). You’ll end up tired and cranky and it’s difficult to follow such a strict regiment and easy to fall back into old habits after the “diet”.

As well as eating healthily exercise should always play an important role in any weight loss program.

I’m going to show you how to make 3 juice recipes that are great for weight loss:

  • Grapefruit, grapes & cinnamon
  • Cabbage, apple, ginseng & apple cider vinegar
  • Lemon, cucumber, ginger, celery & blueberries

Let’s look at how the ingredients can help with weight loss first and then how to make the juices.

How These Juices Help With Weight Loss

Before delving into the individual ingredients, it’s worth pointing out that all of these recipes contain water. The humble water is essential for weight loss because it helps to burn more calories and to suppress your appetite too by making you feel full. Drinking plenty of water during the day is a cheap, easy, and healthy way to boost weight loss.

The first juice calls for grapefruit, grapes, and cinnamon. Here is how these ingredients promote weight loss:

  • Grapefruit – is known for having enzymes that help burn fat. Chemical properties in grapefruit also reduce insulin levels and encourage weight loss.
  • Grapes – full of resveratrol and other phytochemicals they help to stimulate fat breakdown and inhibit new fat cells from forming.
  • Cinnamon – decreases blood sugar levels which is a key factor in weight loss. It also boosts your metabolism because it takes more energy to process cinnamon than other foods. It’s also full of fiber so you will stay fuller for longer and less likely to crave food again so quickly.

The second juice calls for cabbage, apple, ginseng, and apple cider vinegar. Here is how these ingredients promote weight loss:

Juice Recipes for Weight Loss/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />

  • Cabbage – low in calories and fat but high in fiber, cabbage has long been used in weight loss routines.
  • Apple – with a low glycemic index they help to keep hunger at bay longer. They are also high in fiber which will help to keep you full.
  • Ginseng – has properties that help convert fat into energy by altering gut bacteria in a positive way.
  • Apple cider vinegar – very low in calories, it also contains acetic acid which improves your metabolism, reduces fat storage, and lowers blood sugar levels.

The third juice calls for lemon, cucumber, ginger, celery, and blueberries. Here is how these ingredients promote weight loss:

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  • Lemon – has diuretic properties which help detoxify the body and burn fat.
  • Cucumber – high in water content and fiber, it’s also low in calories.
  • Ginger – helps to stimulate digestion and also suppresses your appetite.
  • Celery – is mostly water and low in calories with just 10 calories in 1 large stick. Being a high fiber food it also keeps you full for longer.
  • Blueberries – have properties that can influence genes that regulate fat storage and fat burning, which can help to reduce belly fat.

On top of the weight loss benefits these ingredients provide, all of them have a plethora of other health benefits. Including them in your diet as a juice is a quick and easy way to consume multiple at once.

How To Make 3 Great Juice Recipes For Weight Loss

I recommend making these juices with a blender rather than a juicer. That way you will get all of the fiber from the fruits and vegetables which will keep you feeling fuller for longer. Of course, you’re also welcome to use a juicer as you’ll still benefit from the other weight-loss advantages of the ingredients and get some of the fiber.

  • Blender
  • Chopping board
  • Sharp knife
  • Hand juicer (for the citrus fruits)

1. Grapefruit, Grapes & Cinnamon Juice

Juice Recipes for Weight Loss - 1.1/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />

This juice has 101 calories per serving and the quantities below are for 1 person.

  • ½ Teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • 1 Grapefruit
  • 10 Red or green grapes
  • 1 Cup of water
  1. Wash 10 grapes and add them to your blender.
  2. Squeeze 1 grapefruit and add the juice to the blender.Juice Recipes for Weight Loss - 1.2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  3. Add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 cup of water and blend until smooth.Juice Recipes for Weight Loss - 1.4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

2. Cabbage, Apple, Ginseng & Apple Cider Vinegar

This juice has 155 calories per serving and the quantities below are for 1 person.

IngredientsJuice Recipes for Weight Loss - 2.1/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />
  • 5 Ounces of cabbage
  • 1 Red or green apple
  • 1 Dropper (1ml) of ginseng
  • 1 Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 ½ cups of water
  1. Peel the outer layers of your cabbage off and wash the rest well under running water. Cut 5 ounces into fine chunks.
  2. Wash 1 apple and cut it into small chunks, discarding the core and seeds. Add the cabbage and apple pieces to the blender.Juice Recipes for Weight Loss - 2.2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  3. Add 1 dropper of Ginseng, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and 1 ½ cups of water.Juice Recipes for Weight Loss - 2.4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  4. Blend until everything is mixed. This juice is quite chunky so feel free to add more water if you’d rather have a thinner juice and continue to blend until you have your preferred consistency.

3. Lemon, Cucumber, Ginger, Celery & Blueberries

This juice has 122 calories per serving and the quantities below are for 1 person.

IngredientsJuice Recipes for Weight Loss - 3.1/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />
  • 1 small lemon
  • 3 Inches of cucumber
  • 1 small knob of ginger (maximum 2 grams / 1 teaspoon of finely chopped ginger)
  • 2 Celery sticks/ribs
  • 5 Ounces of blueberries
  • 1 Cup of water
  1. Wash 1 cucumber and cut 3 inches off it and further cut this piece into smaller chunks.
  2. Peel and dice 1 small knob of ginger.
  3. Take 2 celery sticks/ribs and wash these and cut them lengthways and then into smaller pieces.
  4. Cut 1 small lemon in half and squeeze the juice from it.Juice Recipes for Weight Loss - 3.4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  5. Wash 4.5 ounces of fresh blueberries (or you can use frozen).
  6. Add everything to your blender with 1 cup of water and blend until smooth.Juice Recipes for Weight Loss - 3.6/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

You can drink each of these juices up to one time per day. You could have one of each of them per day if you wish. Feel free to add ice if you prefer a colder drink, just make sure to drink your juice as soon as possible after making it to benefit from all of the nutrients as much as you can.


