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The Super Herb That Destroys Candida

Среда, 24 Ноября 2021 г. 09:06 + в цитатник

Candida is a prevalent infection, but there is one super-herb that can conquer it!


Candidiasis is an incredibly common infection that is caused by the presence of the yeast Candida.

The fungus can live on the host’s skin or inside the body, favoring cavities that are moist and dark, such as the mouth, vagina, gut, and throat.

In normal amounts, the yeast can remain on or inside the host relatively undetected. It will cause no immediate harm, and having the candida fungus present will not ordinarily cause any immediate ill-health or irritation.

The problems with candida can start when the fungus begins to multiply either on the skin or inside the body, causing the fungus to, in some cases, drastically affect the areas it is present in, which can cause:

  • A white a thick mucous substance starts to formThe Super Herb That Destroys Candida - What is Candida/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Swelling and redness of the perimeter area
  • Dry and cracked external areas
  • Pain
  • A putrid smell
  • Gastrointestinal upsets
  • Itching and tightness in the areas
  • Potential of yellow-ish discharge from the site

Who Can Get Candida?

Absolutely anybody can have the candida fungus living on or inside them, and for most cases, it will be completely undetectable and cause no immediate issues to one’s health.

However, if the fungus starts to multiply, that’s when the otherwise harmless fungus becomes the infection we know as candida.

The candidiasis infection is more commonly found in the mouth and throat in those people who are immuno-compromised but is rare in these areas in healthy individuals. You can also find it commonly in the vagina and gut.

Candida certainly does not discriminate when it comes to choosing a human host, anyone can have the fungus, but there are certain groups of people who are more predisposed to having the fungus and having it turn into the infection in the mouth and throat, including:

  • Babies younger than 1-month old
  • SmokersThe Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Candida/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Those people who have a dry mouth or take medication that causes mouth dryness, or those people who are sadly nearing the end of their life
  • Those people who wear dentures
  • Those people who have cancer
  • For those who have diabetes, sometimes there is a higher prevalence of candida in people with Type 2 diabetes that is somewhat uncontrolled.
  • Those people who have HIV or AIDS
  • Those people who regularly take antibiotics or corticosteroids for conditions such as asthma

How Do You Get Reduce The Risk Of Candida?

When it comes to controlling the overgrowth of the fungus we know as candida, there are certain things we can include or indeed omit from our diets and lifestyles to try and prevent the growth of the fungus and reduce the effects of the infection that comes from the overgrowth.

These elements can include:

  • Avoid Any Dairy Products That Are High In Lactose: Lactose is the sugar found in dairy products that can cause an inflammatory response in the individual, which can trigger the candida to commence overgrowth.
  • It is best to either eliminate dairy completely or head for lactose-free options for your dairy, such as those products that are derived from soy or nuts.The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Diet/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Drastically Reduce Your Sugar Intake: Both obvious sugars and hidden sugars in your diet may be a direct cause of the overgrowth of the candida, as sugar is widely recognized to be an accelerant to the production and overproduction of candida.
  • Reduce The Intake Of Alcohol: When alcohol is consumed, the body breaks this down, with sugars being the result. As you can see from above, sugar is known to increase the overproduction of the candida fungus, which can then cause multiple issues to health.
  • Reduce The Intake Of Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the food group that will increase the production of candida similarly to both alcohol and sugars, as carbohydrates, if not used by the body for energy, will be broken down and stored as sugar, causing an increase in the chances of the overproduction of candida.
  • The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - What not to Eat/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />Reduce The Amount Of Gluten In Your Diet: Gluten is widely known to be an inflammatory food group, which can cause problems with the overgrowth of candida. Gluten, again, is often broken down with great difficulty in the body into sugar compounds, which will feed and accelerate the candida.The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Oregano/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="350" />
  • Introduce Oregano Into Your Daily Routine: Oregano is the super herb that will make such an impact when it comes to ridding the candida fungus for good. Oregano is a potent antimicrobial and antifungal herb that is one of the best natural remedies to reduce the overproduction of candida fungus. The best way to incorporate oregano into your routine to start to work against the candida overproduction is to consume it orally as part of your meals or for a more potent compound, making an oregano oil.  Oregano oil is one of the absolute best ways to get the essential antimicrobial and antifungal properties to where they need to be.

How To Make An Oregano Oil

Oil of Oregano can have significant benefits for those people who have candida overgrowth.

Still, it is essential to only use the oil on the external areas that are red, inflamed, and are irritating. It is unwise to use the oil or any other topical oil on any sites of broken skin, which may cause further irritation and inflammation.

What You Will Need:
  • Oregano leaves that need to be crushed or finely chopped
  • A carrier oil which can be Olive oil or almond oil, which also have soothing and moisturizing properties
  • A jar that has been sanitized, preferably the ones that have twist lids for a secure tightening
  • Start by boiling some clean water in a saucepan.
  • Allow the water to reach a rolling boil and then remove the water from the heat source.The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Oregnao Oil Step 1/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  • Place the chopped or minced oregano leaves into one of the jars, and then pour your chosen carrier oil over the leaves.The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Oregnao Oil Step 2/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  • Place the jar with your oregano and oil into the saucepan of hot water and allow it to sit in the water for 5-10 minutes, allowing the oil to heat up, and then the oregano will start to release its natural oils.
  • When the time has elapsed, remove the jar from the saucepan of hot water and place it in an area that will get some sunlight, such as a sunny windowsill, for 7-14 days.
  • It is essential to agitate the mixture by shaking it up every couple of days.The Super Herb That Destroys Candida - Oregnao Oil Step 3/" target="_blank"> 300w" width="500" />
  • After the settling period of 14 days, you can strain the mixture to remove the oil from the leaves and place the oil into another sanitized jar with a twist lid.
  • You can store this oregano oil in a cool and dark place, such as a pantry, clearly labeled to avoid any misconsumption.

How To Use Oil Of Oregano

Add 2 to 3 drops of the oregano oil onto a sterile gauze pad or muslin square and apply to the affected area of your skin.

Ensure that you only touch the skin affected by the candida and avoid spreading the fungus over any nearby healthy skin.

You may need to apply the oregano oil two or three times per day over a few weeks before you begin to see some improvement in the affected area.


Oregano is a herb that hosts some potent antifungal and antimicrobial properties that, when prepared as an essential oil, can be incredibly helpful when dealing with the overproduction of the candida fungus.

Overproduction of candida can cause swelling, irritation, and discharge to exude from the affected area, which can be somewhat embarrassing and painful, and incredibly uncomfortable.

People who suffer from oral candidiasis are often those people who are immuno-compromised, very young infants or those people who take steroids for ailments like asthma.

There are many things you can eliminate from your diet to improve candida. These are all related to the element of sugar, which is found in carbohydrates and alcohol, for instance, and is known to be an accelerator of the fungus by feeding it to the point of overproduction.

The super-herb oregano has such powerful properties when used as an essential oil. It may help with the external irritation, inflammation, and redness that is caused as a result of the candida overproduction.

When the oregano oil is made with a carrier oil such as coconut, almond, or olive oil, there will also be added moisturizing properties derived from the oil. Additional moisturization may help improve the condition of the affected skin and aid the repair of the dermal layer once the fungus has been eradicated.



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