How To Treat Cough With Beets


Четверг, 07 Октября 2021 г. 19:26 + в цитатник
How to Treat Cough With Beets

How To Treat Cough With Beets

Beetroot has many benefits known to men. The root vegetable helps in boosting our immunity with all its essential nutrients. It is rich in Vitamins C and B9. It is also a good source of iron, potassium, and fiber, among others. But did you know that you can use beets to help with a cough?

Beets have antiseptic properties that can kill bacteria and viruses that make us sick. It also aids in the production of healthy red blood cells that help the body fight off infections. Hence, beets make a great natural remedy for people with cough issues. I’ll share with you some of the different recipes you can do with beets to help ease your cough.

1. Fruit And Vegetable Juice With Beets

This compact juice is one of the best beet recipes I have tasted. It contains beet, apple, ginger, and carrots, which are loaded with all the essentials to fight off a cough. Apples have immune-boosting properties that prevent certain illnesses. It is also loaded with antioxidants and a great addition to this beet juice recipe. Ginger, on the other hand, has anti-inflammatory properties that relax airway membranes and ease coughing. Meanwhile, carrots are considered a natural bronchodilator and expectorant. Thus, it is good for easing wet and productive coughs.How to Treat Cough With Beets - Fruit and Vegetable Juice Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • 1 medium-sized beet, peeled
  • 1 apple, peeled
  • 1 tbsp fresh ginger, skinned
  • 2 carrots, peeled
  • ¼ cup apple juice or water
  1. Prepare all the ingredients. Cut the beet into quarters, and slice and remove the core from the apple.How to Treat Cough With Beets - Fruit and Vegetable Juice - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Put the liquid (apple juice or water) into the blender and add a handful of the solid ingredients. Blend until smooth. Add more solid ingredients gradually until you have finished all of it. Each blender has its capacity so make sure not to overwork your blender by putting a lot in one go./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  3. Once blended, you can drink the mixture as is. However, you can also strain it using a fine-mesh strainer to extract the liquid. Squeeze the pulp with a spatula or a similar tool to remove more liquid from the juice blend./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Drink the juice as soon as you finish the procedure. It is best to drink it fresh. But, you can also store it inside the fridge for up to 48 hours.

2. Beet Juice With Cinnamon

How to Treat Cough With Beets and Cinnamon - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 500w" width="350" />If you want a simple beet recipe without using too many ingredients, then this one is for you. The juice is loaded with beet’s antioxidant properties. It is also very easy to do and can help with your cough problems. Cinnamon, on the other hand, has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-infectious properties that help with cough, common cold, and nasal congestion.

  • Beet juice
  • Dash of cinnamon
  1. Since I already have store-bought organic beet juice, there was no need for me to manually extract the juice from the beets. But if you want to have a juice fresh from the vegetable itself, you can do so by loading beets into a juicer. You can also use a blender and strain the juice out from blended beets./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Pour the juice on glass and sprinkle it with cinnamon on top. Enjoy your drink!

You can drink 1 glass of beet juice daily to maximize its nutrients and positive effects on your body.

3. Lemon-Beetroot Tea

Lemon is enriched with Vitamin C, which is helpful to boost your immune system. The citrus fruit provides many benefits to ease cough problems. For one, it helps with congestion and reduces irritation.

How to Treat Cough With Beets and Lemon - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

The anti-inflammatory properties of lemon, combined with beetroot’s own component, make a potent remedy for cough.

  • A quarter of a medium-sized beetroot
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 ½ cup water
  • Honey to taste
  1. In a small saucepan, boil the water. Remove from heat once boiled./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into the boiled water and add a quarter of the beetroot./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  3. Steep for 10-15 minutes until the liquid turns red./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  4. Remove the beetroot and transfer it to a cup. You can add honey to taste./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

You can drink the tea once or twice a day until your cough is relieved. The tea is best to drink when fresh, so it is recommended to make a fresh one every time you drink it.

4. Beet-Ginger Juice

Originally crafted as a detox drink, the blend of beet and ginger makes up for an effective and natural cough recipe. It also contains apple, and lemon that work well to help alleviate cough symptoms. The recipe also includes parsley. Many people use parsley as a cough remedy and swear on its effectiveness though more studies are required to prove this point. With all of these impressive ingredients, this beet juice recipe is a must-try for cough and liver cleansing.How to Treat Cough With Beets and Ginger - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • 2 large beets, peeled
  • 2 apples
  • 1-2 inch ginger, peeled
  • 1 lemon
  • A handful of organic parsley
  • ¼ cup water (For blender)
Steps For Juicer:
  1. Peel and cut ingredients to allowable sizes, which can easily fit on your juicer.
  2. Combine all ingredients in the juicer and juice. Follow your juicer’s instruction manual.
  3. Transfer to a glass or on a mason jar for storage. Squeeze the juice from the lemon onto your container before drinking or storing it.
Steps For Blender:
  1. Cut ingredients in allowable sizes.How to Treat Cough With Beets and Ginger - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  2. Add water to the blender and drop a handful of beets. Blend. Add the leftover beets into the blender gradually followed by other ingredients. Squeeze the lemon, and put the parsley last./" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  3. Strain the liquid and transfer it to a glass.How to Treat Cough With Beets and Ginger - Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

The juice will last for 1-2 days in the fridge. But it is still highly recommended to drink a fresh one every time. Since the drink is also used for detox cleansing, only drink this once a day for 3-5 days. Consult your doctor before trying this recipe for any possible effects on any underlying medical conditions.


Beets are an effective remedy for cough. The root vegetable is very nutritious and very easy to prepare. You can even include it on your salads and other recipes too! However, make sure to consult your doctor first before including it on your diet. People with kidney stones or those at risk of developing it should be wary of using beets since it is high in oxalates. It may also raise your uric acid levels, which may worsen the symptoms of gout. But if you are healthy with no conditions to worry about, then beets are extremely advantageous for your health.

With the cold and influenza season in full swing, we need all the help we can get to keep our immune systems healthy and strong. Here are a few of Nicole’s top picks that are found in our Essential Winter Defense Bundle. Whether maintaining lung health, boosting immunity, or reducing fevers, each herb supports overall well-being this winter and beyond


16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side By Side


Среда, 06 Октября 2021 г. 04:45 + в цитатник
16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side By Side

You’ve probably heard of companion planting before, but most people use this in terms of growing vegetables together. While it can be a very effective method of vegetable gardening, there’s actually some evidence that points to growing specific herbs together, as well. You may be surprised at which herbs tend to do best when they have a friend beside them.

These plants may be planted in a full herb garden, but you can also grow them in planters or containers. Most herb gardeners want to minimize the amount of space they use when container planting, so putting several herbs together can be a great option. Here’s what you should consider planting together.

1. Basil

Basil is actually really great for growing with most plants. It’s a natural pest repellant, so it’s particularly helpful in keeping other plants happy and safe. That being said, it goes particularly well with chiles, parsley, and oregano. You can also plant some tomatoes nearby to benefit from the fly repelling powers of basil and to whip up fast, fresh Caprese salads.

Basil can be used to improve your health, repel stomach bugs and intestinal parasites, as well as adding flavor to your food.

2. Marjoram

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side - Basil and Marjoram/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

This savory herb is ideal in many ways. It goes with pretty much every dish you can imagine and it has natural antiseptic in it, plus it’s good for helping you sleep and lowering blood pressure. It’s been used in teas and to treat wounds for generations, so it’s definitely something you want in your medicinal herb garden.

Marjoram can be planted next to literally any plant and it will do very well. However, it’s particularly great when grown with chives, basil, and parsley.

3. Chives

You may be surprised to know that chives, with their mildly onion-like flavor, can help prevent cancer and increase bone density. They’re also very good for your memory and you can plant them with other herbs to enhance the growth of all plants involved.

Chives grow well with many other herbs, including mustard greens, tarragon, parsley, dill, and marjoram. They can be mixed in cooking with all of these, as well.

4. Dill

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side - Dill/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />This fun-looking herb is usually regarded as popular for pickles. After all, dill pickles wouldn’t exist without it.

However, dill is also calming to the stomach and it can help with nausea and heartburn. Both seeds and the leaves may be used in cooking.

Dill may be planted with most vegetables, but should never be near carrots.

As for other herbs, you can try planting dill alongside lemon balm, lovage, and chives to see how much better they all grow.

5. Bay

You probably already use bay leaves in your cooking and know that these immune system boosting plants are amazing with meat, beans, and stews.

You can plant bay with a number of other herbs, including rosemary, parsley, sage, and thyme, all of which will benefit from its pest-ridding aroma.

6. Mint

This handy herb is often used to calm nausea and ease gas and bloating. It can be chewed fresh to give good breath and is great for spicing up dishes, savory or sweet.

You can plant multiple types of mint together in the same area, but they do tend to take over the area. Because of this, you’ll want to stick to keeping mint in containers or your entire garden will be overrun. However, it does grow well with oregano and should never be planted near parsley.

7. Oregano

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side - Oregano/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

With antiviral and antibacterial elements, oregano is frequently used to treat infections, particularly intestinal infections.

It also gives the immune system a boost and is used to add flavor to foods.

You can plant it with nearly anything, as you’ve seen from other herbs listed here.

8. Parsley

You likely use parsley on a regular basis in your cooking, but did you know it is also helpful for bad breath?

Many people use it to ease gas and stomach upsets, as well, and it’s packed with Vitamin C. Definitely a good herb to have around. In addition, it helps boost other herbs planted around it, including basil, dill, lemon balm, lovage, and just about any other herb you might want in your garden.

9. Rosemary

Rosemary is best known for boosting your brainpower and increasing memory. However, you can also use it to aid the immune system and increase circulation throughout the body.

It repels insects and is a good addition to the vegetable garden, but also gets along with pretty much every herb in existence. Try planting it with parsley, fennel, chives, bay, and lavender for the best results.

10. Rue

Women will find rue helps reduce menstrual symptoms, brings on menstruation, and stimulates the uterus. It can also be used to treat topical pain, like arthritis, sprains, toothaches, and the like. Some even use rue to ward off insects.

To plant, try growing it next to sage, oregano, or thyme. It should not be planted near basil or mint, as it can slow the growth of these plants.

11. Thyme

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side - Thyme/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />There are several different types of thyme and all of them are full of vitamins A and C. This makes it the perfect herb for treating colds or any virus. 

You can plant tarragon near cabbages to keep cabbage worms from making an appearance and it will also keep other herbs happy and growing well, including lovage, dill, parsley, rosemary, and sage.

12. Tarragon

This tasty herb is pretty strong, but it works well in both meat and vegetable dishes. It can be used to improve the health of your heart, increase your appetite, and lower inflammation. It’s also good for keeping blood sugar on the straight and narrow in diabetics.

Tarragon grows best when combined in the same space with parsley, lemon balm or lemon thyme, and chives.

13. Lemon Balm

If you have anxiety or are constantly stressed out, lemon balm tea is ideal for relaxing you. It can also boost your cognitive function, so it’s great for using before a test or interview.

Lemon balm is an easy plant to grow and does very well next to dill or basil, particularly if planted in a container.   

14. Sage

You can use sage tea as a mouthwash to keep your gums and mouth healthy. It’s also useful in reducing the intensity of menopause symptoms and aids with memory loss. Overall, this is a very useful herb to keep around, especially since it’s also good on your food.

Sage should never be planted with cucumbers, but it will grow well with other herbs, including thyme, lovage, lemon balm, lavender, fennel, parsley, rosemary, and oregano.

15. Lavender

16 Medicinal Herbs You Should Grow Side by Side - Lavender/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />You likely know lavender as a calming and soothing plant, used to help people combat stress and anxiety. It’s good for inducing sleep and helping you sleep better, too.

However, lavender is also really good for repelling pests, so it can be planted around cauliflowers and cabbages to keep them pest-free. Oregano and basil both grow very well with lavender.

16. Caraway

Caraway isn’t a very common herb, but it is worth having around. Many people use the seeds to help them lose weight and reduce inflammation.

You can plant it around your garden early and let it loosen the soil a bit for the next plants. It grows best with parsley.

There are plenty of herbs that grow well together, so make sure you take advantage and get them settled in the ground or in pots near each other.

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5 Myths About Organic Gardening/" target="_blank"> 300w, 150w" width="350" />


How To Make A Whipped Lavender Cream


Вторник, 05 Октября 2021 г. 06:45 + в цитатник
How To Make a Whipped Lavender Cream

How To Make A Whipped Lavender Cream

Adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to your favorite cream or lotion is an easy way to include some lavender into your daily routine, but making your own whipped lavender hand cream requires only a few easily sourced ingredients and equipment from the kitchen.

Medicinal Properties Of Lavender

Unfortunately, all herbal products are considered dietary supplements to the US Food and Drugs Administration, so are not approved for medicinal use, but the European Medicines Agency, World Health Organization, and European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy approve the use of lavender to relieve stress and anxiety and many people use it to help treat related issues like depression and insomnia. The actual mechanisms for its relaxing effects are numerous but include regulating serotonin levels with practically no side effects.

How To Make A Whipped Lavender Cream/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Linalyl acetate and linalool are the major components of lavender that regulate serotonin and its related receptors. They both have their maximum absorption approximately 20 minutes after topical application, after which time they are easily detected in the bloodstream, brain, and lungs. These components do not accumulate in the body, so will be flushed and excreted through the body within about 90 minutes. This has both pros and cons; on one hand, lavender is safe when used frequently over a long period at low doses, but on the other hand, its medicinal effects fade after 90 minutes. In short, this means many lavender-based topical therapies can be and should be, applied at regular intervals on an as-needed basis.

Lavender Extraction

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If you want to extract linalyl acetate and linalool from your own lavender flowers, then the most effective DIY method is to make a tincture using a high-proof (40%) alcohol. The alcohol acts as an organic solvent and is so effective, that most of the linalyl acetate and linalool are extracted within 5 hours. Adding 2 – 3 drops of this tincture to some water-based lotion is a great way to apply this tincture topically, but in the recipe below, I will be using lavender essential oil which means making an oil-based cream instead, which avoids the complications of preservatives and emulsifiers that is required in a stable water-based lotion.


The basic make-up for this cream involves 1) a carrier oil, 2) a finely ground flour, 3) beeswax and 4) essential oil. My go-to carrier oil is our locally produced olive oil, but most plant-based oils will work just as well.

How To Make A Whipped Lavender Cream - Method/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="591" />

I’m using some ashwagandha flour because its medicinal properties complement those of the lavender (it too has calming and relaxing qualities), but there are numerous other finely ground products that you can use, including arrowroot, colloidal oatmeal, or calendula flour.

How To Make A Whipped Lavender Cream - Ingredients/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

The following quantities make approximately 3 ounces (90 ml) of whipped lavender cream:

  • Approximately 35 – 40 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 5 ounces (15 g) of beeswax
  • 4 teaspoons of finely ground ashwagandha flour


Place the olive oil and beeswax in a glass jar that is wide enough to fit a single whisk from a handheld beater. Set the jar in a pot of warm water (150 °F) and stir until the beeswax has melted into the olive oil.How To Make A Whipped Lavender Cream - Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Remove the jar from the warm water and allow it to slowly cool to about body temperature. The left photo below is what it looks like straight out of the hot water bath, whereas the right photo is what it looks like once it is cool enough – not completely solidified, but not completely liquified.How To Make A Whipped Lavender Cream - Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Then add the ashwagandha flour and the lavender essential oil and whisk thoroughly until all of the ingredients have combined to form a smooth cream.How To Make A Whipped Lavender Cream - Step 4/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Application And Shelf-Life

Massage the cream into your skin as needed. Rubbing the cream into your chest and neck is an effective way to benefit from the topical as well as aromatic benefits of the lavender essential oil.

As an oil-based product, this whipped lavender cream has a shelf-life of a year.

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Kill Hunger With This Herb


Пятница, 01 Октября 2021 г. 05:05 + в цитатник

Fenugreek and Diabetes - Blood Sugar Levels Effects & Metabolism


We all know that trying to keep our weight in check can be the most challenging thing to achieve when all that surrounds us are temptations that will give us the polar opposite of what we are looking for!

Whereas specific foods are another kettle of fish altogether, the feelings of hunger and appetite seem to catch us out the most.

It is true to say that diets don’t work, but a healthy lifestyle and everything that brings with it may get us better weight loss results. While we advocate the latter approach entirely in every way, there may be that little niggle inside you that tells you that you may need to eat when you actually don’t.

An uncontrolled appetite can be the biggest pitfall in anyone’s efforts to kill their hunger and suppress their appetite.

What Is An Appetite Suppressant?

Something that suppresses the appetite is a compound, often a pharmaceutical-grade chemical compound or a naturopathic option that will work on receptors in the brain that may increase catecholamine and serotonin levels within the brain, which will work towards switching off the desire to eat that is referred to as hunger or appetite.

Suppose you are searching for a naturopathic solution to aid in killing your appetite and assist you with maintaining a healthy weight. In that case, there’s an ingredient you’ll see appear time after time in that category, and that is the herb called Fenugreek.

Origins Of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is pronounced “feh-nyuh-greek” and may also be called Greek hay, which is a herb that resembles a clover.

It is native to the Mediterranean regions, southern Europe, and western Asia.

The seeds inside are the most utilized part, which actually smells and tastes like maple syrup!

The herb’s dry, ripe seeds contain a wealth of vitamins such as:Kill Hunger With This Herb - Origins/" target="_blank"> 296w" width="350" />

  • Vitamins A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

As well as a vast host of minerals, such as:

  • Selenium
  • Potassium,
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Copper,
  • Calcium

Fenugreek – Medicinal Benefits

Fenugreek seeds are widely used in cooking around the world and can also be used as a medicine.

Tradition has seen that Fenugreek has been used for many years in Ayurvedic medicine, which is an ancient Indian approach to natural and holistic medicine, and has been used to:Kill Hunger With This Herb - Benefits/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • Treat diabetes and insulin resistance
  • Increase milk supply for breastfeeding mothers.
  • Relief from menstrual cramps.
  • Promoting weight loss.
  • Reduce migraines and headaches
  • Lower blood pressure

Although some of these claims have been backed by scientific findings in more recent times, some of them still have question marks over the effectiveness in certain areas of traditional medicine.

How Can Fenugreek Help Reduce My Appetite?

Fenugreek is an excellent source of soluble fiber, and scientific research on fiber has evidence to show that it may:

  • Help to keep you satiated for longer, thus reducing the compulsion to eat when it’s not needed
  • Lower cholesterol levels, which may help to combat cravings when the levels are under control
  • Regulate blood sugar levels, which can impact when your body tells you you need something sweet

/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Of course, there are potential weight-loss advantages; if you are staying satiated longer and there is no urge to eat or feel hungry for long periods, of course, there may be some positive weight outcomes.

This may not be the closing case for everybody, and understanding how to react to appetite means understanding your body’s signs and signals to hunger versus thirst.

So understanding your body’s signals and triggers to hunger is of paramount importance too!

For example, a small study that comprised of 18 people who were classified as clinically obese found categorically that those study subjects who had 8 grams of fenugreek fiber at breakfast time reported that they felt more full-up versus those who weren’t given the fenugreek fiber.

The very same participants of the controlled study were observed eating a smaller amount of lunch after having the supplement accompaniment at breakfast time.

How Should Fenugreek Be Taken?

There are many ways to use Fenugreek in everyday life, and whichever way you choose will predominantly rest on how you prefer to take it.

As mentioned before, the seeds you can find on the inside of the herb taste like maple syrup, so they are not the harsh or astringent taste you may expect from herb seeds, so it is far more palatable than other herbs.

Some ways you can use Fenugreek are:

Kill Hunger With This Herb - How to Take Fenugreek/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • Adding it to a spice blend
  • Fenugreek water-soak one or two tablespoons of the fenugreek seeds in still water overnight and drink in the morning.
  • Fenugreek Tea- The same process as above but heating the fenugreek water slowly to a soft boil, then consume
  • Adding it to seasonings as a seasoning
  • Adding it to soups, stews, and sauces for a sweet flavor.

Is Fenugreek Safe To Consume?

Fenugreek is considered safe when consumed in the moderate amounts found in most consumable foods.

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Consumption of Fenugreek can cause some side effects, and these can be felt from moderate to extreme, depending on how your body copes with the new addition to your diet.

Fenugreek has been deemed unsafe in high doses for use while pregnant and has been linked to an increased rate of congenital disabilities.

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There is also caution over whether this herb is safe in women who are breastfeeding.

Of course, some people may feel no side effects at all, but the things to look out for are:

  • Gastrointestinal side effects such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, and sickness.
  • Dizziness, light headiness, and headaches, the NCCIH says.
  • Liver complaints, so beware of off-center back pain, which may indicate liver toxicity.

How To Prepare Fenugreek

Fenugreek is incredibly versatile in its uses, and as mentioned, you can use it in cooking and preparing teas and tinctures with ripe seeds, so here are a few ways you can incorporate it into your day!

Fenugreek Tea

Fenugreek tea is the most straightforward tea to make and can be achieved in advance or right on cue! You can drink it up to 3 times a day too!Kill Hunger With This Herb - Tea 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

  • Boil clean water in a pan until it comes to a simmer, and add 1 or 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds to the water.
  • Allow to simmer and steep for up to 5 minutes and remove from the heat.
  • While still hot, add some loose tea leaves to the water and allow them to cool in the pan.Kill Hunger With This Herb - Tea 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

The tea can then be thoroughly strained and drunk warm or indeed cooled in the refrigerator and served as iced tea.

Fenugreek As A Spice Rub

Fenugreek has a distinctive and sweet taste, so it is complementary in spice rubs, particularly Indian-inspired rubs that are perfect with chunky root veg that you can roast, or white fish and chicken.Kill Hunger With This Herb - Fenugreek Food/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />

Fenugreek in its natural dried-seed form has a bitter edge, so toasting the seeds first will work wonders! Then mix two tablespoons of Fenugreek with:

  • Cumin seeds
  • Coriander seeds
  • Smoked Paprika
  • Touch of lemon juice

And whizz up in a smooth paste, which you can then place on your veggies or protein for a genuinely Indian-inspired superfood spice mix.

Fenugreek Tincture

Fenugreek tincture is a concentrated and potent preservative of fenugreek seeds. Although trickier to make, these can be given in drops to provide all the best benefits of the herb.

  • How to make a tincture

Kill Hunger With This Herb - Fenugreek Tincture/" target="_blank"> 205w" width="350" />

Tinctures are really simple to make, and the most significant element you need when making them is a lot of patience!

You can make tinctures with any plant material that has therapeutic benefits.

You will require a few simple pieces of equipment to make a tincture, including:

  • A large glass jar with a lid
  • Parchment or plastic wrap
  • At least 80 proof alcohol (Vodka, grain alcohol, or rum)
  • Your Desired Herbs

Alcohol is used as the solvent that will extract the medicinal properties from the herbs, but you can also use grain alcohol (190 proof ) to dissolve plant gums and resins and gives a more intense tincture, but may be dehydrative on your herbs.

Here Are A Few Rules To Stick To When Making Your Tincture:
  • For Fresh herbs: Fill the jar to two-thirds full only.
  • For Dried herbs: Fill the jar to half full only.
  • For Fresh and dried roots and berries: Fill the jar only up to a third to half full only.
  • Be sure not to squash down your herbs tightly.
  • Chop or grind your herbs finely and pop in the jar.
  • Fill your jar according to your recipe with the desired ratio of herbs, fill up the rest of the way with alcohol to completely cover the herbs.
  • Leave an inch or so of space above your herbs to ensure the herbs stay submerged.
  • Screw on the lid, using parchment or plastic wrap over the neck first to protect a metal lid from rusting
  • Place the sealed jar within a dark, dry, and cool place to begin the extraction process.
  • Give the jar a shake every two days and ensure herbs are still fully submerged. If not, top up with the same alcohol to prevent molding.
  • Let the mixture extract for about eight weeks.
  • When extracted, place a small funnel into a dropper bottle equipped with a fine-mesh strainer and pour the tincture mixture into the bottle to strain out the herbs.


We can see here that Fenugreek can be a naturopathic way of killing your appetite!

Apart from it being full of antioxidants, it is also full of soluble fiber, which is renowned for keeping you feeling fuller for longer and may assist in helping to increase the chemicals within the brain that switch off the hunger and appetite signals.

Fenugreek is incredibly versatile when using for cooking or consumption and holds its own against intense Indian-inspired flavors such as coriander and cumin.

With it being so versatile, preparing Fenugreek can be a lot of fun! You can create a spice blend for vegetables and fish, hot or cold Fenugreek teas, and make tinctures for those times you need a helping hand with suppressing your appetite!


5 Plants Similar To Insulin That Lower Your Blood Sugar


Вторник, 28 Сентября 2021 г. 17:39 + в цитатник
5 Plants Similar to Insulin That Lower Your Blood Sugar

5 Plants Similar To Insulin That Lower Your Blood Sugar

There is so much awareness surrounding the potential health repercussions of having high sugar levels in your bloodstream.

Having consistently high sugar levels within your bloodstream over extended periods can cause serious health problems if left untreated.

While most people associate high blood sugar levels with a diagnosis of Diabetes, however, Hyperglycemia can occur in anybody at any time, and often it is something that goes undetected until blood monitoring is carried out.

Monitoring the sugar levels in your blood is relatively simple. You can do it with either a professionally administered blood test, a self-test that includes pricking a finger with a small needle to extract blood and testing it with a BM monitor, or a breath test device.

A medical professional should always interpret any provided readings, and any potential diagnosis will originate from your healthcare practitioner.

You can control blood sugar levels via pharmaceutical interventions such as administering synthetic Insulin, metformin, or specific diet control. Still, these will only be prescribed if there is a diagnosis of Diabetes.

The rest of the population who are concerned about maintaining a low blood sugar level can look to nature to find naturally occurring substances that have been shown to have a positive impact on lowering blood sugar levels.

What Are The Risks Of Having High Blood Sugar

When you have high levels of sugar in the blood, your body can react in many ways to counteract the sugar with a substance called Insulin, a naturally produced hormone coming from the pancreas.

Insulin is produced to counteract the high levels of sugar in the blood by neutralizing the sugar content to enable the blood sugar levels to come down to a more normal level, which is as follows:

  • Less than the reading of 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) is a normal range.
  • More than 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) after two hours is indicative of DiabetesDiabetes.
  • Between the readings of 140 and 199 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L and 11.0 mmol/L) is indicative of prediabetes.

Having consistently high levels of sugar in the blood can:

5 Plants Similar to Insulin that Lower Your Blood Sugar/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • Cause Damage the blood vessels that provide blood to the vital organs
  • Increase the risk of heart disease
  • Increase the instances of having a stroke
  • Increase the chances of having kidney disease
  • Cause loss of consciousness
  • Cause problems with vision
  • Provoke nerve problems

While high blood sugar levels have been known to cause no immediate health concerns in some individuals, it is something that everyone needs to be aware of as the longer high blood sugar levels are present in your blood, they can accumulate to some serious health concerns later in life, so prevention is definitely better than cure in this scenario!

What Natural Elements Can Help Lower My Blood Sugar Level?

Nature has some of the most amazing natural substances that have been shown to assist in naturally lowering blood sugar levels, so let’s look and see what they are and how they can help maintain a consistent lower blood sugar level for you.

Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller)

5 Plants Similar to Insulin that Lower Your Blood Sugar - Aloe Vera Juice/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Aloe vera is a plant that is part of the cactus family and may help you if you are seeking a way to lower your blood sugar naturally.

Aloe vera can be found growing in the wild and can also be cultivated domestically. It is an incredibly robust plant with a tough green exterior, but inside the leaves, you will find a gel-like clear substance that is very sticky, and this part is where the magic is!

5 Plants Similar to Insulin that Lower Your Blood Sugar - Aloe Vera Supplements/" target="_blank"> 288w" width="350" />

You can also find supplements or ready-made juices that are made from the leaves of the Aloe plant.

It has been shown that it can help to lower fasting blood sugar levels and reduce the A1C reading ( the baseline reading that is taken via a fasting blood test) and in those people with suspected prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.

It has been reported that aloe may stimulate insulin production within the pancreas; however, more studies are being undertaken to prove this effect officially.

Recommended Daily Dosages: The standard doses that have been tested in studies include 1,000 mg capsules or two tablespoons/30 ml of aloe juice daily. However, the actual dosage with attached efficiency is not known.

Contraindications: Aloe is a contraindicator with several medications, so always seek guidance from a health professional; however, you should never take aloe with Digoxin (heart medication)

Gymnema (Gymnema Sylvestre)

5 Plants Similar to Insulin that Lower Your Blood Sugar - Gymnema/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Gymnema is a natural herb used primarily as a treatment for DiabetesDiabetes in India as part of the Ayurvedic tradition. The Hindu name for the plant “Gurmar” directly translates to “sugar destroyer”.

You can find the power of this potent herb in the leaves of the plant, where ancient herbalists have historically used them to make tinctures and teas for consumption.

Reports on this her suggest that this herb may assist in lowering someones fasting blood sugar level and have a positive effect on the A1C results in those people with type 1 diabetes (those people who have no insulin production in the pancreas)

The Gymnema herb may reduce the amount of sugar that is absorbed in the gut and may also support and increase the amount of sugar your cells use from the sugar in the blood.

Recommended Daily Dosage: The suggested dose is 200 mg of Gymnema leaf extract, taken twice a day with your meals.

Contraindications: Gymnemna should only be used alongside professional medical guidance given its effectiveness with Type 1 Diabetics, so caution should be applied if you administer insulin injections.

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum)

Cinnamon is an incredibly common spice and can be found in friend and powdered formats all over the work.

5 Plants Similar to Insulin that Lower Your Blood Sugar - Cinnamon/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />The cinnamon formats that are used in cinnamon supplements can be made from either the whole cinnamon that is then powdered or a cinnamon extract.

It is said that cinnamon may help your body’s cells respond in a more effective way to Insulin. This means that the amount of sugar in your blood is more easily utilized by your cells for metabolization, which will effectively lower the levels of sugar that can be found in the blood.

Recommended Daily Dosages: The recommended dose of particularly cinnamon extract is 250 mg, which is to be taken twice a day before any meals you consume. This recommendation is different from a regular cinnamon supplement, which is then recommended to take 500 mg twice a day.

Contraindications: Common cinnamon contains higher levels of a compound called coumarin, which may cause harm to your liver when consumed in high amounts. The Ceylon variety of cinnamon, however, is lower in coumarin in comparison.

American Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolius)

5 Plants Similar to Insulin that Lower Your Blood Sugar - American Ginseng/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

American Ginseng can be found widely and has been shown to decrease blood sugar levels after meals in healthy individuals with no diagnosis of any form of Diabetes, but also in those with type 2 diabetes.

American Ginseng may help improve the rate at which your cells respond to sugar within the blood and may also increase insulin production within the pancreas.

Recommended Daily Dosage:  It is recommended to take 1 gram of American Ginseng within the preceding two hours before each main meal; however, any sooner than 2 hours may cause you to dip too low.

Contraindications: American Ginseng can negatively affect the process of the anti-coagulant Warfarin, so it is best to avoid this herb if you are on any warfarin treatment schedule.

It has also been shown that it may over-stimulate your immune system, which could harm the uptake of any immunosuppressant drug therapies.

Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum)

5 Plants Similar to Insulin that Lower Your Blood Sugar - Fenugreek/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

As we have seen previously, Fenugreek seeds are a great source of soluble fiber.

This is particularly helpful when lowering your blood sugar levels naturally, as the fiber helps slow down the digestive process and inhibit the rapid absorption of consumed carbohydrates.

This has a positive impact on lowering blood sugar levels and may effectively control Hyperglycemia in people with Diabetes.

Recommended Daily Dosage: There are different schools of thought over the most effective dosage of fenugreek for lowering blood sugar levels. The dosage may differ on whether the source is from the seeds or the leaves and indeed the delivery method.

There are no actual definitive figures available as to what dosages are optimum for controlling blood sugar levels.

Contraindications: Fenugreek could negatively impact blood sugar levels and cause Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar levels) if not taken preceding a meal. It may also affect the effectiveness of any medications taken for the same element of lowering blood sugar levels, such as metformin or any other medicines prescribed to control blood sugar levels.


There are so very many herbs and plants that have been used to combat high blood sugar levels throughout history, and ancient herbalists have used everything in nature for many years to combat all sorts of diseases, including DiabetesDiabetes and those who present with Hyperglycaemia.

High blood sugars can be detrimental to health if left undiagnosed and untreated. While people who have high blood glucose levels may be blissfully unaware they have it, it can also, of course, present in some other people as they become increasingly poorly from the effects of having high blood sugar.

Naturopathic ingredients, such as the ones mentioned here, can be incredibly helpful in helping to naturally lower a person’s blood sugar levels by working on the different areas of the body that deal with insulin production and metabolization.

But always apply caution if you take any other medications, as there may be instances where the natural remedy may be incompatible with any pharmaceutical intervention.


10 Remedies You Can Find In Your Kitchen


Понедельник, 27 Сентября 2021 г. 19:12 + в цитатник
10 Remedies You Can Find In Your Kitchen

10 Remedies You Can Find In Your Kitchen

When you begin to explore natural remedies you quickly realize that many herbs and spices that we use in our everyday cooking can also be medicinal. The idea of food as medicine is not a new one.

My pantry is stocked with herbs and spices that I use to enhance flavor in my meals but also to brew medicinal teas, add to oils, and use to make salves. Here are ten remedies you probably already have in your kitchen and may not even know it.   

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

10 Remedies you can find in your kitchen - Apple Cider Vinegar/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Apple Cider Vinegar is found in most kitchens. It’s commonly used in salad dressings and for other culinary purposes. However, it has many other uses as well.

Use it as a sore throat gargle, as a facial toner to soothe skin irritations, or to wash your hair. It has been shown to help control blood sugar in diabetics and can help reduce your risk of cancer. Always make sure to dilute your apple cider vinegar because it is highly acidic.

Related: 50 Essential Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV Sore Throat Gargle
  • Dilute 1 – 2 TBSP of vinegar in an 8-ounce glass of water.
  • Take a swig and gargle for 30 seconds. Spit it out. Rinse your mouth.
  • Repeat every 2-3 hours.

2. Garlic

Garlic is a staple found in just about every home. The foundation of many flavor combinations garlic has many health benefits. People have been using garlic medicinally since ancient times. It helps boost your immune system and prevent colds, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.

There are many ways to incorporate the healing power of garlic. Try something new, like infusing garlic in honey. The garlic will ferment adding beneficial probiotics to the mixture. It is great for colds and the flu.

Honey Fermented Garlic
  • Place garlic in a glass jar and cover it with honey.

Make sure you leave plenty of headspace at the top of the jar to accommodate the additional liquid and bubbles that will be created in the process. This will help prevent explosions of honey in your kitchen.

10 Remedies you can find in your kitchen - Garlic/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

  • You want to flip the jar daily to ensure the garlic stays coated in honey. This will help prevent mold from forming.
  • After several days you should see bubbles begin to form. This is a sign fermentation has begun. Burp the jar daily to release the gasses. Over time the activity in the jar will decrease and you can burp less frequently.
  • When the bubbling stops the fermentation is complete. This can take several months but the end result is worth it.
  • For best results, make sure you use organic garlic and raw honey. You can use the garlic for cooking, add the honey to tea, or simply eat it by the spoonful if you like.

3. Honey

10 Remedies you can find in your kitchen - Honey/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

A delicious and natural sweetener, honey has many health benefits. It is high in antioxidants, which can help lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.

Honey can be used to help heal wounds and burns and is good for sore throats and coughs in children.

For wound or burn care simply apply honey topically. Studies have shown it is an effective antibiotic and provides good results. A teaspoon of honey can help quiet a hacking cough.  

Related: 50 Amazing Uses For Honey You Didn’t Know About

4. Ginger

10 Remedies you can find in your kitchen - Ginger/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Ginger is often used in Asian cooking and holiday baking but ginger can do more than spice up your meal. There are many reasons to have more ginger in your life.

Ginger is anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants. It helps calm nausea, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, can ease arthritis symptoms, and can help contribute to weight loss.

There are many delicious ways to add this medicinal spice to your daily routine but an easy and delicious way is to make ginger tea.

Ginger Tea

Slice about one thumb’s length of ginger root. Boil water. Add the ginger root to the boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes to make a decoction.  Strain out the ginger and add honey to taste.

5. Lemon

10 Remedies you can find in your kitchen - Lemon/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

When life gives you lemons make lemonade. Or make a remedy for sore throats. Lemons have long been used to help with sore scratchy throats caused by colds or the flu.

Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice into warm water and drink it. You can add honey to taste.

6. Chili

Chilis, like cayenne, are used in Mexican and Indian food to turn up the heat but you can use them to make a healing salve for sore muscles.

Cayenne Salve
  • Infuse chilis into a carrier oil like sesame or sweet almond oil.
  • Place the chilis in a jar and cover with oil.
  • Either leave the jar in a sunny window for a month or you can heat the oil slowly by placing it in a pot of water on the stove for several hours.
  • /" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Strain the infused oil through a cheesecloth to remove the chilis.
  • Store your infused oil in a jar in a cool, dark place.
  • To make a salve mix your infused carrier oil with a harder butter, like cacao or shea butter, and beeswax.
  • Melt equal parts butter, beeswax, and oil together in a double boiler to combine. 
  • Pour the melted mixture into a glass jar and allow it to cool.
  • Apply it directly to your aching muscles for immediate relief.

Related: How To Make Hot Pepper Cream For Joint And Back Pain

7. Rosemary

10 Remedies you can find in your kitchen - Rosemary/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />

Rosemary is a common culinary herb used to flavor potatoes and chicken. Did you know it makes a delicious medicinal tea as well?

It is anti-inflammatory, high in antioxidants, and antimicrobial. Long associated with aiding memory, rosemary also can help reduce anxiety and elevate your mood.

Related: DIY Rosemary Memory Elixir

Rosemary Tea

Simply add two teaspoons of rosemary leaves to 8 ounces of hot water. Allow to steep 5 minutes and strain out the leaves. Enjoy.

8. Mint



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